Free speech defenders

It is massively amusing to observe that the self-appointed defenders of free speech, the Oathcuckers, are now deleting most of the comments on their site because NavyCuck’s feckless attack on the Alt-Right is being so brutally mocked.

The Oathkeepers are intellectual, moral, and physical cowards, frightened little bitches who can’t even stand up to debate and criticism, much less open derision. And these cowardly losers are going to stand up to the might of the U.S. government when it orders them around? Right….

I condemn the violence and politics of the Antifa. I equally condemn those who promote racism and identity politics as a means to segregate the people of our nation, including NPI, Identity Evropa, Vanguard America, La Raza, The Muslim Brotherhood, The New Black Panther Party and Black Lives Matter Movement. I also condemn those in the media who refuse to reject the racists and white nationalists that have infected the “alt-right” movement.

Please do not even consider arguing with me about this. I will never change my position. If you chose to align yourself with the ideologies or organizations listed above, feel free to take me off your Christmas list. I will have nothing whatsoever to do with you. I will never share a foxhole with you. I will not entertain the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” arguments that so many in the patriot movement like to make. If forced to fight the hateful ideologies of the left, I will never consider the hateful ideologies of “white nationalists” and racists as an ally, so help me God.

Take note. Oathcuckers like NavyCuck have made it clear that they will never ally with the American posterity, the European nations, or Western civilization. They will never change their position because they will always be terrified by the possibility that someone, somewhere, somehow, will call them racist.

That is probably how the federal government will force them to forswear themselves. The cowards will do anything, including rounding-up and disarming the American people, if the alternative is being called racist.

We don’t need allies like that.

The Oathcucker’s Tale

This is a hilarious response to NavyCuck’s futile attempt to outcuck Erick Erickson and Rod Dreher with his brave appeal to civic nationalism and not calling NavyJack a racist:

I have watched, with no small degree of mounting disquiet, the insidious ascendance of these so-called “Alt-right” gangs since the election of President Trump. Beneath the thin veneer of seeking to protect “white” (whatever that means!) children, they are simply crude racialists, boors and ignoramases.

My son and I had the great misfortune of running afoul of some of these “Alt-right” thugs in March this year.

We had stopped by a local Dairy Queen for a blizzard after church. Apon entering the establishment, I spied a trio of burly young men in Trump hats at a corner table. I didn’t think anything of it, except to note that one of them was wearing a “Pepe the Frog” (a racist comic book character) tee-shirt, and another was clad in a “Bill Clinton Is A Rapist” garment. NOT what you hope to see in a family restaurant! The third wore a blue plaid shirt so I payed him little heed.

To cut a long story short, these ruffians rapidly took an unwelcome interest in me and my son, nudging each other, looking at us, and whispering among themselves. (I should point out that my son is African American, we adopted him from Eritrea through our church).

We ignored them, of course, but that only emboldened these miscreants to begin making hooting noises and laughing! At first I refused to believe my ears I was so appalled and furiously tried to get the attention of a member of staff.

Unfortunately it was a busy restaurant so I was forced to confront these chuckleheads directly.

I turned to them, showing my best death stare. “Do you ‘gentlemen’ (I put a sarcastic emphasis here) have a problem?”

“Yeah!” agreed the one in the ‘Pepe the Frog” shirt, “We don’t want your kind in here! Take your son back home to Iraq, we hate race-traitors like you, this is Trump country now!”

I was ready to call the cops immediately, but my son – who had endured this tirade with the silent dignity we’ve tried so hard to inculcate in him – suddenly spoke up.

“Sir,” he said, his voice clear and firm, “I believe you were addressing me, though I confess I am not fluent in vulgarian. You appear to be suffering from some logical fallacies, to wit:

“Firstly, “my kind”, as you so lewdly put it, is American. I *am* home, by the grace of God and the Constitution. Furthermore, my father is an elder in our church, not some sort of ‘traitor’.

“And finally, this is not ‘Trump country’. Not now, not ever. This is the United States of America, and while our First Amendment permits even cretins such as yourself freedom of speech, the Second Amendment also permits me to shoot you in the eye should you continue to commit racism. Now, begone!”

At some point during this, the entire Dairy Queen had fallen quiet, everyone listening to my son speak. Suddenly the restaurant erupted in wild applause. The racists went beetroot red (as red as their Trump hats, heh) and dashed out!

Then the manager came over and told us the next time we wanted a blizzard, it was on the house. I was fighting back tears of pride.

And my son, who humbled those bigots with eloquence? He’s only 12 years old and an honors student.

Needless to say, we never saw those ‘Alt-right’ lummoxes again.

I laughed. I cried. Much better than Cats. It should be, but sadly is not, needless to say that the Oathcuckers are actively antithetical to the purpose of the very Constitution they claim to have sworn to defend. They are useless cucks, and I fully expect them to split in two in the very near future, as the genuine American nationalists in the organization learn that the civic nationalists are functional allies of the globalists and multiculturalists.

UPDATE: Now the VFM are joining in the fun.

Nate Boomer 27 June, 2017, 09:17

God bless you sir. Racists are worse than the demonkrats. I’d prefer a million constitutional conservative muslims over a single white racist NAZI. We fought ww2 to beat them and this is a nation of immigrants, a melting pot of FREEDOM. I don’t care if you’re white, black, brown, as long as you bleed RED WHITE AND BLUE.

Labrador Searcher 27 June, 2017, 11:52

I wish I could have been at that Dairy Queen. I’d have clapped my rear end off. Jolly good show! I’m trying to inculcate my three daughters with the idea that it doesn’t matter what color their future husband is. As long as they take care of their family, and are a good father. That eliminates a lot of potential suitors but that’s OK. Only the best for my girls.

Don’t these people ever stop to think when they see the statue of Liberty? Don’t they get what huddle masses means? Those people are yearning to breathe free, and they don’t mean any ill will to Americans, white or otherwise.

Rabbi B 27 June, 2017, 12:10

I am a proud Jewish-American and I am proud to stand with you in disavowing the anti-Semitism of the alt-Right in hopes of preserving what’s left of our precious Judeo-Christian heritage to which the alt-right poses a very clear and present danger. Jesus was a Jew, right? I mean, what would Jesus think of the alt-right? Probably make a whip of cords and drive them out just like the money-changers in the Temple, would be my guess.

I mean Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish for God’s sake?!!?? Hypocrisy much? And, just where do these haters think this this country would be if it weren’t for the contributions of the Jews, even though we make up only .001% of the population? The Jews are the canary in the gold mine. America needs to wake up. Thanks again, Navy Jack. You’re a real mensch!

Mailvox: the importance of posterity

Tublecane explores the implications of the historically correct interpretation of “posterity” in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:

I don’t want to put words in Vox’s mouth, but the upshot is the Proposition Nation doesn’t exist. There is an American nation, but it has no power, and probably can’t be restored. The U.S. government, which associates itself with the idea of a nation, doesn’t have any such foundation.

The sine qua non of Voxism on the contemporary National Question, if I may be so bold as to assert it, is that we’re headed for social and political disaster. The Frankenstein’s Monster “nation” of the U.S.A. will fail and be eaten up by the bad sort of identity politics. The destructive tribalism is promoted and officially sanctioned by multiculturalism, and permitted, whether with or against its knowledge or will, by civic nationalism, Proposition Nationalism, Nation of Immigrantism, etc.

The practical solution is to, above all else, abandon the dead end of civic nationalism, which is a false creed. The posterity issue doesn’t prove that fact, but it is rhetorically useful in helping to swat it down. Then, I think, the idea is to reform in smaller groups and start nation-building for reelz.

That is a reasonable summary, although I would say that the correct definition of posterity is useful in demolishing the false rhetoric of the civic nationalists used to justify their civic nationalism rather than say that it swats down civic nationalism per se. What will actually destroy civic nationalism is the societally destructive results of immigration, multiculturalism, and globalism proving the concept false.

I would also be remiss if I failed to point out that one error the civic nationalists insist on making over and over and over again is to conflate the genetic nation with the legal state, and to confuse posterity with the possession of state paperwork. One obvious sign that a civic nationalist is doing this is that they will refer to laws and court decisions in a categorically erroneous attempt to rebut historical and scientific facts.

The cost of virtue signaling

Some people were feeling sorry for a musician who had a $6k guitar destroyed. Then they found out what happened:

For those of you who do not know we took in 4 Dominican Republic students for the summer. We went through the Houston Embassy and United Travel out of San Marcos Texas. That is who we believe did all this damage to our personal property. With that being said here are the accounts of what happened the last few days……..We called the police after finding quite a bit vandalism damage to the interior of our house. In our front foyer we noticed all of our eyes blackened out in our family picture wall to include our 4 children by a permanent marker symbolizing a voodoo curse put upon our home and children.

Next was a precious moments preacher collectable taken from the back of the curio cabinet collection of about 150 figurines with its head ripped off and purposely set in plain sight on the kitchen table for all to see. Only one was pulled out and had its head ripped out..”The Preacher”. The only religious figurine in the bunch.

Next was our cabinet door in the kitchen ripped out from the wall. Digging further the washer was marked up with permanent marker. We then noticed permanent marker scribbled on the outside of my acoustic guitar. We then opened the case and found my most precious thing that i own. My limited edition signature cut- away Doyle Dykes Taylor was smashed and put back in its place very meticulously. At the time of the police interview in our house. The police stated he felt all of the boys were being deceitful. Their stories were not matching up.

In conclusion prior discussions with the boys on there rent being too high for them and all of there other friends are paying $325 a month. They wanted their rent reduced to what their friends were paying. I did not move on the rent discussion but i did reduce to paying for their laundry down to zero. Again they stated all of there friends are getting laundry included in there rent of $325.

As far as we are concerned they can leave or transfer to another location at their own expense. No money will be returned to any of them. One of them or all of them vandalized my house. They all deny it!!…i blame them all and no one gets any money back or any of their deposit. We prefer they get out asap at their own expense. If they do not leave i will file in court on Monday an “Emergency Exparte” to have them physically taken out of our home by police force siting we are in fear for our safety and our children’s safety.

Reality will always eventually intrude, no matter how firmly you are determined to believe in unicorns. Or equality.

They broke their oaths

Oathkeepers are no more keeping their oaths to defend the American Constitution and thereby secure the Blessings of Liberty to the posterity of the People of the United States than conservatives have conserved anything.

Rich @itswildrich
White Nationalism – the radically “racist” idea that Whites have a right to preserve their homelands and culture. Just like everybody else.

Oath Keepers‏ @Oathkeepers
That is NOT what white nationalism is all about. They advocate ‘saving’ their race at expense of harming innocents; i.e. anyone not white.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday  now
Why do you support the elimination of American posterity? A nation is a people, not borders or an idea. You have failed your oaths.

They have broken their oaths. They are rightly dismissed with contempt as “Oathcuckers”. They may not like to hear that, but it is obvious to anyone who understands the purpose of the Constitution they are sworn to uphold.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Posterity is not an idea. Posterity is not geography. Posterity is not paperwork. Posterity is descendance and DNA. Far too many U.S. citizens today are no more the posterity of We the People than they are of the Iroquois, the Cherokee, or the Mohicans, whose ancestral lands they now inhabit.

Mailvox: nationalism and the Church

A Christian sent this to his naturalized, Canadian-born anti-nationalist pastor. It’s interesting how often those who deny identity nevertheless exhibit it in their ideology, and how observably dishonest they are every step along their broad and easy stroll towards worldy approval.

I was moved to provide some response to this Sunday’s sermon on America, patriotism, and nationalism.  I’ll just go through the line items:

The referenced survey of pastors was based on perceptions of the pastors, of congregants, rather than asking congregants directly about their attitudes.  One could draw generalized perceptions regarding any aspect of people’s lives: sports, hobbies, money, work, etc.  The survey is a questionable gage of the real spiritual situation, in my own opinion.

We honor our veterans on Memorial Day and celebrate the country we were blessed with because we are grateful for the freedom we have to worship – which is not available to most of the world.  Veterans have put their very own lives on the line defending it.  This is not true of doctors, teachers, etc.  But it’s a stretch to equate this to idol worship.  This is generally only done a few select holidays a year, not every Sunday.  

When Paul says he counts his other identities as nothing compared to his belonging to Christ, there’s a rhetorical element to what he is saying.  It doesn’t mean that he no longer has responsibilities to his family or his society, as a father, or a citizen, etc.  Are we to argue that all other civic bonds, associations, loyalties should be thrown out as a result of being a Christian – or are they just simply subservient to our Christian ones?

“Love your neighbor as yourself” – who IS your neighbor?  Are you certain of just who Jesus defines to be our “neighbor”?  If everyone is my neighbor, than no one is my neighbor, in the same way that loyalty to everyone is loyalty to no one.

To say that we have more unity with an Ethiopian christian, than say, a biological/ethnic kinsman who is an unbeliever is certainly true in the spiritual sense.  But it stretches credulity when taken to its absolute logical conclusion in an earthly practical sense.

Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and specifically for those of his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever”

You state that nationalism means “thinking you’re superior to others”.  This is a mischaracterization if not a demonization of the term.  Nationalism simply means taking care of your own as an extension of Timothy 5:8.  Nations are, by the Bible’s own portrayal, extended genetic families, just like Israel. He Himself ordained them when he scattered and divided humanity at Babel.

To do away with this concept may suggest that I’m not supposed to care about my child any more than I should care about any random person anywhere on earth.  Do you believe that?  If not, where is the dividing line?

On “America First”: It’s a political term to urge our leaders to make trade deals, treaties, etc. that are in the best interest of the citizens of our country. I would expect that Canadian citizens should say “Canada first,” Moroccan citizens “Morocco first,” etc.

Americans give more to foreign charitable aid efforts worldwide than any other country, yet we have people suffering materially and spiritually in our own country.  Would you care for your own suffering child first – or seek out someone else’s child?  How can we successfully help others if our own foundation has crumbled?

We live in a time where global capitalism is spawning runaway materialism, degeneracy is cultivated by curated mass-media pop culture, and Christian societies are being atomized through mass immigration and urbanization.  It’s interesting to me that with all of these things the church could be addressing, you attack the natural defense mechanisms against these very things.  It is because we are Christians, that we care about addressing these things not just spiritually, but also materially through political action.

Re Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr: Our spiritual leaders should be speaking out about the direction the country should be going – social issues, etc. One of the reasons we’re in the mess we’re in is because they have not!  Most of them have instead chosen to bite their tongue, or water down their messages, and market their church with graphic art and praise bands, failing in their primary duty to steer our society away from its ongoing decay, by promoting both the sufficiency of the Gospel and Truth.

They don’t like activism no more

Two right-wing activists disrupt the Trump assassination fantasy play, much to the dismay of the Washington Post and cuckservatives alike.

Arts and Entertainment
Pro-Trump protester arrested after rushing stage at controversial ‘Julius Caesar’ production in New York

Two right-wing activists interrupted the Friday evening performance of a controversial production of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” in New York’s Central Park, causing a stir on social media — where numerous videos of the protest proliferated — and resulting in one woman’s arrest.

In the videos, a woman identified as Laura Loomer, an employee of the far-right website Rebel Media, can be seen storming the stage during the scene of the title character’s assassination, shouting “Stop the normalization of political violence against the right! This is unacceptable!

The production of “Julius Caesar,” part of the popular free Shakespeare in the Park summer series at the park’s Delacorte Theater, has attracted controversy over its depiction of the title character, who resembles President Trump.

Some audience members yelled at Loomer to “get off the stage!” Soon, several security guards escorted her out of the theater amid shouts and boos from the audience.

Within the commotion, a second pro-Trump protester, Jack Posobiec, can be seen standing and yelling in the audience, “You are all Goebbels!” and “The blood of Steve Scalise is on your hands!” in reference to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and to a shooting at a Virginia baseball field earlier in the week that critically injured Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).

Needless to say, the cuckservatives were the first to denounce this terrible blow to American civility, which ruffled their bow ties as nothing has since the election of the God-Emperor.

David French‏@DavidAFrench
Anyone on the “right” who defends the BS that went down at the play tonight is showing themselves to be tribalist, not conservative.

Of course, we’re not conservatives. Conservatives are losers who couldn’t conserve the art of using the toilet, much less America. Conservatives are part of the very problem we are attempting to fix. We need to see more “pro-Trump protesters” and “far-right activists”.

Have you no shame, sir!

Once a butthurt gamma, always a butthurt gamma. They can never resist the chance to take a shot at the individual who gave them terminal badfeels.

The rise of the Alt-Right and the decreasing utility of shame is a serious shock to the cucks and virtue-signalers as well as to the SJWs. Don’t fear their disapproval, but to the contrary, court it.

John Piper celebrates mudsharking

I have gradually come to believe that John Piper may be the ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing. There is not a single tragedy, there is not a single dyscivic or dyscivilizational trend that he does not celebrate as God’s will or good Christian behavior in his mealy-mouthed manner:

Fifty years ago, on June 12, 1967, the United States Supreme Court declared unconstitutional all state laws that prohibited interracial marriage. The case was called Loving v. Virginia. Mildred Jeter (who was black and Native American) and Richard Loving (who was white) were married in 1958 in Washington, D.C. When they returned to their hometown of Richmond, Virginia, they were arrested. They pled guilty to “cohabiting as man and wife, against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth.”

This is a court decision worth celebrating. But far more important than the legalization of interracial marriage in one nation is the fact that God’s revealed will for the world is not undermined but advanced when a man and a woman from different ethnicities marry in Christ. That is a startling and controversial claim in the face of diverse opposition to interracial marriage in our own day. (The following quotes appear in Bloodlines, pages 204–205.)

From the black community, one spokesman says, “Interracial marriage undermines [African-Americans’] ability to introduce our children to black role models who accept their racial identity with pride.”

From the white community, another spokesman says, “We are seeing the death of the American and his replacement with a non-European type. . . . White people . . . are going to have to struggle mightily to survive the Neo-Melting Pot. . . . Call it what it is: Genocide and extinction of the white genotype.”

From the white evangelical community, another says, “I would never marry a black. Why? Because I believe God made the races, separated them, and set the bounds of their habitation (Deuteronomy 32:8; Acts 17:26). He made them uniquely different and intended that these distinctions remain.”

Against all of these objections, I believe it is as important as it ever has been that Christians settle it in their minds that interracial marriage in Christ is not only a beautiful picture of Christ’s marriage to his church, but also a flesh-and-blood incarnation of the unity Christ achieved by his death and resurrection….

The freedom and the beauty and peace of interracial marriage is one ray of the glory of Christ that should be shining from this new humanity — this “chosen race” (1 Peter 2:9) — which Jesus Christ died and rose again to create.

That’s right up there with “Tornadoes are Christ’s fingers being dragged across the land.” I have no doubt whatsoever that this depraved man is going to end up by endorsing Islam as “a beautiful, glorious demonstration of Christ’s love for the Messenger of God, may peace be upon him”. Frankly, it’s a surprise that he hasn’t changed his position on women in the pulpit yet. If he lives another five years, I expect he will.

I have always been convinced that the Calvinists are absolutely and utterly wrong when it comes to theology. And every single time I read something John Piper has written, it underlines my opinion in that regard.

After all, what can be a more beautiful picture of Christianity than white women working to support their black husbands – 98 percent of whom do not financially support their mixed-race children – when they aren’t strangling or beating them to death? A reader writes of learning that a former college girlfriend recently enjoyed the freedom and beauty and peace of paying the toll:

Witnessing the blueprint of the problems often discussed in this corner of the web unfold in person is sobering. Looking back, as a mid 20’s guy who wasn’t redpilled until my senior year of college, and as even more so as a recently converted Christian: the immensity of how truly evil those forcing this upon the world are has finally hit me. A true modern liberal fairy tale. Happy ending and all. Upper middle class white woman goes to college, does well at first, but the school has the exact effect its intended to have. A corrosive concoction of drugs and dick lead to her having to leave and live at home her junior year. I lost touch with her for about two years, but I actually caught up with her a few months before this and she had more or less gotten her act together. But alas, past actions have consequences in the present. And in this reality sleeping with a historically violent black whose concept of forensic science leads him to believe leaving his underwear in the washing machine after a rape-murder is sufficient cover leads to the well-documented results.

Can’t you just feel the rays of the glory of Christ shining from that new humanity?

CNN cans Aslan

It took them a while, but CNN finally did the right thing:

CNN has dropped host Reza Aslan days after he called President Donald Trump a ‘piece of s***’ on Twitter.

‘CNN has decided to not move forward with production on the acquired series “Believer with Reza Aslan,”‘ the network said in a statement. ‘We wish Reza and his production team all the best.’

Aslan issued an apology on Sunday after he slammed Trump on Twitter for emphasizing the need for his travel ban in the wake of the London Bridge attacks.

Aslan called Trump a ‘piece of s***’ after the president responded to the London Bridge attacks by tweeting: ‘We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!’

On Sunday afternoon, the author and religious scholar apologized, tweeting: ‘I should not have used a profanity to describe the President when responding to his shocking reaction to the London Attacks.’

He also attached his full statement, which read: ‘When in the first few minutes of the terror attack in London, the President of the United States tweeted about his travel ban, I lost my cool and responded to him in a derogatory fashion.

‘That’s not like me. I should have used better language to express my shock and frustration at the president’s lack of decorum and sympathy for the victims of London. I apologize for my choice of words.’…

Apparently apologies aren’t working for SJWs either these days. The lesson: reprisals work. If the Right had responded by defending Aslan’s free speech rights, he’d still have his job as a propagandist with a major platform.

Always hold the enemy up to their own standards. They don’t share your standards, so they can’t claim the protection of them.

Sadly, as always, conservatives don’t understand how to fight or how to win. Nothing – literally nothing – is more important to them than to be seen taking what they foolishly believe to be “the high road”.

Fox News host Sean Hannity stepped in and defended the host, writing: ‘Reza calling the @POTUS a POS is bad form. Calling me the same fair game. I do not think you should be fired. You apologized #FreeSpeech’ 

Never grant your enemy the benefit of your superior standards when he does not recognize them. Play by the rules of his game.