Of NR and NPR

Today’s Fun With Twitter stars the estimable J. Goldberg:

TWTIsCancer @twt_cancer
Here is better advice.  Put an end to funding anything related to NPR, that will help President Trump win even more.

Jonah Goldberg‏ @JonahNRO
I think this person thinks National Review = NPR.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
In fairness, you guys have been moving that way for decades now. It’s getting harder to tell the difference.

Jonah Goldberg‏ @JonahNRO
Uh huh. You’re trying too hard, Vox.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Not at all. Look at everything from gay marriage to opposing the GOP candidate. If NPR hadn’t moved further left, NR would have caught up.