Neocons 2.0

When I said it’s not punching right to criticize the Alt-Reichtards, I had no idea how correct I was:

Only a year ago, white supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, was said to be a supporter of former President Obama and the Occupy movement. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month then-candidate Donald Trump won the presidential election. In November, 2016, Kessler displayed a rightward shift according to SPLC during an attack on Charlottesville vice mayor Wes Bellamy who posted racist and vulgar tweets in 2011 and 2012.

Didn’t we already go through this once before? How did that turn out for the Right?
Now, I’m all in favor of people seeing the light and all, but perhaps accepting these enthusiastic newcomers in positions of leadership is not the wisest course of action. Especially when they have shown that they are manifestly unprepared for it. I’m not saying there is no place for them on the Right, merely that one should think twice, or perhaps three times, before placing any confidence in them.
Criticizing these guys isn’t punching right. There are birds in my yard that have been right-wing longer than them. They are not even to the right of the average cuckservative. This may explain why, when I had Richard Spencer on Brainstorm, we were all surprised to discover that he was to nearly everyone’s left.
Identity politics are in the process of replacing ideology politics, but that means that ideology is no longer the sole metric, not that it is entirely irrelevant.

Ben Shapiro’s Twitterfesto

The Littlest Chickenhawk’s take on the Alt-Right. He’s concerned about the media lumping him in with us. To be fair, he’s right. He’s not one of us.

The so-called alt-right is an evil movement having nothing to do with – and actively opposing – Constitutional conservatism. (1)
They’ve done an excellent job, with the media’s ignorant help, of portraying themselves as large and powerful (2)
And broadening their definition to include anyone who is anti-establishment or just likes memes. That’s not what they are. (3)
The alt-right has a very definite philosophy, articulated by people like Spencer, Taylor, and Vox Day (4)
And excused and popularized by people like Milo YIannopoulos. They were successful online in convincing key figures that they were (5)
An important constituency. Immoral politicians and advisors then made the conscious decision not to carve them off. (6)
Yes, that includes Trump and Bannon. (7)
Three elements assure their continued growth: pandering politicians and media figures catering to or ignoring them; (8)
Left-wingers labeling all right-wingers alt-right and therefore leading innocent people to believe that alt-right Judy means right; (9)
And left-wing violent groups like Antifa that drive fools into the belief that anyone who fights Antifa is necessarily an ally. (10)
We’re watching a tiny microcosm replay of brownshirts vs. reds in Weimar Germany. They’re even carrying the same flags. (11)
And leadership in media and especially the White House must actively and thunderously condemn the evil we’re watching metastasize. (END)

That’s all more or less true, up until point 8. We’re not dependent upon politicians and media figures catering to and ignoring us. That doesn’t even make sense. The best thing that ever happened to the Alt-Right was being actively denounced by Hillary Clinton.
And our continued growth is assured, not due to points 8, 9, and 10, but because Ben, and the cuckservatives, and the constitutional conservatives will not lift a finger to defend white Americans, or the European nations, from the globalist demographic assault of the last 52 years. To the contrary, they support that ongoing assault, with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Moderates are worse than useless

When the chips are down and their vote counts, they will ALWAYS find a way to take the enemy’s side against their own.

A months-long effort by Senate Republicans to pass health legislation collapsed early Friday after GOP Senator John McCain joined two of his colleagues to block a stripped-down Obamacare repeal bill.

“I regret that our efforts were simply not enough, this time,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor after the vote. “This is clearly a disappointing moment. It’s time to move on,” he added after pulling the bill from the floor.

The decision by McCain to vote no came after weeks of brinkmanship and after his dramatic return from cancer treatment to cast the 50th vote to start debate on the bill earlier this week. The GOP’s ‘skinny’ repeal bill was defeated 49-51, falling just short of the 50 votes needed to advance it. Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski also voted against it.

It wasn’t immediately clear what the next steps would be for the Republicans. The repeal effort had appeared to collapse several times before, only to be revived. And several Republicans pleaded for their colleagues not to give up, even as President Donald Trump blasted the vote.

“3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down, As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!” he wrote on Twitter at 2:25 am Washington time.

But McConnell has struggled to find a compromise that satisfies conservatives, who have demanded a wholesale repeal of Obamacare, and moderates, who have been unnerved by predictions the bill would significantly boost the ranks of uninsured Americans.

Moderates serve one purpose and one purpose only: to prevent their own side from winning. This is why you should swiftly eject them from any activity that you wish to accomplish anything.

How do you identify the moderate? Easy. He, or as is more often the case, she, will be the one who is always talking about “reaching out” and how the other side will feel or react. Even when moderates are in their putative fire-breathing mode, they will be talking about how the other side’s head will explode or some other such nonsense. They never have any interest in actual objectives or how to attain them. Believe it or not, moderates actually take pride in changing sides and preventing their team from winning, because being unreliable and treacherous somehow proves the nobility of their principles and independence of their judgment.

Just look at how Weasel John McCuck was “leading the fight to stop Obamacare” before he was voting with the Democrats to save it. Never, ever, permit a moderate to have a leadership position. And if you can’t prevent it, refuse to support the organization or the effort until he is removed.

Diasporans, cucks, and free speech

This is a bit disjointed, but that is an unavoidable consequence of the second article’s lurching from one topic to another. First, demographics has its consequences: the inevitable divide between increasingly religious right-wing Israelis and increasingly secular left-wing Diasporans in the US is growing, if Haaretz is to be believed.

The basis for Netanyahu’s diplomatic activism is his assessment that America is growing weaker and gradually withdrawing from the Middle East. The visit to Haifa Port by the aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush, the first such visit since the beginning of the second intifada, doesn’t change the overall trend.

Oil is cheaper, and America no longer depends on the Middle East for its supply. Public opinion is isolationist, opposed to wars far from home. America’s internal rifts are deep and getting wider, and Netanyahu has taken the conservative side without even a pretense of bipartisanism. Perhaps bipartisan support is no longer even possible when Americans are so divided over everything. It’s better to have the Republicans’ support, since their control of Congress seems unassailable.

Netanyahu sees the Christian community as Israel’s most important bastion of support in America, alongside Orthodox Jews. His recent decisions against the Reform and Conservative movements – canceling the Western Wall deal and advancing the conversion bill – reflect a strategic disengagement from liberal American Jews.

This wasn’t a caprice caused by momentary pressure from Israel’s ultra-Orthodox parties, but a calculated decision that won almost wall-to-wall support in the cabinet. Netanyahu’s circle sees liberal Jewry as a transient phenomenon that will disappear on its own in another generation due to intermarriage and disinterest in Jewish tradition or Israel.

For years, liberal Jews have threatened to break with Israel if it continues discriminating against their denominations, and some have also vocally opposed the unending occupation of the territories. They didn’t expect a right-wing Israeli government to break with them first.

Whether the divide is real or not – and it probably is, many liberal Diasporans hate Netanyahu as much as they hate Trump – Netanyahu would be well-advised to rein in AIPAC and encourage the Israel Firsters in the U.S. Senate and Congress to abandon the proposed anti-American law S. 720, presently co-sponsored by 43 U.S. Senators of both parties, and supported by 234 Representatives. It is a tone-deaf action that is absolutely guaranteed to backfire on Israel… unless Netanyahu is playing a deep game and intends to make life in the USA less comfortable for the diaspora.

Amazingly, even the pro-Israel cucks at National Review understand that the proposed law is a terrible idea, and to their credit, have come out against it. Of course, they couldn’t help but try to take the opportunity to tangent into taking shots at the pro-free speech Alt-Lite in the meantime.

Sometimes in the course of our political life, someone proposes something so mind-bogglingly stupid that it’s hard to know exactly what to say about it. Senate Bill 720 is one of those things. Over the past few years, a small but prominent movement has cropped up, using the age-old tactic of boycott to protest what it sees as Israel’s unjust occupation of territories that are assumed to belong rightfully to the Palestinians. Called “BDS” (boycott, divest, sanction) after the strategy it employs against the state of Israel and goods produced therein, it has acquired a certain notoriety on college campuses, not least for its uncomfortable associations with veritable anti-Semites.

Israel’s supporters in the Senate, justifiably seeing this as a problem, have come up with an innovative solution: Make participation in BDS or other boycotts of Israel a felony, punishable by enormous fines and up to two decades in prison. The Israel Anti-Boycott Act enjoys remarkable bipartisan support: It’s not often you can get Ted Cruz and Ben Sasse to sign onto a measure alongside Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. Its proponents number 43 in the Senate and 234 in the House….

And, yes, when it comes to Mike Cernovich and Milo Yiannopoulos or Tomi Lahren, that’s more or less correct; they really are distasteful hypocrites who care not one bit about free speech and who use the principle instead to advance their particular cause. They are of the new breed of conservatism that views its primary goal as melting special snowflakes and doesn’t give much of a damn about anything beyond that. But we knew that already; we’ve always known they’re unprincipled actors seeking only to aggrandize themselves.

Their silence on Lisa Durden tells us nothing new or interesting about their character. Their place in the intellectual debate over free speech is marginal in any case, and what really matters is not what they think but what the more rational, principled minds of the Right and center say.

I tend to suspect their “silence on Lisa Durden” is because a) what is an Essex College? and b) who is Tyler Lisa Durden? There are massive violations of free speech every single day; most of us are far more concerned about Patreon shutting down Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone for their defense of Europe than we are about some employee of a minor college that no one has ever heard of being held accountable by her employer. Why aren’t these more rational, principled minds of the right and center speaking out against Patreon? I guess they must be distasteful hypocrites who care not one bit about free speech….

And it is downright bizarre to see National Review – NATIONAL REVIEW – questioning the principles of others who actually fight the Left when their only observed principles involve a) gracefully going down to noble defeat and b) not overly upsetting the editorial page of the New York Times. But to return to the point, if you’ve lost the cucks, you’ve lost everyone.

The Alt-Right is inevitable, even in Israel, as it is in every nation that wishes to survive the 21st century.

Grow a spine, cucky

When are conservatives going to stop clucking and cucking, wringing their hands, and lionizing noble surrender rather than wholeheartedly supporting the Right That Fights?

Over the weekend, the hashtag #CNNDirt popped up in my timeline. I clicked on it and found that a Trump operative named Jack Posobiec had come up with a very simple and cost-free method of digging up dirt on current CNN employees–punch CNN into the search function of Linked In, then sift through the personal Twitter accounts attached to CNN employees’ Linked In accounts.

It didn’t take him long to find a CNN editor who’d tweeted out rape jokes and comments about how watching the movie, Roots, made him hate white people. The editor quickly locked his account, but the tweets had, of course, been preserved with screen shots.

I’m not going to name the guy here. He’s not an on-air personality. But I would like to point out that this is a natural and predictable outcome of the war on privacy and free speech that CNN journalists began when they decided to hunt down a Reddit user and threaten to expose him simply for posting a tweet that poked fun at their organization.

Low level, behind-the-scenes CNN employees now find themselves in exactly the position in which their management and on-air people have put conservative America–one of fear, frustration and worry that anything said on social media that could be construed as offensive will be used mercilessly by partisans to damage their careers and livelihoods.

This is not the world I want to live in. When I first saw that they’d embarrassed this guy, I laughed. I thought he was an on-air personality and at least a minor political player. After I realized he was just an editor, I cringed a little. I can’t bring myself to endorse it, but neither can I condemn it. This is what they’ve done to time and time again us and they won’t stop. What alternative is there?

Reprisals are intrinsically fair and just. Reporters and editors deserve being investigated as deeply, and treated every bit as brutally, as they treat the members of the public they target. This is a cultural war, not a cultural tea party. For the record, the CNN employee mentioned was Rashard Elijah, rashard_elijah on Twitter, who demonstrated his racial sensitivity, commitment to social justice, and fine command of the English language in tweets such as these.

And, of course, we know why Jack Posobiec was targeted by the All Defamatory Lies hit list. Because he is among the most effective culture warriors in the Alt Lite.

This is called “missing the point”

The irony, it burns.

It’s sobering to consider the degree to which we have lost our knowledge of and connection to our American heritage. As a result, William B. Allen notes that we have been transitioning increasingly from a society of “independent yeomen” to a society of “wards of the state.” The challenge before us is to determine whether we can rediscover our heritage, and relearn the requirements for becoming good and free citizens while also reclaiming the sovereignty we have ceded to the state.

The first step toward recovery, after our recent celebration of the 241st anniversary of our Declaration of Independence, is to remind ourselves of its unique proposition that because we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, equality and our common commitment to the political implications of that equality—not race and blood—are the founding principles of our nation.

We’ve lost our knowledge of and connection to American heritage because many, if not most, US citizens are not Americans by any definition except paperwork. It shouldn’t be surprising that Germans, Irish, Italians, Jews, Mexicans, and Chinese never had any interest or ability to transform themselves into the independent yeomen who historically existed only in England prior to the establishment of the United States by predominantly English settlers.

You cannot rediscover a heritage that isn’t yours. You can’t become “American” by a sheer effort of will any more than you can become “Japanese” or “Jewish” that way, no matter how much you like football, sushi, or matzo ball soup. All you can do is decide what your society is to become and then do your best to make it that way. There is no going back in time, so the only possible direction is forward.

Of NR and NPR

Today’s Fun With Twitter stars the estimable J. Goldberg:

TWTIsCancer @twt_cancer
Here is better advice.  Put an end to funding anything related to NPR, that will help President Trump win even more.

Jonah Goldberg‏ @JonahNRO
I think this person thinks National Review = NPR.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
In fairness, you guys have been moving that way for decades now. It’s getting harder to tell the difference.

Jonah Goldberg‏ @JonahNRO
Uh huh. You’re trying too hard, Vox.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
Not at all. Look at everything from gay marriage to opposing the GOP candidate. If NPR hadn’t moved further left, NR would have caught up.

The transformation of the GOP

It is shocking – absolutely shocking – to discover that a model minority named “Avik Roy” is opposed to the transformation of the Republican Party from a conservative party to a nationalist party:

 Avik Roy is a Republican’s Republican. A health care wonk and editor at Forbes, he has worked for three Republican presidential hopefuls — Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Marco Rubio. Much of his adult life has been dedicated to advancing the Republican Party and conservative ideals.

But when I caught up with Roy at a bar just outside the Republican convention, he said something I’ve never heard from an establishment conservative before: The Grand Old Party is going to die.

“I don’t think the Republican Party and the conservative movement are capable of reforming themselves in an incremental and gradual way,” he said. “There’s going to be a disruption.”

Roy isn’t happy about this: He believes it means the Democrats will dominate national American politics for some time. But he also believes the Republican Party has lost its right to govern, because it is driven by white nationalism rather than a true commitment to equality for all Americans.

“Until the conservative movement can stand up and live by that principle, it will not have the moral authority to lead the country,” he told me.

This is a standard assessment among liberals, but it is frankly shocking to hear from a prominent conservative thinker. Our conversation had the air of a confessional: of Roy admitting that he and his intellectual comrades had gone wrong, had failed, had sinned.

But this is not why the Republican Party will die, it is why the conservative movement has lost control of the Republican Party, and why the conservative movement will die. Since when was the primary objective of the Republican Party, the USA, or the Constitution “a true commitment to equality for all Americans”, particularly in a world where “Americans” can be born anywhere? And it is nonsense to claim a political party should be driven by a commitment to something that does not exist; Roy might as reasonably decry the failure of the Republican commitment to unicorns.

The irony, as usual, is that Roy is practicing the very identity politics he decries. He’s opposed to American nationalism because he isn’t an American, he’s just a paperwork facsimile. And he’s wrong, of course, because the Democrats are not going to dominate American politics, because the more the demographics shift against white Americans, the more strongly they are going to be forced to band together in their own self-interest and defense.

The reality is that Roy is going to become a Democrat, just like all the other so-called conservatives whose identity is non-white. Because people like him have been practicing identity politics all along, they’ve just been doing so under cover of equalitarian ideology.

Spare him the fainting couches

Kurt Schlichter is done with the bow-tied crowd and their principled conservatism:

I think it was mildly amusing that some loud right-wingers spent a minute disrupting a bunch of New York liberals’ conservative murder porn party.

There, I said it. And now, according to some people on the conservative side, I’m not a conservative anymore.

Oh. Well, if conservatism has morphed into a human centipede of onanistic purity-signaling, then you fussy guardians of the word can have it.

Now, there is a coherent and reasonable argument that hitting back liberals with a taste of their own medicine – that is, inflicting upon them a microscopic fraction of what they have spent decades inflicting upon us – is a bad idea. People I respect and who are friends adhere to this view. I’ve listened to their opinions – because they have earned my attention – and they are wrong….

First, the “If it’s wrong for them to do it to us, then it’s wrong if we do it to them” formulation is less a principle than a tired cliché. This minor disruption was a tactic; shouting was a tool. It is moral for the good guys – and we are the good guys – to use tactics and tools against an enemy that are immoral when they do it. It was immoral for the Nazis to bomb London; it was moral for us to bomb Nazis. Of course every tactic and tool is not acceptable, but the guys who stormed Omaha Beach did not “become what they were fighting” because they used the same tools and tactics as the enemy.

Second, this sort of performance art is so harmless that the cost/benefit calculus weighs in favor of tolerating such occasional inconveniences. That’s not to say we should not impose higher costs on them – we disapprove of the firing of people for what they say, but Kathy Griffin’s defenestration was a sacrifice worth making to demonstrate the costs of liberal misbehavior. This is crucial. They must pay a cost for establishing their new rules.

Call it retribution or punishment or just payback, but causing pain to wrongdoers is a conservative principle we seem to have forgotten. The left needs to feel the pain that comes from their choices. If they want a world where people suffer for speaking, well, I prefer they didn’t, but I damn well know that if that’s the new rule, their side is going to get it shoved down their throat.

Welcome to the Alt-Lite. It’s a step in the right direction. What Alt Lite culture warriors like Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, and James O’Keefe are doing matters. And shaking off the self-imposed shackles of “conservative principles” is the first step towards actually engaging the enemy.

Threatening violence

This comment was left on this blog yesterday:

Black Oathkeeper June 27, 2017 6:40 PM
First off, I’m an Oathkeeper and a black conservative and if any of y’all said filth like “blacks are inherently violent” to my black face, I’d knock your rotten teeth out.

Ps: All y’all from Vox Day who spammed our website today, just know we have your IP address and have passed it along to the authorities. Many in law enforcement are VERY interested in racist groups like the Alt-Right.

At first, we assumed that it was a troll pretending to be an Oathkeeper, given the absurd posturing of the commenter and the inaccurate information it contained. But then we looked up the IP address of the commenter and learned that it pointed to Hamilton, Montana. A search for Oathkeepers connected to Montana revealed that one of the members of their Board of Directors, Greg McWhirter, is a Montana resident.

Greg McWhirter was born and raised in the inner city of Indianapolis. He served as a Marion County for 11 years until 2015, when he took a law enforcement position in Montana.

Of course, Montana is a big state. But a little more searching revealed a Gregory McWhirter who lives in Hamilton, Montana, and previously lived in Indianapolis.

Gregory Mcwhirter
Lives in Hamilton MT
Used to live in Hamilton MT, Indianapolis IN

It looks as if we may have our culprit. I have contacted two of the Oathkeepers’ Directors today to ask them to investigate the incident, and, if Mr. McWhirter is indeed determined to be the responsible party, learn if they endorse this kind of behavior on the part of their Directors. Depending upon their response, we may also consider lodging a complaint with the Hamilton police concerning what appears to be a violation of Montana’s privacy in communications act.

45-8-213. Privacy in communications. (1) “Except as provided in 69-6-104, a person commits the offense of violating privacy in communications if the person knowingly or purpose”
(a) “with the purpose to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend, communicates with a person by telephone or electronic mail and uses obscene, lewd, or profane language, suggests a lewd or lascivious act, or threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to the person or property of the person. The use of obscene, lewd, or profane language or the making of a threat or lewd or lascivious suggestions is prima facie evidence of an intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend.”

UPDATE: I have heard back from Oathkeepers. They assure me that they will be discussing this matter with the Board of Directors.