Republicans never learn

The cucks are eager to bury Steve Bannon in light of Roy Moore’s apparent defeat in the Alabama special election:

The big loser in Tuesday’s Alabama’s special Senate election was not the Republican Party. They had already lost weeks ago, the moment the Washington Post wrote their (carefully vetted, in this instance) exposé of the thirty-year-old sexual proclivities of Judge Roy Moore.

It was checkmate from the start.  In this #MeToo era with politicians flying out the window as fast as you can say Conyers and Franken, the Republicans were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t — support Moore, that is.  And Moore didn’t do himself any favors with an execrable performance during an interview with Sean Hannity shortly after the allegations. He was, to put it mildly, not ready for prime time. To be honest, Moore sounded pretty dopey, even if he was innocent, which he didn’t come close to proving.

In many ways, the Republicans are lucky not to have Moore to deal with in Congress.  They can face obvious White House aspirant Kirsten Gillibrand and her merry band of hypocrites with a straight face.

No, the big loser Tuesday is Steve Bannon, the sometime movie producer cum finance expert cum political strategist that some claim put Donald Trump in office and then left the White House to better support the president from without, or so he said. In this instance — purportedly to do that, I guess — he went against Trump, who originally backed the more establishment candidate Luther Strange, to back one of Bannon’s own, Judge Moore.

Moore would have won if the cucks and the Republican establishment hadn’t joined forces with the Democrats to bury him. Now the cucks are crowing, cuckishly, in the belief that they have managed to turn back the nationalist, populist tide. After all, a defeat in the reddest of so-called “Red States” means that America is back to business as usual, right?

Wrong. All this new Tripartite Alliance accomplished was to alert millions of Americans that the Republicans and the Democrats are a single bi-factional ruling party whose interests are diametrically opposed to American interests. It also underlined the obvious fact that there will be no political solution to the identity politics that divide the American nation from the various other nations now striving for control of the imperial capital.

We are now one small step closer to the dissolution of the US empire. Not because Roy Moore was going to prevent, or even delay, that, but because the complete charade of representative democracy is that much more apparent to average Americans. We can safely anticipate more women, boys, and animals coming forward, decades later, in every election that the Democrats feel they have to win. The ever-forgetful media will be exultant over its restored electoral veto, unaware that there are now investigative reporters and information channels that are entirely outside its control.

Steve Bannon isn’t going anywhere. Neither is the God-Emperor. And neither of them has even seriously begun to fight. And then, there is the fact that the special election is not actually over.

Please stop

Starting? We’re not “starting” to hate them. And the rules of the game are what they are. Kurt Schlichter very somberly warns the Left that if they don’t stop doing what they’re doing, he’s going to have to warn them even more somberly again.

Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules. The left did. It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

You can always tell a conservative who still hasn’t quite fully embraced the new reality. He just can’t resist the urge to issue dire warnings to the Left, desperately trying to convince them of the error of their ways or else. He still has to proclaim his preference for the older, more genteel, more civilized way. It’s tiresome. It’s tedious. Most of all, it’s pointless in a time of identity politics.

And yet, it shows that he is gradually getting where he has to go. He is starting to hate. The Alt-Right is inevitable; the ultimate success of the Alt-Right will be when the name disappears and the greater part of the 16 Points is simply synonymous with what it means to be Right.

Most of us aren’t “going to start hating” the Left. We started that a long, long time ago. I can’t even honestly say that I hate it anymore, at least, no more than I hate mold. The point is, you either get rid of the mold or you move somewhere else to get away from it. The one thing you do not do, the one thing you cannot do, is try to warn it, fix it, or coexist with it.

Conservatives simply don’t grasp that “please stop” is no more convincing than “please clap”.

Ted Cruz cucks again

I’m still amazed by the naivete of those who supported Ted Cruz in the primary. How they could not see him for the wretched little creature that he is was astonishing. His cucking for the GOPe’s Fake News campaign against Roy Moore, on the other hand, doesn’t surprise me at all:

Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday withdrew his support from Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore, saying allegations of sexual misconduct should be looked at by prosecutors.

“As it stands, I can’t urge the people of Alabama to support a campaign in the face of these charges without serious, persuasive demonstration that the charges are not true,” the Texas Republican told reporters, according to a Texas Tribune reporter.

“Both last week and this week, there are serious charges of criminal conduct that if true, not only make him unfit to serve in the Senate but merit criminal prosecution,” he added.

Cruz joined a number of Republican senators distancing themselves from Moore. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday led several senators in calling for Moore to drop out of the race, and Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), the chairman of the Senate’s GOP campaign arm, said the chamber should expel Moore if he wins election in December.

I hope Texas voters remember what a treacherous little Fake American weasel Ted Cruz is when he is next up for re-election. I still remember one of the best quotes from the entire presidential campaign season: “I saw a video of a Buddhist monk self-immolate, and Ted Cruz still did it better.”

Why I never seek investors

They’re worse than a waste of time.

Hedge-fund billionaire Bob Mercer, a major Republican donor who supported Donald Trump, announced Thursday that he would be selling his stake in Breitbart News to his daughters; pulling his funding from Milo Inc., the controversial entertainment venture run by Milo Yiannopoulos; and relinquishing his co-C.E.O. title at Renaissance Technologies, where he oversaw more than $50 billion in assets, to take a non-management role.

In an open letter to investors, the 71-year-old strongly denounced the white nationalist movement that has come to be associated with several of his far-right political causes, tainting his reputation and putting Renaissance Technologies in the crosshairs of a divestment campaign. “Of the many mischaracterizations made of me by the press, the most repugnant to me, have been the intimations that I am a white supremacist or a member of some other noxious group,” he wrote. On the contrary, he said, “a society founded on the basis of the individual freedom that flourishes under a limited federal government has no place for discrimination . . . Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, creed, or anything of that sort is abhorrent to me. But more than that, it is ignorant.”

Mercer also sought to distance himself from Steve Bannon, the former Trump adviser who issued his own half-hearted rebuke of Yiannopoulos last month in an attempt to shake off his reputation as a white-nationalist sympathizer. While Mercer said he respected Bannon, he clarified that, “I make my own decisions with respect to whom I support politically. Those decisions do not always align with Mr. Bannon’s.”

Fortunately for Robert Mercer, he’s old enough that banking on being eaten last is probably a viable strategy for him. Not so much the kids and grandkids, but then, he is a Boomer, so what does he care? I’m not surprised that he pulled his funding from Milo, I’m merely surprised that such a successful man could produce such a remarkably stupid statement about the idea that a society founded on the basis of individual freedom can possibly survive WITHOUT discrimination.

I mean, kudos for recognizing that culture trumps politics. For a Republican, that’s genuinely advanced thinking. But race and religion both trump culture.

Yes, we noticed, actually

And yet, the Littlest Chickenhawk is very intent on making sure that Arabs don’t outnumber Jews in Israel. Color not only matters, it matters more than ideology does. It matters more than religion does. The civic nationalists, the cucks, and the conservatives can preen and posture nonsensically about a) how they don’t see color, b) how color doesn’t matter, and c) how they would LOVE to vote for a black conservative all they like, but identity politics are here and they will be replaced by identity war sooner rather than later.

There is a reason that Poland is still Polish while America is no longer American. Equality is a demonic lie. Diversity is societal destruction. Everything the civic nationalists and multiculturalists and globalists taught you was false.

It’s easy to see who is lying and who is not. All you have to do is pay attention to their arguments and see whose positions are both internally consistent and consistent with reality. God created the nations. It is Satan and his servitors that are seeking to destroy them and recreate Babel.

Mark Shea is a shameless liar

Catholic ubercuck Mark Shea lies about Jesus Christ, lies about Christianity, lies about a verse from Galatians, and lies about the Alt-Right.

Alt Right worshippers of blood and race have made an idol of whiteness. As though your skin is a culture and, worse, as though your skin is a god. They subordinate the God of the universe to a mere prop authorizing the skin idolator to fall down in worship of his race and, accordingly, to excuse the oppression and destruction of those he deems inferior to his Master Race.

The contempt of the Alt Right for “Cuck Christianity” relies on a narrative that confirms what I have come to call “Herreid’s Law”. My friend John Herreid observed some time ago that when people bedeck their Facebook page with pictures of knights, crusaders, or paladins, they tend to be kooks. The Alt Right Christian invariably does this, and their race kookiness is manifest. They only value the Christian tradition for giving them an iconography of white people killing brown ones. But of course, the Faith (and especially the Catholic faith) is chockablock with brown people–and brown saints.

Not surprising really since her Lord was brown–a standard Middle Eastern Jew of the first century. Somebody who would have been on one of Steve Bannon’s travel bans and deemed a danger by the Race Theorist of the Alt Right. Happily for us northern European stock, he put no stock in Alt Right racist crap and declared membership in his Body, the Church, open to anybody–even white supremacists idiots if they would only repent their white supremacist idiocy and confess that in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, black nor white. That’s a tall order for some of these idiots. But repentance and salvation is open to anyone, even members of the Alt Right.

It is not worshiping blood and race, nor making an idol of whiteness, to recognize that DNA exists, race exists, and that differences in DNA and race have a profound effect on culture and society alike. That is a lie for which Mark Shea will be held accountable, both in this world and the next.

It is not true that the Alt-Right only values Christian tradition for giving us “an iconography of white people killing brown ones”. Quite to the contrary, we value Western civilization, also known as Christendom, and even those of us who are not Christians value the Christian tradition as one of the three foundational pillars of the West, without which it cannot survive. That is another lie for which Mark Shea will be held accountable, both in this world and the next.

Jesus Christ most certainly did put at least some stock in “Alt Right racist crap”, as he declared in Matthew 15:24-26, He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs. That is another lie for which Mark Shea will be held accountable, both in this world and the next.

Finally, while it is true that “in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female,”, it is not true that in the world in which the Christian is in, but not of, there is Greek and Jew, slave and free, male and female.” Notice that he deceitfully added “black nor white”, which neither Jesus nor Paul said. Since Paul also told slaves that they remain slaves, and since Paul also condemned men having sex with men, it is obviously true that Mark Shea’s citation of this verse to claim that those various differences do not exist in the world for the Christian today is dishonest, deceptive, and theologically false.

I submit that this is conclusive evidence proving that Mark Shea is a liar, a deceiver, an accuser, and a false follower of the Truth. There is no truth in him. No man who considers himself to be a Christian should pay this wormtongue any heed or respect, and he should be confronted by his church authorities and called upon to publicly repent of his lies and false accusations.

Cuckservatism and Churchianity are not Christianity. Their lies and falsehoods preclude the possibility. Judeo-Christ is not Jesus Christ, he is literally antichrist.

And I have a verse for Mr. Shea that may be wise for him to keep in mind in light of his little additions to Galatians 3:28, which actually reads as follows: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Do you see anything about “black nor white”? Because I don’t. Isn’t it amazing how the Bible once more proves to be prophetic?

Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.
– Proverbs 30:6

Mailvox: why start now?

RD wonders if I’ve seen the Dennis Prager video on the Alt-Right:

Prager University mentions you in a video about the Alt-right, basically labeling you in a very negative way. Have you seen it?

I would have been shocked if Dennis Prager had anything positive to say about me. He’s a mediocre thinker and a mediocre writer whose columns on WND were lightweight, little trafficked, and almost entirely forgettable. Despite my own columns appearing on the same opinion page, I seldom bothered reading his, and a perusal of this blog will demonstrate that I’ve never considered him to be any sort of peer. I’ve barely spared even a single thought for him in 10 years.

I think Prager is wildly and utterly wrong in every way…Prager’s opinion may lie in the fact that he’s fundamentally a radio performer, not a writer. I suspect that he likes to talk at people somewhat more than he likes to engage with them.
– 2007

This is as deeply and profoundly silly as anything that the rape fetishists on the feminist Left have invented. It confuses metaphor with reality.
– 2007

I have no doubt that you’ll all run right back into the warm embrace of Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager and Jonah Goldberg and Sean Hannity and Bill Bennett and all the other Radio Republicans… I mean, you’ve got to know their opinions, they’ve collectively got such a smashingly excellent record over these past few years.
– 2007

“I believe that this man [George Delano Bush] is changing history for the better, that he is the dam holding back the waters of chaos, that he saved this country at a time when Democrats would have failed it, and that he is both kind and strong, real and decent, powerful and humble…. Unless he is a faker — and I believe that I can sense a faker a mile away — it was clear that the president was moved…. I realize that I open myself to ridicule by saying that everything I had suspected about the man was reinforced in a little over a minute….”
– quoting Dennis Prager in “Republican Whore Doggies” in 2004

The most straightforward way to refute anything said by Dennis Prager is to point out that Dennis Prager said it. Therefore, it is almost certainly wrong. So, I have no idea what he said and I could not care less about whatever it was.

Ruffled bowties

This exchange at Instapundit in response to the recent PJ Media article about the blackballing of conservatives by the comics industry nicely summarizes the core problem with conservatism and serves as a microcosm for the explanation for why the Alt-Right is inevitable.

I hate seeing Chuck Dixon involved in this crap. Make your own conservative comics! Please you’re one of the all time greats. Nothing good comes from associating with Vox Day, just because he is right about Social Justice doesn’t make him less of a horrible person. One of the things I tended to like about the right was the expelling of the worst parts of us from the mainstream. Not as much anymore. I think part of the buildup of the alt-right has been to make them seem more palatable to regular conservatives by showing just how much they piss off the left. And hey, I get that pissing off the left is great, but if you don’t watch who you’re associating with when you do so, you’re going to be standing next to someone like Vox Day or Jared Taylor.

Eric Ashley
If Conservative Inc wants to stop Vox, the best way to do that is for them to actually do their jobs. Tell the Koch Bros to support a line of socially conservative novels and comics, and make Kurt Schlicter the editor.

It’s not a bad idea, except time has already run out on conservatives. They had 37 years, the Presidency, the House, the Senate, nine Supreme Court nominations, and two economic booms with which to fight the cultural war. And they did absolutely nothing.

Nor will they do anything. Have you seen a single mention of Alt★Hero anywhere throughout the conservative media except PJ Media and Instapundit? Do you think that despite the hundreds of millions that conservatives will spend on the 2018 and 2020 elections, any of that will go toward fighting the culture war they are losing so badly?

The Alt-Right acts. The Alt-Right fights. The Alt-Right does not surrender. Because of that, the Alt-Right will be the only Right that survives to defeat the Left.

Mailvox: Churchian convergence, Senator Cuck, and Generation Rebel

CK discovers that truth is now hate in the eyes of the converged Churchians on Facebook:

Apparently saying that 3 does not equal 1 now qualifies as “hate speech.” An episode unfolded yesterday here in town that exposed just how far gone even most conservative evangelicalism is in riding the inclusivity train right off the cliff.

A local Christian women’s Facebook group, after a couple months of ambiguity, determined to update their policy to clarify that they were open to Christians only, not unbelievers. My friend politely asked what this did and didn’t mean, since there were Mormons in the group as well, who by definition are not monotheists. The group admin *deleted* her comments, then, when confronted, insisted that she had somehow done so by accident.

So my friend dutifully posted again, bending over backwards to coat her words with grace and love, and merely noting that it was important to be clear that Christians and Mormons don’t really share the same faith at all, so the group should be simply be renamed for the sake of clarity and accuracy. A Mormon friend of hers cheerfully rejoined and said that actually Mormons are Christians, and another said, “Yeah, we believe the Trinity—three distinct beings in one Godhead, etc.”

My wife piped up briefly to say, “Well, see, that’s the problem. Actually Christians don’t believe in three distinct beings” and quoted from the Athanasian Creed. One of the Mormons responded fairly defensively seeking to justify the Mormon view from Scripture.

At that point, the group admin shut down the thread, declaring that it was not glorifying to God, the devil was at work, it was hateful and slanderous, and posted a general rebuke warning people not to debate their beliefs. This was the cue for the other (mostly conservative evangelical) people in the group to pile on and accuse my wife and her friend of “hate speech.”

Meanwhile, BP in Arizona is entirely unimpressed with his departing senator:

I know you keep being right on just about everything, but it is still strange and impressive to watch it happen, again and again, exactly as predicted.  Watching Senator Jeff Flake (may God forget he was our countryman) talk about muh principles, while blubbering about all of Trump’s failure of character, leadership, etc, ad nauseum, and then quitting, announcing he isn’t running for re-election…

Well, you nailed it, exactly, again.  Flake is everything you said conservatives are and have become was illustrated perfectly in that self-important speech, in all its limp-wristed glory.  What an amazing cuck.  It also amazes me that the idiocy he says is self-evidently false, and yet he stands up there and says it anyway, illustrating he’s an evil, duplicitous, lying, traitorous bastard, or he’s just the stupidest, most egotistical asshole ever.  Arizona is going to be so much better off with him and McCain gone, and so will the rest of the country.

Drain the swamp, and MAGA!

And finally, a woman writes in of her husband’s unexpected enthusiasm for Alt★Hero:

So Sig. Other, after over 10 years of mocking me for my mild interest in comics, has not only backed the Alt-Hero campaign at the figurine level, he suggested Rebel as a middle name for our daughter. While the name would be a tribute to his Southern heritage and not the character, he admitted he wouldn’t have thought of it if it weren’t for Alt-Hero.

Thought you’d be amused. Alt-Hero is changing hearts and minds already.

I am indeed amused. But taken in the whole, it should be readily apparent that across the increasingly divided West we are now caught up in a full-blown culture war. It is still a cold war, in that it is merely livelihoods rather than lives that are being lost, but it is clear that the conflict is gradually heating up.


I suspect that more than a few of those who backed the Patriotika kickstarter are going to regret having done so. Apparently the gentleman responsible for it is considerably more of a cuck than he is a patriot.

However, it is very illuminating to observe that the comics industry is so converged that not only are the SJWs at Marvel and DC intent on banishing all badthink from the industry, but so are those professing to offer an alternative to them. A false alternative, as it turns out.

It should be readily apparent that Patriotika is not “A SJW’s Worst Nightmare” or “what SJW Marvel loathes”, as had been previously claimed. Is there any doubt that the part-time goddess, part-time college student would be majoring in Women’s Studies and dating a black football player by issue #3?

I wonder how these delicate cucks would have reacted to The Dukes of Hazzard? In any event, we will be more than happy to utilize more of Tim’s work, and were in fact discussing that with him even before he was informed that his work on the Alt★Hero project rendered his previous work for Mount Olympus Comics unusable.

UPDATE: It would appear that I was correct. Patriotika backers are, to put it mildly, displeased by Ron Z’s decision to sit in for Marvel in playing thought police for the comics industry. The caption accompanying the picture below: “Blacklisting is not cool. Never another dime.”