Israel Caught Lying

The US Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that Egyptian intelligence warned Israel about the Hamas attacks three days prior, and in doing so, proves that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly lied about the Israeli government not being warned by Egypt.

Israel was warned by Egypt of potential violence three days before Hamas’ deadly cross-border raid, a US congressional panel chairman has said. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee head Michael McCaul told reporters of the alleged warning.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu described the reports as “absolutely false”.

“We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” Mr McCaul told reporters following a closed-door intelligence briefing on Wednesday for lawmakers about the Middle East crisis, according to AFP news agency. “I don’t want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given,” the Texas Republican added. “I think the question was at what level.”

Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says, 11 October 2023

Translation: the US intelligence services knew about it too.

Green Flag confirmed. At least some of the attacks were real, and were committed by Hamas, and were allowed to take place as planned by the IDF. But there’s still some question about how some of those attacks appear to have been either a) a false flag or b) crisis theater, especially given the way some of the “murdered victims” have been found to be alive.

Not only is the Israeli government lying about having been caught totally unaware by the attack, but it’s now come out that the venue for the targeted rave was moved just days before it was scheduled to begin, much to the surprise of the organizers. An honest investigation would be focused on discovering who moved the rave and how Hamas got word of where it was. And a failure to investigate those things would serve as a practical confession that there were some false flag elements to the attacks.

To be fair to the Israelis, they practically admitted to the green flag when they declared the attacks were a “Pearl Harbor” and a “9/11”. It would really have been making it too easy had they thrown in a “Lusitania” and a “Maine” as well. And they haven’t claimed that Hamas was hiding yellowcake in the Gaza Strip either.


Green Flag or Neoclown Bait?

At this point, it’s looking fairly conclusive that the Hamas attacks were a Green Flag, which is to say that the Israeli intelligence and defence forces knew they were coming, but permitted them to happen, in order to justify an attack on Gaza that would trigger Hezbollah involvement and/or the sinking of the USS Ford that would serve as a justification for the US-Israeli war on Iran that has long been sought by the neoclowns.

This guy’s chronicle of known events, both historical and recent, have led him to conclude that the Hamas incursion was a Green Flag, and that the IDF spokesman was quite literally correct when he described it as Israel’s Pearl Harbor.

If the events of the past three years have taught me anything, it’s that when people get whipped into an emotional frenzy, critical thinking completely goes out the window.

People become highly suggestible and will rush to extremely dangerous conclusions without thinking about the consequences.

I think this is what we’re all witnessing with this situation in Israel.

I’m reminded of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

In both scenarios, the American government received intelligence in advance of the attacks, but chose not to prevent the attacks.


The American government was willing to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to advance its geopolitical goals.

Pearl Harbor gave the justification to enter WWII.

9/11 gave justification to invade the Middle East & drastically expand the American military industrial complex & our surveillance apparatus.

They were brutal & extremely traumatic events for the American public to witness. The emotional trauma caused people to get whipped into an emotional frenzy.

America wanted ONE THING in response to these attacks:

The blood of our enemies.

I see the same psyop playing out now.

However, given the fact that all of this is readily apparent to outsiders and amateurs like us, what are the chances that it was not obvious to the point of being predictable to the Chinese, Russian, and Iranian strategists as well? After all, I even suggested the possibility of the Sino-Russian+ alliance opening up a Middle Eastern front in order to further strain US military resources several months ago.

I thought that Iran or Syria would be the Second Front of World War III, prior to China opening Taiwan, Korea, or even the Philippines as the Third Front. But it appears Niger may have already claimed that honor. Still, the Middle East is already drawing more US troops and ships away from the Ukrainian Front.

One Russian observer believes there are wheels within wheels here, which is to say that the neoclown plan was not only anticipated, but is being utilized by its enemies:

The current conflict in Palestine is geopolitical, and reflects the consolidation of one of the world’s major Poles. It marks the second stage of the formation of the mutli-polar world, after Russia’s SMO in February 2022.

Many people tend to focus exclusively on Hamas, and the unfolding news of the situation – as if this is if this reflects the same temporal plane as the strategy being employed. Make no mistake. This is an unprecedented combined arms operation and nothing in the 21st century comes close to it in the history of the conflict… This was not some random lashing out by Hamas. All of this was planned, in full coordination with the Axis of Resistance – and we are not even close to witnessing its full scope and scale.

Every possible outcome was taken into consideration. Remember that everytime you hear Zionists talk about the ‘big plans’ the entity has in store to level Gaza.

They have done that many times, it never worked. Hamas has come out stronger than it ever has. And they also expect whatever the Zionist entity has in store.

Because this isn’t just Hamas. This is the entire Axis of Resistance, centered in Iran.

Iran is one of the world’s oldest, greatest, and most sophisticated civilizations. It is and has always been an organic civilizational Pole in the region. Before the modern era, the sole two powers of the region were the Ottomans and the Persian Safavids, who competed over it.

Behind this operation is the cunning, strategic genius, and eschatological materialism of the IRGC. And by the latter, I mean to say that they have combined what is a profound universal-regional spiritual vision with the pragmatism, realism, and earthiness of both modern technology and hyper-Clausewitzean irregular warfare techniques.

This war does not have a single location or even a single timeline. The scale at which it is occurring, is not immediately perceptible both in space AND time.

These are the tremors felt by the resurrection of some of the world’s most ancient, splendorous, and sublime empires. This is the special military operation of the Middle East civilizations.

Likewise this is not just about Israel. It is the New World Order’s last outpost in the region. Israel was the Ukraine of the Middle East – a vain, artificial fortress of Western modernity created to suppress the real (and long dormant) powers indigenous to the region.

This is a regional revolution that has the potential to culminate into a global war.

Russia has awakened ancient powers across the world. This is the end of Western ‘rules based order.’

Now, there is a little too much grandiose rhetoric there for me to take the guy very seriously. It’s just a little too close to predicting “the mother of all battles” or assuring everyone that the Ukrainian summer offensive would be “quite successful”. But there are certainly a few anomalies, a few subtle hints, that Hamas stuck its nose in the grinder in the full knowledge of the hellstorm doing so would likely inspire.

And it may be telling that Israel’s military response, although significant, has been on the distinctly circumspect side in comparison with the foam-flecked response of the mainstream media and the even more unhinged neoclowns openly calling for genocide and ethnic cleansing on social media.

Do you really want to go there, gentlemen? I mean, you’re not seriously that completely unself-conscious, are you?

The most effective response to the calls to “flatten Gaza” is a simple question: “with what?” With the artillery shells that were sent to Ukraine? Anyhow, as always, we can speculate until the cows come home, but only the unfolding of future events can potentially tell us what actually happened, why it happened, and who was responsible for it.

Simplicius fundamentally gets it.

Could this in fact be a coordinated and carefully timed three-pronged attack—the first leg of which would be Russia taking out Ukraine, then Iran taking out Israel, finishing off with the coup de grace of China taking out Taiwan? We’ll have to see how this conflict unfolds over the next week or two in order to truly judge if it’s some 5D Iranian master plan, or just a cheap ploy for Netanyahu to consolidate power and ink his legacy as the historic Israeli leader who crushed Hamas once and for all, clearing all his rotten misdeeds and corruption in one fell swoop.

UPDATE: It’s not official until it is denied and criminalized. Straight-up inversion from Israel’s Channel 13:

“There are Israelis who believe that members of the Shin Bet and the IDF helped Hamas to murder, kidnap and abuse our sons and daughters. Whoever publishes these slanderous words is collaborating with the enemy.”

UPDATE: Egypt confirms it warned Netanyahu about an attack coming out of Gaza.

Egyptian Intelligence Minister called Netanyahu ten days before Hamas attack and warned him of “something unusual, a terrible operation” that was about to take place from Gaza. Egyptians were “surprised by the indifference shown by Netanyahu”.


Psyop City: Population One

I’m not saying this ex-conspiracy theorist miraculously healed of his doubts about Global Brother is necessarily gay, but he is absolutely and indubitably fake.

Brent is a real individual. There are many recent videos involving him, where he touts how he abandoned conspiracies that he once believed. However, all his live appearances show a nice-looking man with a limited vocabulary and a small repertoire of ideas. Brent could not elaborate on even one “conspiracy theory” that he believed and could not explain the specifics of how he was wrong about any particular idea.

Brent is never specific on any conspiracy theory he supposedly believed in the past. He speaks in generalities and mostly uses little words. Most conspiracy theorists I met love details! They would go on and on about “raised seals on Obama’s birth certificate,” “missing plane in front of the Pentagon,” and so on. Quite conversely, Brent is never specific about any of his past beliefs. So, I have to wonder if he is truthful about his past.

Brent Lee seems to have significantly changed. He posted semiliterate one-liners on Twitter until 2018. Then, his Twitter account changed suddenly to be much more verbose and oriented towards the daily fights of UK politics. Finally, his Facebook posts, much longer and with a much more diverse corporate vocabulary, are written in a style completely different from Twitter’s.

Clown World relies upon belief in its illusions and its word spells if it is to survive and continue to exert influence over the masses. So, the fact that it is now waging war on truth, which in its inversion it calls “disinformation” and aggressively attempting to discredit the truthtellers it calls “conspiracy theorists” is a positive sign that it knows its ability to keep its facade propped up is fading.


He Used to Vote Republican Too

Expect to see a LOT more of this sort of gaslighting from fake former “conspiracy theorists” as the Clown World facade continues to crack:

For 15 years, Brent Lee believed the world was run by a shadowy evil cabal of paedophiles orchestrating almost every atrocity from 9/11 to mass shootings. But now the 44-year-old works to combat disinformation and says he is ‘totally obsessed’ with challenging the wild theories he once wholeheartedly believed.

The self-labelled ‘recovering conspiracist’ says he used to believe politicians performed ritual sacrifices and that terrorist attacks were government-orchestrated.

But in 2018, he began to question his worldview when the ‘alt-right’ US broadcaster Alex Jones began claiming that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was fake.

He’s so totally obsessed with challenging the wild theories that I’m sure he’ll be in touch with people like Owen Benjamin, Stewart Peters and me to debate us and totally disprove the ideas like “terrorist attacks were government-orchestrated” any day now.

You know they’re getting worried when they break out the “former supporter” storylines. I’m just surprised they didn’t work the vaxx narrative in there somewhere.

And no doubt we’re also going to hear from a lot of “former Trump voters” who were with him in 20216 and even 2020, but were just disgusted by his January 6th insurrection, which is why they’re now voting for the animated corpse of Joe Biden.


The Ustasi is Real

Sarah Hoyt describes a successful attempt to infiltrate her communications two years ago:

I have found out recently that when my phone got spoofed, and my email hacked, back in April of 2021, it was part of an effort that involved a lot of people on our side getting that happening to them at the same time. The email was then used to send insulting emails to those people they thought were monetary supporters. At the same time, the emails were rifled for “incriminating” messages, used to bring legal charges against these people, or to discredit them with the community at large.

It did a number on my mind for various reasons. Note I’m not saying who was behind the hacking because I don’t know. But the fact that legal charges were brought in some cases makes you think… well, you know, the Stasi is real even though it goes under other names.

For the record, the attempted hack was curtailed earlier (and there are now measures in place), by pure luck. I happened to be up really late for me, through being too tired to go to bed. (It’s a thing.)

Also for the record, the shenanigans attempted didn’t land, because their ideas of who I am appear to be pure leftist projection. While I have monetary backers — Hi, y’all — for this blog, they’re not political monetary backers, and they don’t send me emails encouraging messages or slants. In other words, there is no journolist on the right, and there is no equivalent of Soros directing our efforts.

Most of what my email contains are actual personal things. Messages from friends and family. Kids and cats pictures. The occasional editor email, though now that I’m not doing comics, not even that. Links to blogs that hope I’ll link them, or links a friend found interesting. Discussions of how a book did with a friend.

So most of the insulting, (highly racist slurs, btw) emails were sent to friends telling me how much their book had made, and one to my comics editor. None of them “landed” because the reaction were immediate texts saying “Sarah, you’ve been hacked.” First, because I don’t use that language, and second because the messages made no sense since these weren’t political backers but friends. (Even the comics editor became that.) And because it was curtailed early, there was no time for fake emails advising violence, or fake posts on facebook to be made.

The other thing I found out at the same time, through incidental comments in a chat, is that the next attempt was to tap into people’s internet to capture the stream. Doing that on ours is bizarre, but yes, we do have proof that was actually done to us just before we left Colorado. The only reply to that is “Dudes, wait and get it when I post it on the blog or publish it.” Because there is nothing, literally, in either my email or my internet signal that couldn’t be made public tomorrow because most of it is. Oh, some of my correspondents would hate to have their emails made public because they are in the political closet, but they’re not political operators. They’re professors or scientists or members of the Armed Forces (not high up.) Knowing they associate with me at all might bring questions, but then again most of them use pseudonyms, and the emails themselves are blameless. “Hey, have you read this?” and “Look at the cute face my cat made” comprise 99% of it, the rest being maybe more personal and less political than that.

However, the fact that so much effort was made made me queasy. Particularly because I know some of the other people to whom this was done, and they’re much bigger. My claim to “bigness” is posting over at instapundit, (which is yuge) but other than that, I’m medium-small and I’m just a science fiction writer with a nasty politics problem.

While it would have been useful for us to hear about this two years ago, it’s still good that Mrs. Hoyt is going public with the surveillance state’s attempt to interfere with her relations with her readers and supporters. It would also be useful to know how many other public figures were targeted and how successful those efforts were in their attempts to sabotage them.

In the meantime, it’s vital to always remain aware of the constant attempt of these bad actors to infiltrate every organization and every group of people that aren’t completely submitted to the Narrative. The lidless eye is always on you, which is a simple fact of human existence that you should accept with equanimity and utilize to inspire you to do more and do better.

None of this is new. Epictetus made it clear nearly 2,000 years ago.

Yet God hath placed by the side of each a man’s own Guardian Spirit, who is charged to watch over him—a Guardian who sleeps not nor is deceived…. So when you have shut the doors and made a darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone; for you are not alone, but God is within, and your Guardian Spirit, and what light do they need to behold what you do?

Man’s surveillance state is but a poor, twisted, and fallen version of God’s. And we know which one holds the real power.


They Call it “Luck”

But it really doesn’t have much to do with chance or anything random. A team of Italian scientists tests the connection between the distribution of various attributes and the distribution of wealth.

What factors, then, determine how individuals become wealthy? Could it be that chance plays a bigger role than anybody expected? And how can these factors, whatever they are, be exploited to make the world a better and fairer place?

Today we get an answer thanks to the work of Alessandro Pluchino at the University of Catania in Italy and a couple of colleagues. These guys have created a computer model of human talent and the way people use it to exploit opportunities in life. The model allows the team to study the role of chance in this process.

The results are something of an eye-opener. Their simulations accurately reproduce the wealth distribution in the real world. But the wealthiest individuals are not the most talented (although they must have a certain level of talent). They are the luckiest. And this has significant implications for the way societies can optimize the returns they get for investments in everything from business to science.

Pluchino and co’s model is straightforward. It consists of N people, each with a certain level of talent (skill, intelligence, ability, and so on). This talent is distributed normally around some average level, with some standard deviation. So some people are more talented than average and some are less so, but nobody is orders of magnitude more talented than anybody else.

This is the same kind of distribution seen for various human skills, or even characteristics like height or weight. Some people are taller or smaller than average, but nobody is the size of an ant or a skyscraper. Indeed, we are all quite similar.

The computer model charts each individual through a working life of 40 years. During this time, the individuals experience lucky events that they can exploit to increase their wealth if they are talented enough. However, they also experience unlucky events that reduce their wealth. These events occur at random.

At the end of the 40 years, Pluchino and co rank the individuals by wealth and study the characteristics of the most successful. They also calculate the wealth distribution. They then repeat the simulation many times to check the robustness of the outcome.

When the team rank individuals by wealth, the distribution is exactly like that seen in real-world societies. “The ‘80-20’ rule is respected, since 80 percent of the population owns only 20 percent of the total capital, while the remaining 20 percent owns 80 percent of the same capital,” report Pluchino and co.

That may not be surprising or unfair if the wealthiest 20 percent turn out to be the most talented. But that isn’t what happens. The wealthiest individuals are typically not the most talented or anywhere near it. “The maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa,” say the researchers.

So if not talent, what other factor causes this skewed wealth distribution? “Our simulation clearly shows that such a factor is just pure luck,” say Pluchino and co.

First of all, this science, such as it is, should suffice to end, once and for all, the absurd insistence by American Jews that their statistically inordinate amount of wealth and power amassed in a matter of decades has anything to do with their imaginary average 115 IQ.

However, “just pure luck” is not a variable. While this method is sufficient to demonstrate the lack of correlation between talent, IQ, hard work, and other specific variables with wealth, to simply assign the causation to random chance is incorrect. The much more reasonable answer is that the team failed to test the variable that is most strongly correlated with wealth, which is positive connection to the central societal distributors of wealth.

There is no way such a model could account for ticket-taking, and yet we repeatedly observe that mediocre ticket-takers succeed while much more talented independents “experience unlucky events”. Is there one single person in the world who believes that Ben Shapiro is better behind the microphone than Milo Yiannopoulos or Owen Benjamin, and that he is also a more talented writer than Bruce Bethke, Chuck Dixon, and me?

Color me dubious.

Is there anyone who genuinely believes CNN can’t do better than hire a CEO and Chairman who was fired as the Director-General of the BBC for covering up the Jimmy Saville scandal?

I am of the color dubious.

It will be interesting to see what happens when these researchers discover that what they call “serendipity” fails to produce the results they are expecting, and when “serendipity” suddenly begins to cause them to experience unlucky events.

A useful term, that “serendipity”.


Covid Round 2

The importance of remembering predictions about the future, however outlandish or insane they might appear, is that the more accurate the predictive model, the more easily one will recognize the developing scenario playing out according to the model. Which is why this published study concerning repeated vaccination creating immune tolerance by the Covid spike protein, is superficially concerning in light of a conspiracy post that has been making the rounds.

Less than a year after the global emergence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a novel vaccine platform based on mRNA technology was introduced to the market. Globally, around 13.38 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses of diverse platforms have been administered. To date, 72.3% of the total population has been injected at least once with a COVID-19 vaccine. As the immunity provided by these vaccines rapidly wanes, their ability to prevent hospitalization and severe disease in individuals with comorbidities has recently been questioned, and increasing evidence has shown that, as with many other vaccines, they do not produce sterilizing immunity, allowing people to suffer frequent re-infections. Additionally, recent investigations have found abnormally high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines. HIV, Malaria, and Pertussis vaccines have also been reported to induce higher-than-normal IgG4 synthesis. Overall, there are three critical factors determining the class switch to IgG4 antibodies: excessive antigen concentration, repeated vaccination, and the type of vaccine used. It has been suggested that an increase in IgG4 levels could have a protecting role by preventing immune over-activation, similar to that occurring during successful allergen-specific immunotherapy by inhibiting IgE-induced effects. However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.

IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, 17 May 2023

This evidence tends to support the hypothesis of an earlier article published in Forbes that suggested increased IgG4 synthesis might not be effective in telling the immune system to kill cells infected with the virus, and also observed that the percentage of ineffective antibodies was rising over time in vaccinated individuals.

IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 provide protection not only by blocking the virus from entering cells but also by their Fc regions activating effector functions and signaling the immune system to kill infected cells. IgG4, however, does not activate the effector functions, meaning their presence may impact how the body responds to Covid-19.

To measure the relative frequency of IgG subclasses in the sera of vaccine recipients, Irrgang et al. followed a cohort of 29 healthcare workers, analyzing their sera ten days after a first, second, and third dose, as well as 210 days after the second, and 180 days after the third.

In line with initial efficacy reports for the vaccine, antibody levels were robust throughout the cohort post-first and second doses. The researchers also found that 210 days after the second dose, antibody levels had fallen significantly, reaffirming the loss of antibody protection over time. Again, following the third dose, antibodies rose significantly, only to fall 180 days after the booster.

The most interesting data regards the growing concentration of IgG4 in the cohort’s sera. On average, only 0.04% of the antibody response post-second vaccination was IgG4. 210 days after the second dose, that percentage rose to 4.82%. Following the third dose, IgG4 comprised 13.91%, rising to 19.27% 180 days after.

Emergence Of IgG4 In Long-Term Vaccines: Winning Or Losing The Race?, FORBES, 13 January 2023

Now, I will caution the reader that the following scenario is almost certainly fake, because a) it was posted on Reddit by someone in June 2023, well AFTER the two articles about IgG4 antibodies were published and b) it was posted on Reddit, therefore it only looks dangerously predictive because most people don’t know when it first appeared. While /pol/ may always be right, the converse is true for Reddit. The fact that it has been promulgated without the header showing the date on it strongly suggests that it is nothing more than science horror fiction extrapolated from the two previous articles, so you can consider this a skeptical pre-debunking of sorts.

  • The vax is a de-population tool.
  • The mrna vax has always been about programmable humans. Getting needles in arms to re-write human biology.
  • After booster 4 something called igg4 is permanently active. I am no scientist but can remember igg4 cause my dogs name is iggy. He says it’s like allergy shots but for the covid spike. It tells your body there is nothing wrong with the covid spike and to leave it alone. He says if you look into it, you will see this is already known.
  • The stage is now set, he says over 3 billion people now have adequate levels of igg4 and the final phase is close. He said those in the know call it “the process”. It is to reduce the human population by 5 billion (3 billion from igg4 programming and 2 billion from the fall out of 3 billion deaths).
  • He said late 2023 the new and final covid strain will be released. This strain will have over 90% fatality but only to those who have igg4 in their bodies. They will mount NO immune response to this deadly strain. Unvaxed like him will basically have a mild cold.
  • He said ‘the process’ will do a full psychological warfare media blitz, claiming the vax has caused igg4 and anyone vaxed has a 90% chance of dying from this strain. They will claim all governments knew and misled their people. It will be designed to cause mass panic and turn all citizens against their governments. This will ensure cities burn during the viral outbreak and emergency services are nonexistent. Billions will die.

Nota Rhetorica: that preemptive defense of why the poster remembered the name of the antibody in the third point is also an indicator of a fake, as well as the mindset and IQ of those targeted by the fake.

Only if evidence surfaces proving that the same sort of information preceding the January and May articles should it be taken at face value. Until then, or until the 4x vaxxed begin succumbing like periodical cicadas this autumn, what we actually know is that a new round of flu season is coming, which means a new round of “Covid” is on the way, and it will be followed by the tried-and-tested scare tactics pushing lockdowns and vaccinations, which should be much easier for both purebloods and the vaxxed to resist this second time around.


The Mugshot

Is this “the arrest that will shock the world”? Or is it just more groundless posturing? Either way, it doesn’t look like someone who is defeated or is inclined to meekly submit to being ground to pieces by the machine. On the other hand, it is a little ironic to be declaring “never surrender” after literally surrendering yourself to the local police.

UPDATE: A little shot of hopium. We’ll see.