Adjust Your Expectations

Bruce Charlton explains that failure is the objective, negative consequences are desired, and the end result is destruction:

We are all finding it difficult to get to grips with this new post-global totalitarian world administered (ultimately) by demonic powers (and their mindless human hosts, servants and slaves); because it operates on the basis of an inverted value system which is not a natural way for us humans to think.

The difference is that (unlike Men) demonic powers are motivated by the desire to destroy whatever is Good, whatever is God’s creation.

For example, the birdemic-response, including the mandatory peck program, has led to major sectors of the economy, of national functioning, of essential provisions, being in increased danger of being rendered useless or even destroyed.

This makes the nations weak, impoverished, increasingly chaotic. This is negative feedback, indicating that what is being done is doing harm – and that we need to stop doing it.

Normally, negative feedback would lead national rulers to stop doing it. But these times are not normal.

When the global rulership is under demonic control, such negative consequences are regarded as A Good Thing. Since the demonic powers desire to destroy God’s creation and every-thing Good – they are delighted by evidence of increasing national weakness, and by the increased sufferings and death of human beings.

For demons; what we humans regard as Negatives are, in fact, The Plan.

This is why conservatism, which in normal circumstances is merely unsuccessful, is completely unable to comprehend what is happening right in front of conservative eyes. All their finger-wagging, all of their warnings about dire consequences, are entirely useless, because they fail to understand the significance of what it means for the servants of Satan to call good evil and call evil good.

The Death Seekers don’t fear death, they seek it. And they most certainly don’t fear yours! There can be no accommodation with them. There will be no accommodation with them.

They can, they must, and they will be defeated. But they will not be defeated by conservatives. They will not be defeated by secularists. They will only be defeated by Jesus Christ and those who serve him.

“The Infernal Ideology”

Archbishop Vignano denounces the satanic global elite, its evil “vaccination” program, and the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy’s support for both:

I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.

The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer. It is necessary to denounce this scandal, this crime against humanity, this satanic action against God.

With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called vaccines guarantee a solution to the pandemic emergency. The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.

The churchman has a way with rhetoric. He’s also correct. This is a massive spiritual battle, and it’s one that Man is currently losing due to the failure of too many to believe the truth instead of the great deception.


Be Vigilant

I’m not a priest. I’m not a theologian. I have no secret knowledge of whatever dark and esoteric science was involved in developing the vaxxes. But, for whatever reason, I do possess sufficient spiritual discernment to know that the vaxx is something to be rejected and avoided at literally all costs. And I am very far from alone in this regard.

A well-respected Priest-monk who perform exorcisms, once told me what a demon said to him. The demon said to him, “How are you Christians fearful of death? I have seduced and deceived you into taking the vaccine with the fear of death!” A demon again confesses that the vaccines are his doing. In fact, he says, “We did a ceremony at a Lodge in America for the vaccines.”

See what the demon confesses! The demon continues: “What did you fear? For you (Christians), death does not exist.” For Christians, death does not exist. Do you understand, fellow brothers and sisters, where we’ve come to?

In the Gospels, Christ said something correlating with our present situation. When He entered Jerusalem and the children were calling out, “Hosana! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The children were proclaiming Jesus as the awaited Messiah. And others who were indignant were saying to Jesus, “Are you hearing what they are saying to you?” Christ responds, “I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”

So correlating with today’s situation, now that the Priest and Archpriest are not proclaiming that death has been conquered, the demons are proclaiming it instead: “How are you Christians fearful of death? And are all running to take this vaccine?”

Which isn’t really a vaccine, but rather a gene therapy/technology, with the aim of oppressing humans. This is the aim, which is why there will be more dosages. In fact, there are many people who say there will be 7 dosages. The demons also state that there will be 7 dosages.

Those who were deceived into taking the first or second dosage, hopefully, will not take the remaining dosages. May they repent, weep and go to confession, because their salvation is in danger. We all ought to be vigilant of this.

And while I am as skeptical as any atheist about those whose demono-calvinism interprets every unfortunate or unpleasant event as being the result of evil intervention in their lives – you know what I mean, the sort of individual who requests an exorcism because “I feel a little blue today” and believes the Lego brick he stepped on the night before was personally placed there by the Prince of Hell – there is a very strong stench of sulfur about literally everything related to both Covid and the vaxxes.

In fact, it would not surprise me in the least if the ritual that is suspected to have taken place at Davos, Switzerland in the second week of October, 2020 marked the official launch of what appears to be a literally infernal campaign.

For the non-believer, there are no shortage of logical, medical, and scientific reasons to reject the vaxxes. The case against them is very far from merely spiritual. But the spiritual aspects that many discerning individuals have detected are a reason for pureblood Christians be particularly vigilant, especially in light of the predictive programming now being broadcast to the public.

What does “be vigilant” mean in this context? It means checking what is in every shot and substance being administered to you or to your children in a medical situation. It means keeping your children out of the public schools. It means talking to your kids who are in college, to make sure they are ready for the social and administrative pressure that will be applied to them. It means accepting, in advance, that you won’t be participating in that public event, taking that vacation, or visiting those family members.


John Piper Pushes the Vaxx

John Piper pushes the vaxx on Christians. Even worse, he utilizes classic satanic inversion to do so:

My point is this: Don’t be enslaved by fear of man. Don’t be enslaved by the fear of breaking ranks with ideological allies. The old name for this is peer pressure. You are free.

You have considered the risk of COVID as you watch hundreds of thousands of people die.
You have considered the short- and long-term risks of the vaccines as you watch millions get the shots.
You have compared the frequency of hospitalizations and deaths of those with and without vaccines.
You have thought hard about the implications of fetal cell lines in the production and testing of the vaccines.
You have rejoiced at the increasing evidence that natural immunity, developed after recovering from COVID, is as effective as vaccination immunity.
You have pondered the likelihood and unlikelihood of conspiratorial conjectures.

Your conscience is increasingly clear. It says, “Get vaccinated.” But there is this niggling fear of looking left wing, or progressive, or Democratic, or compromised, or woke!

So, my message to such folks is this: “The children are free!”

The fact that he’s trying to invert the direction of the social pressure makes it very clear that this is a fundamentally evil man who has knowingly deceived his flock. There is no truth in him. He calls fear freedom and freedom fear. And consider his appalling statement at the end, which appears to be particularly wicked in light of the recent push by the Biden Fake Administration to vaccinate children who don’t have any possible need for the vaccines even if they worked, which they don’t.

In his inverted argument, you can see how wolves in sheep’s clothing like this man will be part of the Great Deception, and how they will not only embrace the Beast and his Mark, but will actively evangelize for them.


The Hidden War

Archbishop Vignano, who is the closest thing that Catholics currently have to a real Pope, denounces the wicked alliance of the Deep State with the Deep Church:

It now seems clear to me that we are facing a siege on both the social and religious front. The so-called emergency pandemic has been utilized as a false pretext to impose the vaccination and Green pass in many nations of the world in a simultaneous and coordinated way… They support them in this wicked plan and go so far as to condemn those who do not accept being subjected to inoculation with an experimental gene serum, with unknown side effects, that does not impart any immunity from the virus, to say nothing of the moral implications related to the presence of genetic material derived from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is a more than sufficient reason to refuse the vaccine. We are war, a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same… The alliance is not between state and church. But it is between the deep state and deep church.

“The vaccine victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch…. [The elitists] present themselves as representatives of the people but in fact they act against the people. Without any constraint, without limits either from above, since they have canceled the divine origin of the power of those who govern nor from below, since they do not allow citizens to elect their own representatives unless they are certain can manipulate the vote to their own advantage.”

The spiritual war has gone hot. It’s vital to understand that you are engulfed by it, and neither innocence nor naivete will prevent you from de facto choosing a side, even if you don’t truly understand what you are doing. This isn’t a court of law or a game, and there isn’t anything fair about it.


And which god is that?

I’m fairly confident she’s not talking about the Almighty here:

Individuals who have not received the coronavirus vaccine “aren’t listening to God,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) declared during remarks before Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center on Sunday.

“He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers – he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God. Thank you. And I wear my ‘vaccinated’ necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.”

“I need you to be my apostles,” the governor added, saying that receiving the treatment is how New Yorkers can “love one another.”

Well, she’s certainly not listening to the Bible. And she provides an excellent example of why the restrictions are necessary.

“I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man.” 1 Timothy 2:12


The Devil’s Shot

Now, I don’t spend any time thinking about the spiritual aspects of the fake vaccines, mostly because I consider there to be sufficient – or to be more precise, conclusive and incredibly obvious – material reasons to assiduously avoid submitting to the Covid-19 shots at all costs. But at least some of those Christians who do contemplate these matters have come to believe that there is something seriously dark about them.

We must also remember that the devil lies, too. However, there are many times when the devil speaks the truth, especially when forced with the prayers that are read during an exorcism. Likewise, we read in the Gospels of the demons speaking the truth to Jesus: “Thou art the son of God!” The demons confessed that Christ is God.

Let us take these things into account so that we don’t fall into this trap of Satan, which as you can see, Satan is using much force to direct all of humanity into this trap so he can kill as many as possible. This is the murderer that Satan is.

This is now all coming to fruition with what is happening globally. The devil wants to take as many souls as possible. This is his final goal. If all these things were good, why would they make them mandatory? Something that is good is not forced.

Some of the testimonies provided sound outlandish and melodramatic. I certainly can’t testify to their legitimacy. And yet, it is quite clear to me that there is something deeply evil about this global campaign to enforce the universal acceptance of an ineffective and dangerous experimental medical technology, a substantive evil that is somehow remniscent of modern transhumanism and the weird techno-esotericism of That Hideous Strength.

UPDATE: If you’re still not sure we’re dealing with pure satanic evil here, consider what Pfizer plans next:

Pfizer will push for its Covid vaccine to be approved for children as young as five, the company announced today — as Britain began injecting healthy 12 to 15-year-olds with the jab for the first time. American officials are set to review the data in the coming weeks and decide whether to roll out the vaccine to pre-teens in October, with Pfizer also planning to seek authorisation in Europe and the UK. Pfizer is also trialling its vaccines on babies as young as six months and expects the results of that study to be available by winter, in a move likely to cause international controversy.

There is absolutely zero scientific or medical justification for these injections and every single individual responsible knows it.


The Inherent Evil of Inclusivity

I’ve written previously on the evils of tolerance and equality. In his latest article, Archbishop Vignano explains why inclusivity, as defined by the wicked forces of the neo-liberal world order more accurately described as “globohomo”, is also inherently evil.

At this point, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by the “New World Order,” or rather what its creators mean, regardless of what they say publicly.

Because on the one hand, it is true that there is a project, that certain people conceived it and are charged with carrying it out; but on the other hand it is also true that the inspiring principles of the project are not always disclosed, or at least they cannot be openly admitted to be closely related to what is happening today, since such an admission would arouse opposition even from those who are the most peaceful and moderate.

It is one thing to impose the “Green Pass” with the excuse of the pandemic; but it is quite another to recognize that the purpose of the passport is to accustom us to being tracked; and still another to say that this total control is the “mark of the Beast” of which the Book of the Apocalypse speaks (Rev 13:16-18).

The reader will forgive me if, in order to demonstrate my argument, I must resort to using quotations of such gravity and wickedness that they arouse bewilderment and horror — but this is necessary if we are to understand what the real intentions of the architects of this plot really are, and the true nature of the epochal battle they are waging against Christ and His Church.

In order to understand the esoteric roots of the thought that lies at the foundation of the United Nations, once longed for by [19th-century Italian political activist] Giuseppe Mazzini, we cannot fail to consider characters such as Albert Pike, Eliphas Levi, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Ann Bailey, or other disciples of Luciferian sects.

Their writings, published since the late nineteenth century, are quite revealing.

Albert Pike, a friend of Mazzini and a fellow Freemason, gave an address in 1889 in France to the highest levels of Freemasonry, which was then reprinted on 19 January 1935 by the English journal The Freemason. Pike declared:

    That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition […]. The Masonic religion ought to be maintained in the purity of Luciferian doctrine by all of us who are initiates of the highest degrees. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay [sic] [the God of the Christians] whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion of science, would Adonay and his priest calumniate him?

    Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive… the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.

This profession of faith in the divinity of Satan is not only an admission of who the real Great Architect that Freemasonry adores is, but also a blasphemous political project that passed through the ecumenism of Vatican II, whose first theorist was Freemasonry:

    The Christian, the Jew, the Moslem, the Buddhist, the follower of Confucius and Zoroaster can unite as brothers and join together in prayer to the only god who is above all the other gods (cf. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, ed. Bastogi, Foggia 1984, vol. VI, p. 153).

 And the identity of the “only god who is above all the other gods” has been well explained in the preceding quotation.

In another letter, Pike wrote to Mazzini:

    We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm that will clearly demonstrate to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion. Then citizens everywhere, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, […] will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally revealed to the public’s view; a manifestation that will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and also of atheism, which will be conquered and crushed at the same time! (cf. Letter of 15 August 1871 to Giuseppe Mazzini, Library of the British Museum, London).

It will not escape notice that the “great heresy of separativeness” sounds curiously in agreement with the ecumenism condemned by Pius XI in his Encyclical Mortalium Animos, an ecumenism that was adopted by the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae and recently merged into the doctrine of “inclusivity” formulated by those who allowed idolatrous worship to the pachamama to be offered in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

It is clear that the term “separativeness” intends to designate in a negative key the necessary separation of good from evil, of true from false, of the right from wrong that constitutes the criterion of moral judgment of human behavior.

Inclusivity” opposes this distinction, allowing oneself to be deliberately contaminated by evil to adulterate the good, equating the true and the false in order to corrupt the former and give legitimacy to the latter.

Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order, 6 September 2021

And if you’re still tempted, for some inexplicable reason, by the vaccines, do keep this statement in mind.

No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation.
—David Spangler, 1978

Now, I’m not certain that getting vaccinated is regarded as a Luciferian initiation as far as these wicked people are concerned. But the way they are attempting to push it on everyone, by hook, by crook, or by mandate, in an manner that is more evangelistic than both the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses combined, suggests that they consider it to be something of the sort.

Don’t accept their attempts to include you. Insist on separativeness and standing apart. Refuse to submit to their Order and to their orders.


Christian nationalism in Italy

This is what it looks like. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, secularism is nothing more than the road to satanry:

Italy plans MANDATORY crucifixes in public buildings – with a £890 fine for non-compliance

PUBLIC buildings in Italy will be legally required to display crucifixes in a prominent place if a new bill is approved by the country’s parliament.

Those who fail to display the Christian symbol “in a high and clearly visible place” could face fines of up to £890 (€1,000).

The law would apply to buildings including schools, hospitals, airports and prisons.

Forza Italia! Now leave the satanic European Union.

We were warned

The plans of Satan’s children are becoming increasingly obvious to everyone these days, but an Orthodox monk warned Christians of them more than 25 years ago:

On a remote, narrow peninsula in the Aegean Sea lies the monastic republic of Mt. Athos, spiritual heart of the Orthodox Christian world. For centuries monks have lived and prayed here for the salvation of their souls and the world, and every devout Orthodox Christian male strives to make the pilgrimage to Mt. Athos at least once in his life. Elder Paisios (1924-1994) is considered by many to have been the Holy Mount’s greatest ascetic of the 20th Century. Over the course of his life the words of this humble Greek monk, who came to be honored by believers as an “holy elder”, were recorded by the thousands who journeyed to seek his advice and prophecies….

The Zionists are already preparing their messiah. For them the false-messiah will be king, will rule here, on earth. A great discord will arise. In this discord everyone will clamor for a king to save them. At that moment they’ll offer up their man, who’ll say: “I’m the Imam, I’m the fifth Buddha, I’m the Christ whom Christians are awaiting. I’m the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been waiting for. I’m the Jewish messiah.

Difficult times are ahead. Great trials await us. Christians will suffer great persecutions. Meanwhile, it’s obvious that people don’t understand that we’re on the verge of the end times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. As if nothing’s happening. That’s why Holy Scripture says that even the chosen will be deceived.

The Zionists want to rule the earth. To achieve their ends they use black magic and satanism. They regard satan-worship as a means to gain the strength they need to carry out their plans. They want to rule the earth using satanic power.

God is not something they take into account. One sign that the fulfillment of prophecy is near will be the destruction of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. They’ll destroy it in order to restore the Temple of Solomon which used to be on the same place.

In the end the Jews will pronounce the Antichrist messiah in this rebuilt temple. The rabbis know that the true Messiah has already come and that they crucified Him. They know this, and yet they are blinded by egotism and fanaticism.

I used to wonder what was meant by people, including some Christians, being deceived en masse, but ever since I started seeing all the nonsense about “our judeochristian heritage” and other obvious historical falsehoods such as the Jewish roots of Western civilization and America being an idea that belongs to the world instead of a proper nation and Sweden being a nation of immigrants, it became clear that the Great Deception involved convincing nominal Christians to submit to the god of this world.

Ecumenicism, inclusivity, and falsehoods are the easiest tells. Jesus Christ teaches again and again about division, strife, and separation, even among families, whereas the satanic parody of him promises to be everything to everyone in unity. And as for those of you who still foolishly subscribe to Holocaustianity and judeochristianity and Israel uber alles despite your nominal faith, allow me to remind you of what the Bible says about you.

Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, the wrath of the Lord is on you.

While it makes no sense to hate anyone for nothing more than their ethnic heritage and it is wrong to deny Israel its right to exist, it is even more foolish to permit wicked people relying upon satanic power to rule over you without resistance because you are afraid that someone, somewhere, might call you “anti-semitic”. The spiritual war between the Walkers of the Narrow Way and the Children of the Devil is real, and it shouldn’t take a demented Antipresident babbling about drinking the blood of children in public for you to understand that the war is already upon you.