Empire of Lies = Not the Good Guys

Andrew Anglin explains why he believes the Chinese – yes, the terrible Chi-Coms – are observably the good guys at this current juncture in the space-time continuum:

The Chinese are the good guys, but it’s important to note that they are not the good guys because they want to do charity for the world out of some spirit of niceness. It is a uniquely Western idea that a government would go around the world trying to help people out of the kindness of their hearts.

And we can all see that while the people in the US and EU are constantly talking about how good and moral they are and how they are on a mission to bring “democracy” and “human rights” to everyone on earth, the actual results are endless war and ridiculous poverty. They also bully people, because they claim they have established a universal moral order (based on nothing, by the way).

We can see, pretty clearly, that while some people might be stupid enough to believe that the Western governments are on a mission of love, this stance of “we are the most moral people in the world” is just a cover for corruption and violence.

Personal charity is a good thing and it’s actually a Christian moral directive. It’s good to help people when you can. It’s good to give a bit of money to someone who is struggling, if they’re not just going to buy drugs with it.

Organized charity, however, is virtually always a gigantic scam. I’ve written in some detail about the foreign adoption scam, where these groups (usually branded as evangelical Christians) go around the Third World buying babies from their mothers to sell for a profit in the US. There are a few good books on this (I recommend “The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption” by Kathryn Joyce, if anyone is interested in the topic – it’s sort of fascinating). Christian “adoption” agencies being literal human trafficking rackets is one of the more extreme examples of charity organizations being a scam, but they’re all basically like this, including the environmentalist groups.

When you have national governments claiming that their purpose is organized international charity, that is really obviously a scam. We know it’s a scam because we can see all these people do is start wars and sanction countries into oblivion. “Foreign aid” is a bribery scheme to pay off a group of criminals in a foreign government so they serve the interests of the US Empire. These interests include both military interests as well as agreements to sell off a nation’s natural resources to Western companies. No country’s economy has ever gotten better because they received foreign aid any more than a junkie has ever gotten clean because the government gave him clean needles.

China does not claim to be doing any of this for charity purposes. They don’t make claims to be ultra moral people going around saving the world from itself. The basic Chinese premise is that both war and interfering in another country’s domestic affairs through other means are both bad for business.

The Chinese vision of the future is one where peace is based on trade rather than enforced through violence. It’s also a future where a nation-state can make its own decisions about its internal affairs, because meddling in other people’s affairs is destabilizing and ultimately a form of warfare that often or even usually leads to violent warfare. The Ukraine is the perfect example: the US/Europe went in and did a revolution to overthrow the elected government in 2014, and this eventually led to a war. The Chinese policy is “everyone just relax, we’re going to sell you high-quality products at reasonable prices.”

The last time China was involved in a war was in 1979 when they sent troops to Cambodia to protect the Cambodians from a Vietnamese invasion. Think about that. How many wars and interventions has the US done since 1979?

When one contemplates the observable facts, it’s very, very difficult to dispute Anglin’s conclusion. There is absolutely no possibility anymore to attempt to claim that the USA, the US government, the US military, or even the US citizenry, are a force for good on the planet.

Even from my very limited personal perspective, I have to admit that the Chinese government has been courteous and respectful to me, while the US government and its proxy corporations have relentlessly persecuted my family members and put considerable effort into suppressing me as well as dozens of my acquaintances. I’m not banned from Tik-Tok, but I’m banned from YouTube. Chinese publishers are happy to work with me, while I’m blacklisted by US and UK publishers. US journalists write hit pieces about me, while Chinese state television welcomes my opinion on economic matters.

And it’s not the Chinese who are causing banks all around the world, including in the UK, to refuse to accept US clients. It’s long past time for US citizens to ask themselves, like that hypothetical SS officer in the comedy sketch, “are we the baddies?”

Now, obviously, not being a binary thinker, I don’t believe there are any good guys in the global geopolitical scenario. Not the Chinese, not the Russians, and not what passes for the various establishment Christian churches. But as should be completely and obviously clear to everyone by now, there are some particularly and especially and historically very bad guys who are active today, and regardless of whatever name one prefers to recognize them by, they have to be stopped by absolutely everyone who isn’t subject to them.

Whether we are good guys or not. Which, apparently, I am not, because, you know, skulls…


Clown World Still in Denial

Foreign Affairs attempts to put a pro-Clown World spin on the way China’s support for Russia is supposedly weakening the world’s largest economy vis-a-vis the West:

A substantially more sanguine outlook dominates the discourse of China’s experts. They have noted that the Western response to the war has not produced the most catastrophic outcomes that many had predicted. The “most intense wave of sanctions [in] history,” scholars at Renmin University’s Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies concluded in a February 2024 report, “did not achieve the expected results, but instead brought a backlash and counter-sanctions” as Russia found lifelines for its currency and trade with China and other countries. Many Chinese analysts also contended that Putin has evaded truly damaging diplomatic isolation, citing his recent state visits to North Korea and Vietnam and that in July, he hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Moscow. As a headline from the Chinese edition of the Global Times trumpeted after Putin’s trip to Hanoi: “The West’s Isolation of Russia Has Been Broken.”

In this view, China has avoided paying any significant economic or diplomatic price for propping up Putin’s war efforts. Indeed, the war has created trends that may redound to China’s benefit. The Russian economy’s ability to weather Western sanctions has impressed many Chinese scholars. After a visit to Moscow in February 2024, Xu Poling, an expert on the Russian economy, remarked that the war in Ukraine “has injected a steroid shot into the lethargic Russian economy, making it stronger and more vigorous.” He even speculated that Putin “is not exactly in a hurry to end the conflict.” Other analysts have marveled at how the war has reanimated Russia’s languishing military-industrial complex, which, a Global Times analysis concluded, had been “in a state of insufficient investment and production.” Since February 2022, the analysis observed, it has “accelerated the acceptance of state investment and increased production capacity,” leading to a “comprehensive recovery of Russian military-industrial enterprises” and “significant progress” in the production of new tactical missiles, armored vehicles, and drones.

As the war drags on, Chinese analysts also believe that the West’s unity is fracturing. As Democrats and Republicans fight “fiercely against each other and as the [U.S. presidential] election approaches, [the] situation is getting more and more unfavorable for Ukraine,” the prominent Eurasian Studies expert Ding Xiaoxing wrote in February. Jin Canrong, a hawkish international relations scholar, predicted that a public “backlash” against support for Ukraine in European countries and the United States would eventually doom Kyiv’s ability to defend itself.

Many of these Chinese experts’ analyses are fair, even astute. But missing from the public-facing discussion in China is a true recognition of the costs Beijing has assumed as a result of its support for Putin’s war. Experts’ early assessments lingered on dramatic potential damage to China; now, they tend to ignore or underappreciate the serious costs Beijing has incurred. China’s relations with most European countries have degenerated, probably irrevocably. In the declaration following its July summit, NATO included an unprecedentedly sharp denunciation of Beijing’s behavior, calling China a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s war effort—language that would have been unthinkable before February 2022.

Frustration with China is not limited to European policymakers. Europeans who were recently very bullish on Chinese-European relations—especially those with business interests in China—now hold a much dimmer view. A May survey of European CEOs by the European Round Table for Industry found that only seven percent believed that Europe’s relations with China would improve in the next three years. More than 50 percent saw future deterioration. In a July survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations that polled nearly 20,000 people, 65 percent of respondents in 15 European countries agreed that China has played a “rather negative” or “very negative” role in the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Although Western sanctions have not broken the Russian economy, the war in Ukraine has spurred further global economic fragmentation. For decades, Beijing has worked to build economic self-sufficiency; Chinese government planners stepped up these efforts around 2018 as they sought to prepare China for the splintering of globalization and the fracturing of supply chains. But China was not ready for the degree to which the war in Ukraine—coupled with growing national security concerns in many countries about technological dependence on China—hastened this fragmentation, prompting U.S. and European governments, companies, and investors to reallocate capital away from China and other geopolitically exposed markets. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine intensified foreign investors’ concerns about the Chinese market as it raised fears that Beijing could also face sanctions or economic repercussions because of its alignment with Moscow and its saber rattling toward Taiwan.

The war in Ukraine, and particularly Beijing’s decision to strengthen its strategic partnership with Russia, is also exacerbating the rifts in an already fractious U.S.-Chinese relationship. The Biden administration has repeatedly warned Beijing that the economic, technological, and diplomatic lifeline China is extending to Moscow works at cross-purposes with its stated desire for a stable bilateral relationship with the United States. But Beijing has continued to double down on its Russian gamble, including by launching a recent joint patrol with Russian bombers in the airspace just off the Alaskan coast. In May, Washington sanctioned over a dozen Chinese companies for their direct support of Moscow’s war effort. More sanctions are likely to come irrespective of the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

The true recognition of the costs? What costs? To the contrary, China, like Russia and a number of other countries both in and out of BRICS, are beginning to recognize the true costs of engagement with Clown World. They see the degeneracy, they observe the material decline in morals, wealth, native birth rates, average IQ, and population demographics, and they rightly don’t want any part of it. What Clown World calls “freedom” and “democracy” is actually a slow-motion societal suicide. No matter what economic costs they might face, or foreign investments they might lose, no price is too high in exchange for removing themselves from the baleful influence of the Clown World cancer.

It’s not China that is in denial, but rather, the clowns of Clown World.


China Calls Out Clown World

It’s intriguing to see China officially adopting the rhetoric of Putin and other nationalists. This isn’t a mere coincidence.

The US long ago became an “empire of lies” as it continues to push false narratives about China and other countries to secure its position globally, Zhang Xiaogang, spokesman for the Defense Ministry in Beijing, has said.

Last month, the US Marine Corps released an unclassified version of an official doctrine titled Deception, which provides insight into the tactics it employs to gain an advantage over a perceived adversary and mitigate risks by relying on “deliberate distortion of reality.”

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Zhang remarked that Washington’s “deceptive behavior” has gone far beyond the confines of military affairs and “has actually penetrated deeply into its bones.” The US “dares to invent falsehoods for its own selfish interests and has long become a veritable ‘empire of lies,’” he added.

It’s becoming ever more clear that while China rejected its opportunity to serve as the next seat of the Empire, and Ukraine is no longer an option, that India is plan C. Only I don’t think any of the clowns are particularly excited about relocating to Mumbai or New Dehli.


China Takes a Victory Lap

The Chinese were mostly unaffected by the massive Cloudstrike outage that hit corporations all across the USA and Europe:

Although Microsoft Windows’ “blue screen of death” hit millions of users worldwide, including banks, airlines, hospitals and hotels, China was largely unaffected as the country’s technology independence and self-sufficiency efforts have provided a protective shield.

Chinese industrial players and experts said on Sunday that the Windows outage caused by a third-party cloud software faulty update left millions computers inoperable triggering chaos across many economic sectors, and the incident has prompted global cybersecurity concerns, highlighting the importance of tech independence.

Analysts also noted that given a mistake by one company can paralyze half the planet, countries cannot count on others for their national and economic security. They urged other countries to do their own research and development or diversify their suppliers to reduce dependence on US tech firms.

The nations rise again. The logic of survival dictates that they must. Interdependence is effective surrender.


Antagonizing China

Since sanctions and seizures have worked so well against Russia, Clown World’s brilliant strategists are planning to utilize the same effective economic weapons against China.

NATO officials are discussing taking action to reclaim some Chinese-owned infrastructure projects in Europe should a wider conflict with Russia break out in the east of the continent, three officials involved in the discussions told CNN.

A decade ago, when Europe was still crawling out of the economic crater caused by the global financial crisis, the promise of infrastructure funding from Chinese-owned investment firms seemed like a major windfall.

Now, with the largest land war being waged in Europe since World War II – and the West warning of Beijing’s support of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – NATO countries now see those investments as a liability, with allies beginning to discuss ways to reclaim some of those projects, the officials said. The fear, according to one US official, is that Beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in Europe to provide material assistance to Russia if the conflict were to expand. The goal, officials said, is to figure out a path forward well in advance of any potential conflict…

From rail lines connecting Eastern Europe to China, to ports located in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, China has funded tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure investments under its Belt & Road Initiative, which European nations began signing onto in 2013.

So, this should end well… It goes without saying that this is an economic catastrophe, and probably a military catastrophe as well, in the making. The sooner Americans and Europeans throw off their disastrous, destructive, and wicked ruling elites, the better chance they will have of seeing their nations survive to the 22nd Century.


China Puts Troops on the Ground

China appears to be warning NATO not to attack Belarus. Global Times reports Chinese troops have arrived in Belarus, on the border of Ukraine:

According to a press release from the Belarusian Defense Ministry on Saturday, military personnel from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have arrived in Belarus to participate in the joint anti-terrorism exercise scheduled from July 8 to 19.

The joint exercise will allow for the exchange of experience, the coordination of Belarusian and Chinese units, and the establishment of a foundation for further development of Belarusian-Chinese relations in the field of joint military training, said the Belarusian press release.

Photos released by the Belarusian Defense Ministry show the PLA troops arriving in Belarus on a Y-20 strategic transport aircraft of the PLA Air Force.

The joint drill was announced after Belarus officially jointed the SCO on Thursday, becoming its 10th member state, the Xinhua News Agency reported on the day.

This move is obviously being made in response to the buildup of NATO forces near the borders of Belarus. It’s apparent that Clown World is finding it difficult to accept the reality of its defeat in Ukraine, and is threatening to double down on its losing bet by openly sending in NATO forces.

By clarifying its pro-Russian position, China is calling what any sane observer would assume to be a bluff, although it is entirely possible that the Clown Worlders are desperate enough, and insane enough, to launch an attack on Belarus while claiming that it is not an attack on Russia.


Gearing Up for War

China is rapidly producing and deploying nuclear weapons:

According to the SIPRI report published on Sunday, the US and Russia are by far the largest nuclear powers, possessing nearly 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. However, China is “expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than any other country,” according to Hans M. Kristensen, associate senior fellow with SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Program. SIPRI’s findings indicate that Beijing’s nuclear arsenal grew from 410 to 500 warheads between January 2023 and January 2024.

The report concludes that “China could potentially have at least as many intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as either Russia or the USA by the turn of the decade, although its stockpile of nuclear warheads is still expected to remain much smaller than the stockpiles of either of those two countries.”

China has much greater industrial capacity than either the US or Russia, so its stockpile of ICBMs and nuclear warheads will eventually surpass both. Also, the state of the US military’s nuclear weapons is unknown, but it is unlikely to be any better than the state of its conventional weapons.

This doesn’t mean China is intending to nuke anyone, but it’s clear that they have no intention of again being subject to the sort of treatment they received from Britain, France, the USA, and Japan during their “Century of Humiliation”. Especially since they know perfectly well that the West’s foreign rulers possess absolutely no sense of justice or fair play.

I hear a lot of people say, “Americans have eavesdropped on the German Chancellor Merkel. They have stolen data from around the world, as we learnt from Edward Snowden. Why worry about Huawei when the Americans do exactly the same?” What do you say to this?

Well, [chuckles]. A former head of the Central Intelligence Agency told me it’s a matter of whether we steal everybody’s data or the Chinese steal everybody’s data. And don’t you prefer having the Americans steal your data?

Actually, no. China doesn’t have hundreds of military bases all over the planet. China didn’t financially rape Russia in the 1990s. China isn’t driving the entire West into economic ruin or forcing its puppet regime in Kiev to keep sending Ukrainians into the abbatoir of the Donbass. Fucking Clown World… Every day is always Day Zero and they are always the purest of hearts with the best intentions who never did nothing bad to nobody.


Time is on Xi’s Side

It’s clear that Xi is fully informed with regards to the US strategy to fight China while it still has some advantages left to it:

Xi Jinping has said that the US tried to provoke the Chinese military into attacking Taiwan but that Beijing did not take the bait, the Financial Times reported on Saturday, citing sources. According to people familiar with the matter cited by the paper, Xi made the remarks during a private meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023. The Chinese president also reportedly relayed concerns about Washington’s alleged attempts to trick Beijing into invading the self-governed island to his officials.

Beijing considers Taiwan to be sovereign Chinese territory under its One-China policy. The island has been self-governing since 1949 when nationalists fled the mainland with US help after losing the Chinese Civil War to the communists.

Financial Times described Xi’s reported remarks to von der Leyen as the first known time he told a foreign leader that the US was trying to goad Beijing into invading Taiwan. The Chinese president also reportedly explained that a conflict with the US would be detrimental to China and derail its plans for a “great rejuvenation” by 2049.

As I have repeatedly written, China wants a peaceful reunification with Taiwan island on the basis of the Hong Kong model. While there is no formal time limit to Taiwan’s US-backed pseudo-independence, everyone on all sides of the equation knows there is a practical limit, even if no one knows what it is. As the Chinese economy and military power continues to grow, and as the US economy and military power continues to decline, eventually a tipping point will be reached at which the Taiwanese faith in the USA and the USA’s willingness to go to war simultaneously vanish.

That is when China will peacefully take full political control of the island. Once the inevitable becomes the undeniable, any possibility of war over Taiwan will disappear. Unlike Russia, which was unable to resist the bait of a Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass republics and the potential loss of the Crimea and was forced to intervene militarily, Clown World possesses no similarly effective bait for China. It’s worth noting that despite being lured into launching the Special Military Operation, Putin has steadfastly resisted the invitation to attack the USA, the UK, Poland, or any of the European countries despite the relentless provocations by those effective belligerents.

Both Xi and Putin clearly understand that the USA is controlled by satanic foreign forces who value American lives no more highly than its Kiev regime values Ukrainian lives. They also understand that the satanic forces can only degrade and destroy, they can neither build nor maintain a society capable of exerting power on a global or even regional scale. Putin has even said as much about the United States in his June 14th speech at the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs:

As for the United States itself, the ongoing attempts by the liberal-globalist elites ruling there today to spread their ideology worldwide by any means, to maintain their imperial status, their dominance, only further exhaust the country, lead it to degradation, and directly contradict the true interests of the American people. If it weren’t for this dead-end path, aggressive messianism, mixed with a belief in their own chosenness and exceptionalism, international relations would have long been stabilized.

World War III is proving to be more sophisticated, and even more interesting, than either of its predecessors, because two of the central figures on the nationalist side have a not-inconsiderable understanding of the true nature, and the material limitations, of their enemy.


A Wake-Up Call

The Swiss government abandoned both banking privacy and neutrality under pressure from the USA and the EU. As a direct result, both its giant banks have already failed – one was bailed out and illegally given the resources of the other one at bargain prices – its peace summit is a complete failure, and now the world-famous Geneva Motor Show is shutting down after 119 years.

The Geneva International Motor Show is to end after more than a century due to lower interest and a tough market environment, organisers said on Friday. The organisers of the show have encountered difficulties in their preparations for the 2025 edition, they said. The signals from the market in favour of another edition were poor.

When asking the manufacturers to prepare for the 2025 edition, “we had the impression that we were going against the market,” Alexandre de Senarclens, President of the Geneva International Motor Show Foundation, told the Keystone-SDA news agency on Friday.

Translation: The Chinese, who have over 60 percent of the global electric car market and were among the few brands to appear at this year’s show, informed the organisers that they won’t be coming next year, in solidarity with their Russian allies.

The failure of the century-old Geneva show is probably a bigger blow to Switzerland than the widespread international rejection of the one-sided peace summit. One hopes that the Swiss people will soon recognize from the ongoing collapse of the USA and the EU countries that obediently following the directives of Clown World is not progress to anything but material loss, societal degradation, and violent post-civilizational chaos.

China confirmed on Friday that it will not attend a Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland next month, as the meeting falls short of China’s requests, according to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Mao Ning. The Chinese spokesperson emphasized that China consistently insists that international conference on Ukraine should have the recognition of both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussions on all peace proposals, as these three elements are crucial for the effectiveness of restoring peace.


China Leads Charge Against USD

The BRICSIA alliance isn’t even bothering to conceal their intentions any longer:

China will be a pioneer leading the world into a new and innovative financial and monetary system, as global calls for an overhaul of the Bretton Woods system – which has been in place for 80 years – gain traction due to the US abuse of the dollar’s hegemony and its irresponsible policy, as well as a fragmenting global economy, Chinese and foreign scholars said.

The new financial system is envisioned to be one based on a diversified set of currencies rather than a single currency, they noted. It will be an open, inclusive system where the voices of emerging market economies would be better represented, and it will enable countries to join hands to promote global economic growth and financial stability.

The comments were made at the 2024 Tsinghua PBCSF Global Finance Forum in Hangzhou city in East China’s Zhejiang Province. The two-day event concluded on Tuesday. This year, the forum was themed “80 Years after Bretton Woods: Building an International Monetary and Financial System For All.”

Taking account of how the US has been weaponizing and abusing its dollar hegemony by imposing unilateral sanctions on other countries, attendees of the forum expressed hopes that a less dollar-centric system could be created from both a theoretical and pragmatic point of view. The Federal Reserve’s policies to deal with US inflation and a recession, which have had negative spillover effects on the world, have raised widespread concerns over an excessive reliance on a single currency.

The challenge being posed to Clown World’s ambitions to rule the world are multi-faceted indeed. And the pillars upon which Clown World rests are rapidly crumbling. I think it’s safe to assume that China will continue dumping its US Treasury holdings.