The Shadow Cannot Maintain

The Dark Herald explains why the IP holders of the D&D property are destroying the appeal of the Drow, and even more so, the character of the Drow renegade, Drizzt Do’Urden

The problem is that Drizzt was intriguing to D&D players because he was the only good member of a race that was well-known for being unspeakably evil. You hated running into even a single Drow if you were in a low-level campaign.

It was the fundamental dichotomy of his character that drew people to him. A child of the spider goddess who followed a path of light was somebody you wanted to find out more about.

What made him choose the life of a complete outcast? A traitor to be tortured and murdered by his own people but hated and feared by all else because he was a member of that race. His character archetype is that of the Renegade Hero* and it is their rebellion that fascinates an audience.

The problem is that retards like the people who write for Screenrant are so wrapped up in their Delulu Land paradigm that they can’t be made to understand that turning the Drow into just a bunch of subterranean indigenous people with BLACK skin and cultural differences that white colonizers from Greyhawk or the Wherever Realms can’t acknowledge as being valid utterly destroys the character of Drizzt.

It’s his rebellion against the fundamental evil of his own race that drew his audience to him. His evil race is the very foundation of his character. Take that away from him and he’s just some loner.

We all know that the shadow cannot create. But we’re learning that it cannot even successfully maintain what it holds. It inevitably destroys everything it touches over time.


Based Books are Inevitable

Hans Schantz considers how the decline of mainstream publishing is producing increasingly based independent books on Fandom Pulse:

Mainstream publishing, once the gatekeeper of culture and ideas, is teetering under the weight of its own inefficiencies, ideological rigidities, and disconnect from audience demand. As it falters, a new breed of independent based creators — unburdened by institutional constraints and in tune with their audiences — stands ready to shape the future of culture through a broad-based and decentralized funding and distribution ecosystem.

Hobbled by ideological conformity, bureaucratic inefficiency, and a disconnect from readers, mainstream publishing survives only on revenue from their backlist and from celebrity authors. Elle Griffin observes:

I think I can sum up what I’ve learned like this: The Big Five publishing houses spend most of their money on book advances for big celebrities like Britney Spears and franchise authors like James Patterson and this is the bulk of their business. They also sell a lot of Bibles, repeat best sellers like Lord of the Rings, and children’s books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar. These two market categories (celebrity books and repeat bestsellers from the backlist) make up the entirety of the publishing industry and even fund their vanity project: publishing all the rest of the books we think about when we think about book publishing (which make no money at all and typically sell less than 1,000 copies).

Based creators are poised to thrive in this challenging media ecosystem. Using alternate platforms, they bypass the gatekeepers, fund their projects, and pool their fanbases to enhance their reach and to connect with new fans and readers. They offer authentic entertainment and uplifting stories to readers tired of propaganda and cultural programming. They work in a decentralized fashion that bypasses gatekeepers and connects directly to fans and readers.

All of which is observably true. There’s more, so be sure to read the whole thing. It’s also worth pointing out that the holiday edition of the Based Book Sale is running through tomorrow, December 3rd.


Thanksgiving Sale Last Day

SATURDAY UPDATE: Today is the final day of the sale. Since three more titles have sold out since Thursday, and since there are only 8 3 copies of the Library edition of A THRONE OF BONES I and A THRONE OF BONES II left, we’ve added three more Libraria titles to the sale.

At a 60 percent discount, you can pick up all three for just $100 more than the retail price of a single volume. Today only. For more details and updates, visit the Castalia Library substack.


Thanksgiving Sale: Libraria Edition

The Thanksgiving Sale 2024 has gone incredibly well, so much so that four of the Library books we put on sale this week are now completely sold out. So, we’ve decided to put all seven of the LIBRARIA editions of those same seven books on sale, for subscribers and non-subscribers alike, for $200, which is 60 percent off the retail price. This is an excellent opportunity for Library subscribers to pick up a copy or two if they’re curious about the various differences between the two editions, and, of course, there are few finer gifts available in that price range than a Libraria book with its Italian goatskin and 22k gold cover stampings.

The Thanksgiving Sale will end tomorrow, November 30th, at midnight. Limited stocks are available, especially for the following Library titles:

UPDATE: NDM Express is also having a Thanksgiving sale, including three Landmark Thucydides with minor issues.


The Endpapers of Empire

As Castalia Shipping reminds us that WAR AND PEACE is starting to ship out from the warehouse and flexes its new pallet jack, Castalia Library has both revealed the unique endpapers for THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF BYZANTIUM Volume One as well as shown off the newly bound-and-warehouse-bound STUDIES IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS.

The HYPERGAMOUSE campaign is within sight of its third stretch goal and John C. Wright has published the first book in his 12-book Star Quest series, Space Pirates of Andromeda. You can also watch the recent Arkhaven Nights in which we discussed his new book.

Space Opera must be Great! Gallant! Gigantic! Grandiose!
This tale told by a Grandmaster vows to return the glory that was lost!
Remember the days gone by, when science fiction was fun?
Now new hope is here!
If you are weary of weak, wan, woke and wasted works, your wait is ended!
Here is an epic, as grand as any tale of old — here you will hear wonders told!

Of course there is a Space Princess, and Space Pirates galore, and an Evil Galactic Empire.

Of course there is a super-weapon known only as the Great Eye of Darkness!
Here meet Athos Lone, Ace of Star Patrol, in his one-man mission of vengeance!
The Ancient Mariner, like an iron ghost, when slain, seems to rise again!
The mysterious spymaster called Nightshadow walks in dark worlds but serves the light!
An Imperial Deathtrooper must reverse his loyalties, and fight his own clone-brothers!

Fate has set these unlikely heroes against the Four Dark Overlords
An utmost evil the unwary galaxy thinks long dead!
Can Darkness fail and Light prevail?
Read On! For All True Tales are but Part of a Greater!


The Question of a Christian Library

Over on the Castalia Library substack, we’re taking a poll about the possibility of launching a new Christian-themed subscription in 2025. We’re well aware of the various pros and cons; the details concerning what we’re contemplating are spelled out over there. So, if you’d be kind enough to let us know if it’s potentially of interest to you, and if so, what books you’d like to see us produce, please share your metaphorical two cents with us.


Banning Christian History

It’s only a “trigger warning” at this point, but we all know that an academic ban on teaching Christian history, and eventually, Christian literature, is coming eventually.

They are the acclaimed works of medieval literature that tell the story of a religious pilgrimage to one of the most important cathedrals in all of Christendom. But to the astonishment of critics, a leading university has slapped a trigger warning on Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales – because they contain ‘expressions of Christian faith’.

Nottingham University has now been accused of ‘demeaning education’ for warning students about the religious elements of Chaucer’s stories – saying that anyone studying one of the most famous works in English literature would hardly have to have the Christian references pointed out.

The Mail on Sunday has obtained details of the notice issued to students studying a module called Chaucer and His Contemporaries under Freedom of Information laws. It alerts them to incidences of violence, mental illness and expressions of Christian faith in the works of Chaucer and fellow medieval writers William Langland, John Gower, and Thomas Hoccleve.

It was obviously a mistake for the universities, which were historically Christian institutions, to permit secular membership in the first place. First the enemies of Christ infiltrate, then they subvert, and eventually, they ban. It’s rather astonishing that so many Christians can’t recognize this historical process at work despite observing it happen again and again in their schools, in their companies, and even in their churches.

This is why the Catholic Church had so many inquisitions in the first place, to root out the false believers who they knew were intent on subverting the various institutions. As I pointed out 18 years ago, tolerance is “the Sin of Jeroboam”.

Anyhow, it may be time for Castalia Library to contemplate the need for a third series, something akin to Library and History, only specifically devoted to Christian History and Classics. That, or at least putting THE CANTERBURY TALES and PILGRIM’S PROGRESS in the production queue. If you’re a subscriber, or someone who would be interested in subscribing to that, let us know in the discussion on SG.

In other Castalia Library news, we’ve got most of the Library titles now prepared as ebooks, all of which will be made available for free to subscribers as soon as we can figure the best way to do so in an economical manner given the size of the files. We may consider putting them up for sale on Amazon for non-subscribers as well, but that’s not a priority at the moment.


“Only Tolkien is Better”

A very positive review of A SEA OF SKULLS by a reader well-read in epic fantasy.

This was an absolutely PHENOMENAL book from start to finish! Better than the first in the series! The depth of worldbuilding found in here is rivaled only by Greenwood’s Forgotten Realms, Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, and Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. Nobody has yet beaten Tolkien. And in my opinion, nobody ever will. But Day has certainly surpassed Forgotten Realms in depth and has, after this book, surpassed Martin’s work in quality and scope (Even if we’re only considering the first 3 since the last 2 books in ASOIAF are simply nowhere near as good).

To illustrate the caliber of Day’s worldbuilding, I was reading through Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn concurrently, which is praised as having some of the greatest worldbuilding of all time! And while Mistborn is justly praised for its really strong worldbuilding, it’s simply nowhere near as good as the Arts of Dark and Light, which has entire cultures, races, religions, even languages fleshed out. “A Sea of Skulls” operates on an entirely different level of depth and complexity. This comparison, though perhaps unfair given the differences in subgenre, highlights the exceptional quality of Day’s work in this regard…

Bottom line: Objectively, this series is already better than “A Song of Ice and Fire” and it will remain that way assuming it doesn’t deviate in quality in a similar manner as Martin’s series did. It’s better than Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive, better than Erikson’s Malazan, and somehow even better than Abercrombie’s First Law. The only series better than AODAL is Lord of the Rings, and Vox Day WILL NOT beat Tolkien. It’s not going to happen, BUT… if he keeps this up, he might just find himself moving from “pretty good author” to “one of the greats” territory, alongside writers like Mieville, Stephenson, and Weir.

My chief takeaway from this? We’d better do yet another round of proofreading before we print the interiors of the leather editions. Any volunteers who HAVE NOT proofread it already? It’s always amazing how two different proofreaders can each come up with a list of 100 typos, and only about 20 of them are in common.

However, I will assure the reviewer and anyone else who is interested that all of the major threads can and will be wrapped up in A GRAVE OF GODS. When I was contemplating the possibility of five books, I was not counting Summa Elvetica and I wasn’t sure about how big I was going to make the scope of the series. But after seeing how Martin fell apart and hasn’t been able to complete his, I decided to further discipline my focus and keep the primary series to three books.

In related news, we’ve settled on the names for the four German editions, and Summa Elvetica will be an official part of the series. Two of the translations are already completed and will be released sometime this winter.

  1. Die Seelenlosen
  2. Der Knochenthron
  3. Das Schädelmeer
  4. Das Göttergrab


A New Wave of Censorship

There have recently been a new wave of creator bans at BackerKit, Indiegogo, and Kickstarter:

This weekend, in an unprecedented move, Kickstarter banned me after I submitted my military science fiction space marine comic, The Emerald Array, for approval. I’ve seen projects declined before, but never an outright creator ban like this where it’s stripped me of the ability to communicate with the current backers of my last campaign, some asking questions via message or comment, which I have no way to answer.

JDA isn’t the only one to have a crowdfunding campaign shut down before it started of late. Lacey and I were banned by BackerKit for some unidentified “associations” and Comicsgate’s Cecil was banned by Indiegogo. Fortunately, a less censorious gentleman has prepared an alternative platform that is open to all and sundry, as JDA notes:

I’m not going to take this lying down, however. I’ve decided to fight, fight, fight, moving up the timetable of The Emerald Array space marine graphic novel campaign. We’re moving to Fund My Comic, a site run by a Christian creator committed to free speech.

Although we haven’t had any problems with Kickstarter, it’s good to know that there are other options that are available to us; while we have the right to use a certain alternative with whom the Cavalry are very familiar, we prefer not to use them and thereby generate revenue for them. One victory lap was sufficient to prove the point.

In the meantime, the HYPERGAMOUSE campaign is going well, moving steadily toward the next stretch goal. We’re contemplating the addition of a) a leatherbound edition of Sigma Game and b) foreign language editions of Hypergamouse.