Apparently someone is breaking into the library at the Silent Academy. Breaking into libraries is most certainly something of which we do NOT approve. Unless, of course, you really want to read the book…

#Arkhaven INFOGALACTIC #Castalia House
Apparently someone is breaking into the library at the Silent Academy. Breaking into libraries is most certainly something of which we do NOT approve. Unless, of course, you really want to read the book…
There is a revelation in the library. But the Silent Academy is a school for assassins, after all.
ASCENDANT: STAR-SPANGLED SQUADRON is back on Arktoons. And the Kickstarter for volume 2 is live and going strong.
Not what a fake vampire wants to see in her trailer. It’s one thing to have a deranged stalker, it’s another thing to have one if you’re a TV star in the Midnight World, with real vampires.
Either the Silent Academy has no Clean Speech policy or the Princess of the Blood is not respecting it! For shame, Alissabetta, for shame!
There are two Arkhaven-related crowdfunding campaigns that kicked off just yesterday. The first is the second volume of Ascendant: Star-Spangled Squadron from our friends at Autarch. We’re relaunching the entire series on Arktoons in two weeks, so this is a good way to support our partners in the comics industry.
The second campaign is, of course, THE HIDDEN EMPEROR by Jon Del Arroz. Arkhaven will be publishing the retail edition of this graphic novel, and it will be featured on Arktoons as well, as part of the OVERMIND series that will be launching there soon. Mike Murphy, Razorfist, the illustrator, and I were all on Arkhaven Nights with Jon last night to launch the crowdfund, which by the end of the stream had already passed its initial objective.
Ayla Rin, Agent Of The Terran Imperium, returns to face a new sinister plot against the Imperium! Something is amiss with the Emperor of Mankind. Ayla Rin discovers he’s been replaced by a clone who’s intentionally sabotaging the Imperium on behalf of the evil Scorpio Alliance! But worse, the Scorpio Alliance knows she knows. And that means blackmail. Ayla is forced to find a secret superweapon that could unleash devastation on the Imperium. Fans of Valerian, The Incal, and Saga epic science fiction comics will love THE HIDDEN EMPEROR!
Today’s MIDNIGHT’S WAR: NIGHTSTREETS is up, and frankly, I think Synthia has a point. It is tough to be sexy with an axe. Unless, of course, you’re Kingsguard…
Speaking of Arktoons, I’m happy to report that the new size and printing quality of the color edition of GHOST OF THE BADLANDS has passed review and we will be making it available at NDM and Amazon as soon as Razor pulls the trigger. We’re going to be redoing AH in the 8.5 x 11 size, and if it proves to be popular enough, may do the same for some of our other series. But our minimum size will be 8 x 10.88, replacing the old 7 x 10 often utilized by the legacy publishers.
Two of her fellow students at the Silent Academy are plotting against the Princess of the Blood on Silenziosa. How dare they!
Hypergamouse #110 is live on Arktoons.
MIDNIGHT’S WAR: Night Streets is engaged in some serious world-building today.
But Stonetoss is bringing the heat today. On the dev front, we’re going to be adding a much-needed new feature soon that will let Arktoons readers move from episode to episode within a series by simply scrolling down to the next episode or up to the previous one. This should improve the reading experience, particularly on mobile.