Midnight’s War Update 6

Days Left: 12

% of Goal: 179.5 percent

% of Stretch Goal: 89.7 percent

Backers: 308

Dante enlists esoteric assistance

Things have slowed down considerably, but the first stretch goal is still in sight for the MIDNIGHT’S WAR campaign. Allow me to provide taste of what that goal will be if hit, which is a short novel in the mode of Razorfist’s two Night Vale novels and Chuck Dixon’s two public domain Conan novels, called OUT OF THE SHADOWS.

Please also note that the MIDNIGHT’S WAR Issues 1-6 omnibus (hardcover) reward has added Canada as a destination, as requested, presumably by Canadians.


Chapter One: The Dance of the Unicorn

Elliott Grahame surveyed the spreadsheet with great satisfaction. The top line was increasing, the bottom line was more than healthy despite the recent operational expenditures, and the twelve-month trend was precisely in line with the shape of a ramp that the investment bankers were expecting. He didn’t turn around at the sound of his clear glass door being opened behind him, but pointed at the screen instead.
“And that, my friend, is what a billion-dollar company looks like!”
“You think we’re ready to push the IPO?”
“We’ve got to strike while the iron is hot!” He turned around and grinned at his CFO and executive vice-president, Immanual Boschwitz. “You know as well as I do that the stars aren’t going to align forever, Immy.”

Continue reading “Midnight’s War Update 6”

Avalon Poll

We have finished with CHUCK DIXON’S AVALON Issues 1-12. We’re now in the process of printing the two omnibuses, 1-6 and 7-12. However, it was suggested that having one big omnibus that collects Issues 1-12 would be preferable since we managed to complete the whole thing before getting the first half out.

I inquired of The Legend and he said he would prefer “one big doorstopper of a book.”

However, this is something that needs to be left up to the backers. It makes virtually no difference to us, as very few backers only backed the first omnibus and we’ll just send them the whole thing. So, if you are an Avalon backer, please let us know if you prefer two separate omnibuses or one big one.

UPDATE: It belatedly occurs to me that if we do one big omnibus, we MIGHT be able to eventually do some leather editions – not Smyth-sewn, unfortunately – but by using the paperback covers as the endpapers. Apparently this is the technique Easton has used to do their Marvel leatherbound editions and it’s the approach we will likely take with Midnight’s War.



Days Left: 23

% of Goal: 154.4 percent

% of Stretch Goal: 77.2 percent

Backers: 247

The journey toward the realization of the Midnight World continues apace. Thanks to all the new backers, and the original backers who picked up a copy of SILENZIOSA. Here is an as-yet-unreleased look at the way in which Lucius and Denisa spend their time when they’re not engaged in their usual nefarious skullduggery. Even monsters have their pedestrian moments; notice that Lucius prefers for Denisa to play white.




Days Left: 24

% of Goal: 126.7 percent

% of Stretch Goal: 63.4 percent

Backers: 207

The MIDNIGHT’S WAR campaign is proceeding smoothly, although not spectacularly. About 10 percent of the people who backed the original ALT-HERO campaign have backed this one to date, which could be attributed to a broad spectrum of reasons, but regardless, we appreciate the support that permits us to continue the series.

It would appear we should have simply done a 96-page story about a black superhero fighting racism, that’s what conservatives love these days, right, Anon? If there is one thing we can be sure of, Anon, it’s that the market never lies. We obviously should have had bestselling author Mike Pence author the series instead of The Legend Chuck Dixon.


But economic gaslighting is what it has always been and it really isn’t any concern of ours what sort of public performance art is being performed. So, below is an image of the inks from MIDNIGHT’S WAR: NIGHT STREETS, which is already well underway. Apparently Celise isn’t much more concerned about her colleagues’ opinion of her smoking inside than Dynamique is.


And don’t forget, you can now obtain the first print edition of SILENZIOSA by backing MW.


A Princess of the Blood

As the MIDNIGHT’S WAR crowdfund has successfully reached its initial target, Arkhaven Comics is pleased to announce that SILENZIOSA Volume One is now available as an add-on, in either paperback or hardcover. Those who have already backed the campaign can now add it to their existing pledge, new backers will find it as an option after making an initial pledge for anything from the Arktoons Backer level to The Rites of Cain level.

SILENZIOSA tells the tale of Alissabetta, Princess of the Blood, and daughter of His Majesty King Charles Arthur III of Inghiltar, Yrlandia, and the Skotian Isles, who finds herself forced to attend the Silent Academy when her uncle, the family assassin, meets an unexpected demise. Please note that if you’re only interested in Silenziosa, the best way to obtain it is back at the Arktoons Backer level, then add Silenziosa Volume One in your preferred format.

In other news, both Canada and Australia have been added as free shipping destinations for all rewards except for the leatherbound omnibus and the Knight of St. Michael statue for Australia. The shipping costs preclude the inclusion of Australia for those two items. We also believe we will be able to provide color in the leatherbound edition, although in that case the interior book block will be perfect bound rather than Smyth-sewn. We have also added a PDF Edition add-on for 15 at the request of several backers.

The next stretch goal will be announced when the campaign hits 60k. And speaking of MIDNIGHT’S WAR, Episode 57, Something Significant, is featured on Arktoons today.


MW Update

MIDNIGHT’S WAR campaign update.

Days Left: 26

% of Goal: 89.5

Backers: 154

It’s taken a little longer than previous campaigns, but we’re almost there. A new stretch goal will be announced tomorrow if the initial target is hit tonight. Bounding Into Comics has a nice article up reporting on the launch of the campaign. If you’re a backer, be sure to leave a comment there!

The series is currently free to read on Arkhaven Comics’ digital platform Arkhaven and currently has over 56 episodes published to date. According to the site’s metrics it’s one of the more popular titles on the site and has over 250,000 views.

The new Kickstarter will collect the first six issues of the series that are currently available to read on Arkhaven.com. However, it also offers collected editions of issues 7-12 as well. These issues continue the story of Dante Fitzalan, Arika su-Fitzalan, Julian Varney, Denisa Denue Remords, and Andre Montbard and “follows the bitter vendetta being fought between two of the rival vampire factions, a vendetta that was, unbeknownst to both factions, caused by a hostile third party.”

Not only that it also offers a collection of a new Chuck Dixon spinoff series, Midnight’s War: Night Streets, which is described as a “police procedural set within the Midnight World that features characters introduced in Midnight’s War as well as entirely new characters.”

On a related note, it is looking increasingly likely that we will be able to do the leather omnibus edition in color. We will run some test bindings in the new year in order to be sure.

UPDATE: Greenlight! We are currently at 102.6% of goal on Day 3. Thanks to all 171 of the backers! The first stretch goal will be announced tomorrow.


Black Friday Book Sale

Aetherczar announces the Based Black Friday Book Sale

Bypass the cultural gatekeeping, support non-woke authors, and get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free! Sale starts today, Wednesday November 23, and runs through Tuesday November 29.

The new additions from the previous sale include science fiction grandmasters, Dragon Award winners and nominees, established mainstream authors, and emerging indie talent. Authors include Patrick Abbott, James Alderdice, J.M. Anjewierden, Graham Bradley, Henry Brown, Misha Burnett, Paul Clayton, Mel Dunay, Marina Fontaine, Karl K. Gallagher, N. Gray, Steve Griffiths, William Hastings, Chris Haught, Daniel Humphreys, Becky R. Jones, M.R. Kayser, Chris Kennedy, Moe Lane, B.P. McCoppin, Jon Mollison, Chance Paladin, S. Kirk Pierzchala, Alex Rath, Denton Salle, Cedar Sanderson, David Skinner, R.H. Snow, Glen Sprigg, Henry Vogel, David J. West, Thomas Wilson, John C. Wright, and Page Zaplendam.

And in related news, the MIDNIGHT’S WAR campaign has begun. You can now obtain print editions of Arkhaven’s excellent introduction to the Midnight World. Remember that the Kickstarter system is different than Indiegogo, so instead of multiple backings, back one reward and then use the add-ons to select additional items. For example, back for the first paperback (issues 1-6), then add on the second paperback (7-12) and the third one (Night Streets 1-6). While you aren’t permitted to do multiple backings, you can add add-ons to your backing later.


The De-Comicization of DC

It looks like Ethan van Sciver was correct all along, as DC Comics officially removes “Comics” from its branding.

DC’s website is now known as simply DC.com instead of the original DCcomics.com, quietly and officially dropping the “comics” designation from their branding.

“DC.com is a celebration of everything across the DC Multiverse and we couldn’t be more excited for today’s launch,” DC GM/SVP Anne DePies stated in the release. “We are doubling down on DC’s digital ecosystem and there has never been a better time to be a DC fan and with this one-stop shop, we’re bringing everything together in one place to easily access and celebrate your fandom.”

In terms of all media and not just comics, the brand is undergoing a restructure and, more than that, its studio operations are under threat of a great reset.

Translation: DC’s owners only need the existing IP and they don’t believe the traditional comics publishing operation is going to produce any new IP of value. So farming out the IP to other publishers and collecting royalties makes more sense than continuing to self-produce new comics content, since the comics publishing revenue is trivial and creates more trouble than it’s worth.

Meanwhile, Arkhaven Comics is about to release a major new Arktoons update that is going to significantly increase its daily traffic. The best Arktoons content already compares favorably with the best that Webtoons and Tapas have to offer, and neither of them have anything to compete with what we believe is going to be a seriously game-changing development.


Making Millions with Comics

AC takes a little offense at the massive success of Eric July’s comic kickstarter.

GET BASED, MAKE BANK! ANTI-WOKE COMIC RAKES IN $1.7M IN PRE-ORDERS – I’m not linking to this shit, just because it pisses me off. But this was an article on Stephen Crowder’s website. Basically some random asshole had the totally new idea to make a book of non-woke comics, which he is charging $90 for, and he has supposedly sold $1.7 million of them. And Crowder is promoting it. First, notice, no mention of Arkhaven comics or Vox Day, who have only been doing this better and bigger, even for free, for years now, and who no doubt would dwarf this guy. Second, no way this guy shows up unannounced and has more reach than Vox has accumulated, after decades amassing fans in all sorts of genres. But he sells $1.7 million of $90 books almost overnight? Do you think you could do that? Would Crowder mention you, if you did? What you are seeing is how the machine tries to bleed Arkhaven, by having one of their actors show up, with a product the machine created, get free pimping on some machine mouthpiece, with sales that sound a bit odd, and try to squeeze the real things out of the market. Learn to see the difference between the real things, and those things they jam in your face.

It’s possible that AC is correct and that this is an attempt to suck all the air out of the independent comic space. I certainly wouldn’t put it past the Ticket Masters; they seem to be prone to funding their pet ticket takers in any and every possible area, however unlikely, for fear of the organic growth of an institution without any use for them.

That being said, it’s true there are a LOT of cucks, cons, and mainstream Republicans who are irritated by the social justice demolition of the entire entertainment industry and would LOVE to vote for a Black man for President. We see this every election cycle and we see it in the insta-success of ideological chameleons like Candace Owens, who made the difficult transition from full-blown SJW thought policewoman to professional conservative Black woman without breaking a sweat or generating a single word of criticism in the media. So, the massive success of a conservative Black man writing a Gary Stu comic where the villain is Racism doesn’t exactly surprise me. Better him than the SJWs at Marvel and DC. Much better.

Either way, I don’t share AC’s outrage. I have never feared competition; to the contrary, I find it extremely motivating. And there is plenty of room for multiple independent unconverged comics publishers; there is a LOT of enemy ground that needs to be retaken for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Ever since the unexpected success of the original ALT-HERO crowdfund, people on the nominal right have been trying to move into that space in order to outshine Arkhaven. Eric July and the Blaze-Daily Wire Axis aren’t the only contestants; an intriguing new alliance between EVS, Larry Correia, and Baen Books should prove amusing in at least one way or another. None of this is any concern to me, because Arkthaven’s strategy relies solely upon being consistently better than everyone else, as the next major Arktoons release should suffice to demonstrate.


MIDNIGHT’S WAR #6: A Center of Catastrophic Entropy