Announcing Infogalactic Tech

Following fast on the heels of Infogalactic News, the Techstars and Infogalactic News team are pleased to announce the launch of Infogalactic Tech, for all your daily tech-related headlines. This will likely include game-related news as well, at least until we put together an Infogalactic Game team. Technology is increasingly converged, which is why we are going to need to develop and support new Alt-Tech news sites.

If you have a site that you believe merits being permanently linked at the bottom, please email technews-at-infogalactic-dot-com or make a suggestion in the comments. We will also be adding link suggestion boxes to both News and Tech at some point in the near future. As always, if you wish to support these ongoing developments in Alt-Tech and Alt-Media, please join the Burn Unit. As people continue to join, we’re going to be able to keep doing more.

On a not-entirely-related note, I’ve begun blogging about some of the design and development challenges we’re facing with GameBrain and our other games, and how we’re deciding to address them. This really isn’t extra work; it’s more akin to thinking out loud about stuff we’re already doing. The DevGame post today poses the 3-strike challenge, which concerns how to end a multiplayer game that is based on a 3-strike system.

Sign me up now

Google to flag “offensive content”:

Google is now directing its review teams to flag content that might come across as upsetting or offensive in search results. The review teams – comprised of contractors known as “quality raters” – already comb through websites and other content to flag questionable items such as pornography. Google added a new category, “upsetting-offensive,” in its guidelines for quality raters. For example, content with “racial slurs or extremely offensive terminology” could now get flagged as such.

Frankly, I’d be disappointed if this site didn’t suffice to upset and offend the SJW snowflakes. Google and the other big tech companies are setting the stage for some MASSIVE disruption. When they get FoxNewsed, they’re going to get FoxNewsed hard.

The Opposition Media discovers Alt-Tech

Mother Jones publishes the usual “hey, we discovered these guys are totally evil racist misogynists” hit piece:

Alt-techies are scornful of South Asians working in Silicon Valley under H-1B visas. White Morpheus, the Daily Stormer reader, told me that he became a white supremacist after working with “unqualified subcontinentals who were brought in by visa fraud to drive down American engineering wages” and who “produce subpar work product.” (Before I contacted him, White Morpheus had posted on Daily Stormer about forming a neo-Nazi meetup group in Silicon Valley and using programming tools to create more video games “like Angry Goy.”)

The H-1B visa program, which Trump has vowed to reform, is unpopular among many tech workers due to concerns about its effect on wages and job security. Studies have shown that the largest recipients of H-1B visas are outsourcing firms, and that H-1B workers get paid less money than their American counterparts for the same work. But hardcore racists see an opening to turn the H-1B debate into a recruitment tool in the Valley. “A bill is being introduced in the House of Representatives that will neutralize the economic advantages these anti-American companies get from gaming the H1-b visa system,” a contributor to the Daily Stormer wrote recently. “If the cucks in Congress don’t block it, the not-so-humanitarian motives of big business in browning and third-worldizing America will be revealed.”

“Tomorrow, being a Hispanic, Black, Muslim or woman in the USA is going to be very scary,” the Latino founder of a Silicon Valley startup wrote on Facebook on election night. The post elicited an outpouring of solidarity from many Bay Area techies—but not from Andrew Torba, an alum of the Y-Combinator tech incubator, who tweeted a screenshot of the post with the line “Build the wall.”

When other Y-Combinator graduates began criticizing Torba on Facebook, he waded into the fray: “All of you: Fuck off,” he wrote. “Take your morally superior, elitist, virtue signaling bullshit and shove it.” Using an alt-right term meant to demean mainstream conservatives, he added, “I call it like I see it, and I helped meme a president into office, cucks.”

Y-Combinator soon banned Torba from its alumni network for “speaking in a threatening, harassing way towards other YC founders,” in violation of its ethics policy. Torba denied threatening or harassing YC founders and called the ban “a quintessential example of Silicon Valley censorship in action.” He later turned down my request to speak with him about the incident by posting parts of my email to him on social media with the comment “We don’t interview with fake news sites.”

Andrew was right to turn down the reporter’s “request to speak with him”. This article is an clear object lesson in WHY YOU NEVER TALK TO THE MEDIA. I’ve turned down four or five interview requests in the last week alone. Deny them content. Deny them the ability to use you for their Narrative. Don’t try to use them, because they are using you. Don’t dance for them.

As for all you idiot spergs with your predictable and oh-so-clever-advice-that-no-one-ever-thought-of-before to “record the interview yourself”, just shut up already. All that advice indicates is that you don’t know what you’re talking about and no one has ever bothered to interview you. I recorded the Wired interview that was used against me. I recorded the David Pakman interview as well. The only reason the latter recording helped is that I have a bigger microphone than Pakman; the former didn’t do me one damned bit of good even when I brought it to the attention of the Wired editor.

I don’t know how I can make it any more clear: DO NOT TALK TO THE MEDIA. Even one of my very few former exceptions to the rule, Milo, has demonstrated that it is fundamentally a losing proposition.

Now, I’m not talking about friends and allies. I’m doing Stefan’s show in a few weeks and we’re going to discuss Dostoevsky. I did an interview with Brittany and Tara that I believe will be posted today. That’s different. Neither Stefan nor Brittany nor Tara are part of the opposition media nor can they easily be utilized by the opposition media.

How Wikipedia determines reliability

Even I didn’t realize things were this bad at Wikipedia:

In the modern world, bigoted oddballs who are over-familiar with the internet can wield tremendous power — and this potty-mouthed man is a case in point. For when he’s not posting obscene images or racist sentiments, Cockram is a regular editor of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, where (according to multiple posts on his Facebook feed) he operates under the alias ‘Hillbillyholiday’.

Last month, ‘Hillbillyholiday’ was the architect of a cynical PR stunt which saw this newspaper publicly smeared by damning its journalism ‘unreliable’. He and 52 like-minded anti-Press zealots, almost all of whom remain anonymous, collaborated in a vote which persuaded Wikipedia, the sixth most popular website in the world, that it ought to ban the Daily Mail.

The move by the online encyclopedia — which was founded in 2001 and has in a few short years become a hugely influential source of information — was revealed in the pages of the Left-wing Guardian newspaper. It reported that Wikipedia’s editors had decided, in a democratic ballot, that the Mail’s journalism cannot be trusted.

No statistics were offered in support of this claim, which, incidentally, came days before the Mail won Sports Newspaper Of The Year for an unprecedented fourth straight time, and was shortlisted for 15 awards at the British Press Awards, the news industry’s Oscars. (Indeed, as we shall see, the Mail has an enviable record on accuracy.)

Neither did Wikipedia, nor The Guardian, bother to shed much light on how this decision was reached. If they had, then it would have become apparent to readers that this supposed exercise in democracy took place in virtual secrecy, and that Wikipedia’s decision to censor the Mail — the only major news outlet on the face of the Earth to be so censored — was supported by a mere 53 of its editors, or 0.00018 per cent of the site’s 30 million total, plus five ‘administrators’.

Five thought police plus 53 editors is enough to permanently nuke a source for “reliability”. This fact alone is sufficient cause to justify, if not demand, the creation of Infogalactic.

Build your own platforms

Disqus no longer wishes to permit Occidental Dissent to be part of the discussion:

“Hi there,

We wanted to reach out to inform you that your site has been found to be in conflict with the values and terms of use of Disqus. Because of this, Disqus is unable to offer your site continued discussion services past the next 30 days.

Site activity or content that can result in the termination of discussion services include:
– Technical misuse of Disqus services: generating a large amount of nonsense threads, posts, or other objects.
– Featuring copyrighted material, which results in DMCA takedown requests.
– Adult-oriented sites which result in abuse complaints, users with inappropriate avatars or behavior visiting other Disqus sites in an unwelcome way, or are otherwise misusing Disqus services.
– Using Disqus on pages that contain hate speech, which violates Disqus’ Terms of Service and results in abuse complaints.

Additional information on these Basic Rules may be found here …”

The Right would do well to adapt this friendly denial of service approach. The next time someone you don’t like, or of whom you don’t approve, wants you to bake a cake or whatever, just inform them that they are in conflict with your values and terms of use.

It’s particularly useful for breaking up with women. “Hey, I’m really sorry, but you’ve been found to be in conflict with my values. Because of this, I’m unable to offer you continued relationship services.”

There is no point crying about this attempt to shut down dissent and police both thoughts and speech. It’s what converged organizations do; they are more interested in your submission than your business. Pointing out their double standards and hypocrisy will accomplish nothing; they know they are hypocrites and they consider it to be a virtue.

So, build your own platform. That is the only way to avoid being techno-silenced.

Meanwhile, the Zman explains the worthlessness of the Establishment Right and why the Alt-Right need spare no sympathy for pseudo-rightists like Charles Murray now that SJWs are attacking them as well as the actual Right.

When Ann Coulter gets screamed at on campus, guys like Murray just shrug, because after all, Coulter deserves it. She’s a bad thinker.

That’s the thing with these guys. They don’t care about free speech or the open exchange of ideas. They care about their free speech and their access to the marketplace of ideas, which means staying in good with the Left. When a John Derbyshire is shut down by the campus lunatics, Conservative Inc is silent. To defend Derb or anyone else the Left has ruled out of bounds would risk their standing and that can never happen. The only core principle of these so-called conservatives is to remain on the good side of the Left.

This is not supposed to happen to good thinkers like Charles Murray, so it is a big deal to the people who pretend to be on our side. It also offers another opportunity for Conservative Inc. to pretend they are on the front lines fighting the Left. As I pointed out the other day, these guys are looking for a way to insert themselves at the front of the movement they claim to lead, at least until things get serious. You just know that one of them will be declaring himself the “respectable” version of the Dissident Right.

The incident is a good reminder of Official Right’s worthlessness. Murray’s piece reads like an apology. That’s because it is an apology. The boys and girls of Conservative Inc have always worked to position themselves at the edge of what the Left considers the respectable Right. Twenty years ago, the Bell Curve was right at the edge. Now, the Left considers it heresy and Murray knows it. It’s why he invested so much effort into advertising his opposition to Trump. It’s part of the long apology for his past heresy.

Murray is fond of the label Establishmentarians to describe his peers. While it is true that they are forever defending the establishment, they have no say in what is and what is not the “establishment.” That’s decided by the Left. Since that is always changing, most of these guys spend their days trying to justify the latest movement of the Overtone Window as conservative. It’s why a Jonah Goldberg was out declaring homosexuality a core conservative principle  It’s why a National Review is pro-tranny.

It’s also why the most important project of the Dissident Right is discrediting those palace guards of the Progressive establishment. Guys like Charles Murray are useful opponents for the Left and not just because they are always willing to take a dive. Like the tomato cans that fill up the fight card for a weak champion, Conservative Inc insulates the Establishment from a real challenge. Instead of having to face off against people who are willing to punch back, the Left likes these journeyman who are just happy for the payday.

Of course, if you punch back, or even permit others to punch back, you will be deplatformed. The choice is always the same, no matter what the context. Fight back or submit.

“I saw it coming”

Pewdiepie correctly understands that it is his Internet audience that matters, not the media, and not the gatekeepers. He provides a powerful example for Milo, and for every other independent thinker who is not going to be lifted up and protected by the SJW-amenable authorities.

We don’t need the Wall Street Journal. We don’t need Disney. We don’t need the Media Corpocracy or the Six Corpocrats who own 90 percent of it.

We are here to disrupt them and replace them, not to join them and work for them as creative serfs.

The coordinated corpocratic attack on Pewdiepie is a high-profile object lesson straight out of SJWAL: no matter who you are, no matter how big you are, no matter how many fans and followers you have, if you threaten the Narrative in any way, even inadvertently, you will be attacked, discredited, disqualified, and, if possible, destroyed.

Don’t think you won’t be. Stand up and fight or submit and serve. Those are your choices.

GabTV: Darkstream

GabTV is rapidly improving; the video quality on the latest is much better now that my Internet upload speed has been increased. This is the Darkstream from the other night; my next appearance on GabTV will be on Friday night; we’ll probably do the February Brainstorm on Monday night.

Note that you have to be logged into Gab to watch it. The interesting thing is that over 400 people watched it live, twice as many as watched one of my recent Periscopes. That means that once they get the native app going, and have comments inside the screen, I can switch over to GabTV entirely if I wish. That being said, I’ll be doing a Periscope tonight at the usual time.

GabTV tonight

I’ll be on tonight at 7 PM EST, discussing Infogalactic News, and, of course, Milo’s resignation from Breitbart.

And for the record, to the best of my knowledge, he was not pushed. I don’t know about you, but I was mildly surprised to learn that he was still the Technology Editor.

Mailvox: Facebook is the enemy

This is intriguing. First Twitter, now Facebook:

Heads up — a good friend of mine just posted your Milo post on facebook when I sent it to him to his wall. We were chatting via PM about the topic and I watched on my phone as all of his messages turned into “your message has been flagged by facebook for spam.”

His account is now gone and blocked. Everything about his posts have disappeared from my timeline, he can’t get into his account.

We’re headed for all-out war.

We are. And we’re going to win. Because everything they do is built on lies. Spam indeed. This is yet another reminder of why we need to build our own platforms. And we will.


Team Infogalactic is very pleased to announce INFOGALACTIC NEWS, a Drudge-style news aggregation site for the center-right reader. Infogalactic News features 11 news headlines and 36 featured columnists and news sites for fast, one-stop news updates. The site is curated by 14 IG News editors who will provide twice-daily regular updates, plus fast-response special updates for breaking news. We hope you will be find it to be worthy of bookmarking and visiting regularly.

You can reach it from here using the permanent link on the right sidebar near the top, under Day Trips. See the line Infogalactic | News.

One important feature, from the Alt-Tech perspective, is that all news links to mainstream news articles will automatically redirect to archive sites, thereby ensuring that the news stories are not retroactively altered, as so often happens. This feature has not been fully implemented yet, but will be in place by the end of the week. Other incipient features include tickers for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the EUR/USD exchange rate, and the price of gold. We also plan to allow people to select the font they prefer, and to provide links to Infogalactic pages related to the headline subjects.

The Drudge Report has traffic of 2.7 billion pageviews per month. Our goal is to hit 1 billion pageviews by the end of 2017. In this regard, it is interesting to note that in only four months, Infogalactic’s average daily traffic has already surpassed that of the 90k daily pageviews of this blog.

We have received a few requests for foreign language variants, which strikes us as a good idea, so if you’re interested, round up at least six fellow native speakers to serve as fellow news editors, then get in touch with us. Dread Ilk and VFM are vastly preferred to head up these foreign language sites.

Sidebar and site advertising is available for those who are interested, and, as always, if you’re interested in supporting these efforts to improve upon and replace the opposition media, please consider joining the Burn Unit.