Is now up at Alpha Game. I think I may have forgotten to link last week’s tribute to Athol Kay.
Tag: Alpha Game
Hypergamouse 007
I’ve always found it rather remarkable that so many women equate “working in an office” with “doing something important”, especially when the alternative is furthering the survival of the human race.
Because you weak sisters here can’t handle the intimidation.
Hypergamouse 005
In which a new character is introduced.
Of infidelity
The results of the Alpha Game survey on sexual fidelity. Here are three of the key observations:
1. 31% of women and 28% of men admit to cheating in their premarital relationships.
2. The risk of female sexual infidelity rises considerably with increased sexual experience.
3. The risk of both male and female sexual infidelity rises considerably with male sexual experience.
Fidelity survey
In light of the interesting information provided by the previous questionnaire, I’ve posted another set of questions related to one’s historical fidelity or lack thereof. It’s entirely anonymous, so you want to add to the data available for crunching, please visit Alpha Game and answer the seven questions there.
That illicit allure
Scott Adams and others have imagined that with the advent of robogirls and virtual sex, the human race is doomed. But in the West, that day may have already dawned.
Hypergamouse 003
Your Monday mouse, in case you are following along.
Hypergamouse is back
The second in the weekly comic strip is now up at Alpha Game.
And on a tangentially related subject, I address a HUS commenter’s failure to grasp that ego simply does not apply in the same manner across the sexual divide:
“Maybe we [women] just don’t like [male] sluts for the same reason men don’t, which can be attributed to “ego” as well. Why is that so hard for some people to comprehend?”
“There are four reasons. First, women are notoriously bad at understanding and communicating why they do what they do. Second, because women very much like sexually experienced men, so much so that they observably harbor a vast preference for them over sexually inexperienced men. Women outright mock men who “can’t get laid”, so much so that they regularly resort to such insults even in cases where it manifestly doesn’t apply. If a woman is calling a man “a slut” or some similar term normally directed at women, she is usually revealing an amount of jealousy as well as her own willingness to have sex with him….”
There are few examples of the gulf between female consciousness and female action more readily apparent than with the common female claim to be disgusted and put-off by male sexual experience. But as last week’s Hypergamouse illustrated, taking female advice concerning female behavior tends to be one of the more effective means of ensuring failure with women.
Introducing Hypergamouse
JartStar and I are pleased to announce the introduction of Hypergamouse, a new comic strip that will run weekly on Mondays at Alpha Game. It may, nor may not, be the first Game-related comic strip. I can’t be bothered to look into it and I’m really not interested in determining if Garfield actually qualifies as such.
It also may, or may not, be amusing. This isn’t a format I have tried before, and like most creative endeavors, it may take a while before we really figure out what we are doing. So, I hope that the regulars will enjoy watching the evolution of the comic strip as well as the weekly vicissitudes of the Hypergamouse ensemble.