First Syria, now Gaza

This diplomatic gesture has the potential to mark a major turning point in the Middle East, if Russia is able to intervene and impose a resolution a second time after repeated US failures:

Russia has warned the Jewish State of engaging in further violence that costs civilians’ lives.
As reported by the Associated Press, as of Wednesday, about 219 Palestinians have been killed in the current fighting, while Israel has seen 12 casualties. The rising number of deaths and injuries have raised calls from around the world for Israel to mount a “proportionate” response to the attacks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has denied Israel has done anything beyond defending itself and vowed to continue until Hamas is deterred from future violence.
The escalating conflict is of “extreme concern” to the Kremlin, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov urged Israel to carefully consider the actions they take.
“In a frank exchange of opinion on the situation in the Israeli-Palestinian relations, including the one in the Gaza Strip, the Russian side expressed extreme concern over the escalation of tensions and stressed the impermissibility of steps fraught with more civilian casualties,” Bogdanov told Alexander Ben Zvi, Israel’s ambassador in Moscow, on Wednesday, according to state news agency TASS.

The USA couldn’t stop Islamic State in Syria either, but Russia did. If Russia can force Israel to stop attacking Palestinians in Gaza, that would be a remarkable demonstration of influence of a kind that hasn’t been seen since the 1950s. 

And just like that, a ceasefire is declared. It’s a timely coincidence, to say the least.

Palestinians were seen in jubilant celebration as a ceasefire deal with Tel Aviv came into force after 11 days of deadly fighting, with crowds taking to the streets across Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem to cheer the truce. Street parades and impromptu fireworks displays erupted in Palestinian cities early on Friday morning, hours after a ceasefire agreement mediated by Egypt was accepted by Israel and armed groups in Gaza.

This diplomatic intervention may be an indication that Russia isn’t inclined to tolerate the neoclown shenanigans in Ukraine very much longer. The Russians appear to have figured out that it will be effective to hold Israel responsible for the war being waged against Russia by the diasporans in the USA. 

Stasi in the USA

AC has written volumes about the Promethean Panopticon he calls the Surveillance Society. This clandestine army controlled by the Pentagon would appear to be the branch of it that is embedded into the US military:

The US military operates a vast network of soldiers, civilians, and contractors that it uses for clandestine missions both at home and abroad, Newsweek has claimed, adding that the force also manipulates social media.

After a two-year investigation, the outlet reported that the undercover army consists of around 60,000 people, many of whom use fake identities to carry out their assignments. The Pentagon’s agents operate in real life and online, with some even embedded in private businesses and well-known companies. 

The massive program, unofficially known as “signature reduction,” is reportedly 10 times the size of the CIA’s clandestine service, making it the “largest undercover force the world has ever known,” Newsweek claimed. But the true scale and scope of the shadow army remains a closely guarded secret. No one knows the program’s total size, and Congress has never held a hearing on the military’s increasing reliance on signature reduction. There appears to be very little or no transparency regarding the massive clandestine military force, even as its continued development “challenges US laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct, and basic accountability,” the outlet said. 

I expect this is somehow related to the “military-industrial complex” of which President Eisenhower warned Americans at the end of his term. It’s not the sort of thing that just springs up overnight, after all. I find this report to be particularly interesting in light of the way the current Alt-Hero episodes posit a much smaller and superhuman, but equally clandestine force operating inside the US military.

The political answer

It’s been 100 years since the Emergency Quota Act transformed the USA into the most powerful nation on Earth by limiting immigration and restricting it to compatible nations:

The Emergency Quota Act, also known as the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, the Per Centum Law, and the Johnson Quota Act (ch. 8, 42 Stat. 5 of May 19, 1921) restricted immigration into the United States. Although intended as temporary legislation, the Act “proved in the long run the most important turning-point in American immigration policy” because it added two new features to American immigration law: numerical limits on immigration and the use of a quota system for establishing those limits. These limits came to be known as the National Origins Formula.

The Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of the number of residents from that same country living in the United States as of the U.S. Census of 1910. This meant that people from northern European countries had a higher quota and were more likely to be admitted to the U.S. than people from eastern Europe, southern Europe, or other, non-European countries. Professionals were to be admitted without regard to their country of origin. The Act set no limits on immigration from Latin America. The act did not apply to countries with bilateral agreements with the US, or to Asian countries listed in the Immigration Act of 1917, known as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act. However, the Act was not seen as restrictive enough since millions of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe had come into the USA since 1890. The Immigration Act of 1924 reduced the Quota to 2{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} per the Census of 1890 when a fairly small percentage of the population was from the regions regarded as less than desirable.

Based on that formula, the number of new immigrants admitted fell from 805,228 in 1920 to 309,556 in 1921-22. The average annual inflow of immigrants prior to 1921 was 175,983 from Northern and Western Europe, and 685,531 from other countries, principally Southern and Eastern Europe. In 1921, there was a drastic reduction in immigration levels from other countries, principally Southern and Eastern Europe.

Following the end of World War I, both Europe and the United States were experiencing economic and social upheaval. In Europe, the destruction of the war, the Russian Revolution, and the dissolutions of both the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires led to greater immigration to the United States; while in the United States, an economic downturn following post-war demobilization increased unemployment. The combination of increased immigration from Europe at the time of higher American unemployment strengthened the anti-immigrant movement.

The act, sponsored by Rep. Albert Johnson (R-Washington), was passed without a recorded vote in the U.S. House of Representatives and by a vote of 90-2-4 in the U.S. Senate.

100 years later, it is clear that if the USA is going to survive another decade or two intact – which it almost certainly isn’t – a new Emergency Quota Act is required, albeit one that restores the 1910 demographics. Since this is a political solution, and since four years of the Trump administration didn’t even manage to seriously slow the invasive flow from around the world, we can safely discount any chance of this proven measure being adopted in any meaningful timeframe.

The much more likely alternative is that those demographics are more or less restored in a rump state after a considerable amount of war and ethnic cleansing over the territory of the former empire. Unless, of course, China manages to establish a Chung Kuo-like hegemony over North America, which at this point is probably more likely that the sensible solution.

By their fruits ye shall know them

I’m entirely confident that the “Andrew Anglin” who wrote this column at Unz is not the “Andrew Anglin” I debated a few years ago. Regardless, the column is a sobering reminder that “Judeo-Christianity” is not Christianity, the god worshipped by the Jews is not the Heavenly Father of Jesus Christ, and providing post-WWII safe harbor to the Jewish diaspora appears to have served Americans about as well as doing so previously served the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Russians, and the British.

My Nation Blessed Israel and All I Got Was a Mulatto Tranny Grandchild

When I was a child in the 1990s, evangelical preachers and televangelists were claiming that God would “bless” a nation that “blesses” the genocidal Jew state of Israel.

Yet, here were are, 30 years later, and America has consistently “blessed” Israel. We have given them hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, and we have spent trillions fighting wars for them. Our boys have been sent to be maimed and to die in the name of Israel. Our government’s entire foreign policy is built around promoting the interests of Israel. We have also allowed Jews who live in America to operate unhindered, and to take over all of our institutions.

Once a religion that condemned the Jews as the murderers and rejecters of Christ, American Christianity has continued a process of being restructured to set Israel and the Jews at the center of it. Any given evangelical pastor is more likely to discuss Israel, and the importance of helping the Jews, than he is to discuss real world problems America faces. American Christians accepted the reclassification of Christianity as “Judeo-Christianity.”

America has engaged in an Israel-blessing orgy for decades, when traditional Christians were cleansed from the Republican Party and the conservative movement as a whole….

The implication of the massive dip in the quality of American life and the American experience is that God doesn’t actually bless nations that bless Israel. In fact, the assumption would have to be that God dooms nations that bless Israel.

This raises the obvious question, of course: which god is that?

Unless and until you understand that the religious Jews worship the god of this world, not God the Father of Jesus Christ, and that their current objective is to destroy a) Christianity, b) Western Civilization, and c) Russia, you will never understand how and why the United States doomed itself by failing to sink the ships before WWI and after WWII. You will also not understand why the USA is almost certainly going to find itself fighting wars with both Russia and China in the next decade, and why it will lose those wars, unless it collapses of its own internal contradictions first.

If you don’t believe me, force yourself to read Ben Shapiro’s most recent book. You will be unable to avoid noticing how the entire purpose of the book is to subvert and redefine, not only America, but Western Civilization itself. If Americans wish to survive as a nation, they must turn back to Jesus Christ. And that is the one thing that “those who bless Israel” are absolutely determined to prevent, regardless of what they profess themselves to be.

A refusal to take a strong stand against those who reject God and serve the devil is not a virtue for anyone, least of all the Christian. As for “judeochristianity”, it would be more honestly labeled as “pharisatanry”.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

– John 8: 42-47

Don’t even bother playing the usual semantic games with irrelevant Scofield citations. The Sermon on the Mount, to which the linked article implicitly appeals, is conclusive on the subject. Any argument you might have is not with me, but with Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself.

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Matthew 7: 16-19

Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly to the best of your ability: has the Jewish diaspora borne good fruit or bad fruit for the United States of America? Specifically what divine blessings do Americans appear to have enjoyed since 1946 and 1965? And why does the USA in 2021 appear to look increasingly like the USSR in 1921?

Every. Single. Time.

Lest you doubt the accuracy, utility, and even necessity of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, consider this exchange with a would-be commenter here. And yes, he’s banned for Gamma.

I posted a comment to your topic “When Caesar fails to cross the Rubicon” but you or one of your admins declined posting it. I’m curious why. This is your gated community, so whatever you allow is at your discretion, but at the same time, you allow your readers to comment and you foster respectful discussion. I thought my comment fell within that boundary. I didn’t consider it trolling, but apparently you think it was.

May I have some clarification on why it wasn’t allowed to be part of the discussion? I thought my point would stand on its own, and if your users disagreed, they would let me know. 

At this point, I don’t know who he is or what his comment was, but I already know that he’s a dishonest Smart Boy who is looking to explain why his Very Important Comment should not have been deleted. I responded, though whether it was more out of curiosity or cruelty, I cannot say. Regardless, there are no less than FIVE Gamma tells in his first two paragraphs alone.

A number of comments were deleted today. Most of them were due to references to me or attempts to speak for me in some way. Comments that attempt to somehow make me a topic are always deleted. Not saying you did that, but I noticed a number of “glad you’re finally seeing it my way” comments today getting nuked, so perhaps that’s why. 

I saved a copy of the comment. I always compose and edit offline because I hate seeing typos after I post. My comment addressed you only because your post began with the words ” I don’t know why President Trump failed to publicly uphold the law and the Constitution when he was confronted with massive election fraud.” I addressed it to you, but it wasn’t about you.

For reference, here is the comment, as follows.

– – – – – –

“I don’t know why President Trump failed to publicly uphold the law and the Constitution when he was confronted with massive election fraud.”

Really? You don’t? Donald Trump is and always was a willing character in political theater. He had a script and he followed it. Whether you call it The Powers That Be or The Deep State, whoever and whatever controls events in this country selected Donald Trump to be president, and he was given his direction.

[Followed by four more irrelevant paragraphs about how he, the Smart Boy, was the only one to truly understand Donald Trump.]

There it is. The Gamma always has to make everything about you and him. It’s ALWAYS personal, no matter how little the subject has to do with either of you. And he ALWAYS speaks from a position of nonexistent authority that no one granted him, but that he assumes because he is a Smart Boy. Beginning with fake surprise is a reliable Gamma tell, especially when it is followed by an authoritative explanation. Gammas NEED to explain themselves and providing explanations that no one has requested is their favorite activity after navel-gazing.

Yep, that’s why. Right here:  “Really? You don’t?”

We have been cracking down hard on that sort of rhetoric. It adds nothing to the discourse and is little more than Smart Boy posturing, even when it isn’t intended as such. If you want to state your opinion, state your opinion. It’s not a debate or a contest. 

You all know what’s coming next. The inevitable Gamma Wall of Text.

Extraordinary. I said “Really? You don’t?” And there I ended with you as the subject. You objected to “that sort of rhetoric”. The rest of my post wasn’t about you, and it wasn’t a debate. I was defending my position. You were the one who led with “I don’t know why …”.

You failed to separate rhetoric from dialectic, and I assume you reacted this way because the rest of the post was critical of your view of both former President Trump and Q, both of whom, obviously, failed their supporters and the country. I don’t think you object to what I said because of the rhetoric, but because you didn’t like my criticism of both Trump and Q and how they demoralized the right wing, and because of your very public support of both.

I think you’re moving the goal posts. You seem to say that it’s “‘that sort of rhetoric’ when I say it is”, namely when it’s from someone who criticizes you, but not when it’s from a supporter.

You can now exclude me from the latter. I will no longer give you another penny. I made a point of buying, not downloading, your books and comics, but no longer. I’ve been waiting for the next six issues of Alt Hero, Alt Hero Q, and Avalon for quite a long time, but you seem to have a problem with your attention span. At least, that’s what it seems to be, but we don’t know, because you don’t discuss it. I’d be very happy if you’d publish the damn things after nearly two years.

Your “distant master” manner of leadership only goes so far. I regret that I thought you were a man who had real leadership and vision, but I see now that you’re only a small man who has created a hive of weak thinkers who want desperately to be led and will pay good money for validation of their thinking.

Call me a “gamma male” if you wish, I don’t care. Your SSH framework is useful, but the peril of your creating and defining it is that people who study it and then learn more about you personally will realize that you’re much more gamma than you think you let on.

By the way, why the FUCK are you friends with Milo Yiannopoulis? The man is a disgusting creature, a narcissistic sodomite who offends God and Christ, and is always on a cash grab. The fact that you not only publish his books but publicly call him your friend betrays your devotion to God. This is shameful.

It’s all right there: 

  1. The Wall of Text.
  2. The Unrequested Explanation
  3. The Self-Justification.
  4. The Litany of Your Failures.
  5. The Feigned Indifference.
  6. The Flounce.
  7. The Condemnation.
Now you know why I very seldom answer unsolicited emails and why Gammas are banned on sight from commenting as well as from participating in any of the community projects. Fortunately, it’s gotten to the point that the mods, the team leaders, and I can detect the stink of Gamma on even the most superficially innocuous emails. It’s really not hard to understand why women hate them so much and react so violently to them, because this exchange is a textbook example of what happens whenever a Gamma feels he has been rejected for any reason.
And for those who are Gammas, or suspect they have a strain of Gamma running through their psychology, re-read this post and ask yourself this question: do you want to be around a person who behaves like that? And if not, why would you imagine that anyone else does?

A portrait in multiple failures

If even half the information contained in this portrait of President Trump and his generals is true, we cannot escape two conclusions. First, Trump never had what it took to cross the Rubicon. Second, both China and Russia will destroy the US military in the next major conflict. Forget Afghanistan. Forget Iran. Forget the Mexican cartels. These inept so-called generals are capable of losing a war to Canadian lumberjacks armed with axes:

Trump had come to rue the August 2017 speech in which he had announced a new troop surge into Afghanistan. He thoroughly resented Mattis, McMaster and the others who had urged him to adopt a strategy that he considered a waste of time, money, and more American lives.

McMaster was replaced in March 2018 and Trump’s third national security adviser, John Bolton, was a notorious advocate for U.S. military interventionism. But even he believed the generals had pushed their luck too far. That became clear when on Dec. 19, 2018, Trump tweeted out a video claiming victory over ISIS and announcing the unilateral withdrawal of all U.S. troops in Syria, another campaign promise he was itching to fulfill.

That move set off a firestorm in Congress and in the media, and led to Mattis’ resignation the following day. Mattis thought Trump had contemptuously abandoned America’s allies, and he said so with diplomatic understatement in his resignation letter. And yet for all the drama, Trump’s demands would again be stifled.

Bolton credits Trump’s visit to Al Asad Air Base in Iraq on Dec. 26, 2018, his first overseas trip to a combat zone, as the single most important moment in preserving the U.S. presence in Syria. Generals there told Trump that the ISIS caliphate could be finished off in two to four weeks, and — at Bolton’s urging — stressed the importance of retaining an outpost in southern Syria to deter Iran.

It took far longer — until late March 2019 — to destroy the caliphate. By that time, Pentagon leaders had convinced Trump that the U.S. would need to contribute troops to an internationally monitored buffer zone in northern Syria to prevent Turkey from launching an offensive against Kurdish fighters who had assisted in the war against ISIS. The drawdown was delayed.

Trump would grow more and more frustrated. He had become convinced that the Pentagon was working against him, boxing him into staying in countries that he broadly viewed as terrorist-filled gas stations in a desert.

He would rant about “deep state” subversion, but those talking him out of his instincts were mostly people that he himself had appointed.

Seven months later, Trump again ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northern Syria, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan notified him that he would be launching a military offensive against the Kurds.

Again, the move set off a public frenzy, and again, Trump was ultimately convinced to leave behind a residual force — this time in eastern Syria, ostensibly to protect Kurdish-controlled oil fields from ISIS. 

Hawks like Graham cynically used this argument — “stay there to protect the oil” — to convince Trump to keep forces in Syria. They were playing to Trump’s long-held view that the U.S. should have taken the oil from Iraq after the 2003 invasion to subsidize the war effort. That would have breached international law. 

But they knew that transactional arguments were more likely to resonate with Trump than human rights arguments about the plight of the Kurds or the fate of Afghan women. So they talked about the oil.

As passionately as Trump apparently felt about pulling America out of the Middle East and Afghanistan, he avoided giving an order to force the military’s hand.

Row of military stars to separate the story into pieces

When it came down to it, Trump was indecisive. In the view of top officials, he did not seem to want to own the consequences of a precipitous withdrawal.

This allowed the Pentagon to dismiss his tweets and rants and maintain the status quo. 

The good news is that it is clear an armed US population clearly has absolutely nothing to fear from the US military being turned against them. These perfumed pansies aren’t warriors. No wonder they’re perfectly happy filling the ranks with dancing boys, self-gelded eunuchs, and tattooed lesbians.

Wednesday PM Arktoons

MIDNIGHT’S WAR Episode 4: Darker Than Shadows

THE HAMMER OF FREEDOM Episode 5: Enemy of the People

A note from the Production Editor:

The Asteroid has landed!

Clouds of debris and energy waves ripple across the landscape, forever altering the world of comics. However, we could use more volunteers to assist the current production team.

You’ll be expected to volunteer for at least six hours a week, but if you can put in more time, then we will appreciate it. We are specifically interested in the following:

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  • Anyone with experience creating custom fonts.
  • Programmers, especially those with JavaScript experience. We have some light technical projects we would like to explore on the production tools front without distracting the dev team, so we could use some volunteers with the appropriate skills.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact arkhavencomics AT outlook DOT com