To Serve Man

Personally, I subscribe to the Fake Alien Invasion theory that with the consecutive failures of Mutually Assured Destruction, Global Ice Age, Global Warming, War on Terror, and Pandemania to install global governance, the Prometheans are finally going play their Alien card.

But if that’s not the case, this is certainly an amusing theory from the comments at Ron Unz’s site:

World elites made a deal with aliens, in return for allowing some of humanity to survive, the rest are being vaccinated with alien DNA. Notice how fast vaccines have developed, untested? That’s because they were ready, to begin with. The new vaccines attach alien genes to human nerve cells; hence the headaches (caused by minor encephalitis, but no one reports it because the headache is supposed to be a ‘side effect’ of the vaccine) and heart inflammation in some cases (heart does contain nerve cells, a little though, hence fewer reports of heartache after the vaccine). What is the end goal? Well my friends, when the alien invasion happens, those who received alien vaccines will not be able to resist them. In fact, they may end up as alien food. Note that the world has already been a settlement, at an increasing rate in the past twenty years for an alien race from a collapsing planet. So the next wave will be the final one and the largest. > 99{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of humanity will be used as a workforce and food source (I know it is hard to believe, but it is true; think of how we use cattle). This is the deal our elites made. Vaccines will render you incapable of resisting aliens. Think of how some parasites and viruses remove the fear of a certain predator in their hosts so that they can continue their life cycles. The same thing.

You might be wondering if an alien civilization is this advanced then why wouldn’t they just destroy us and take our planet instead of making a deal with some people. That’s for the same reason why we wouldn’t go on to kill all animals in a newly found land, but instead, conservatively use them for our needs. Humans are useful animals for them. Also, our numbers are huge comparatively. If we were to actually resist, they’d end up losing their valuable comrades as well. If you’ve read this far, what you can do to protect yourself is going as far as possible by 2027. This is mostly a guess, but people who go to live away in the wilderness will fare relatively better like wild animals. If you have already been vaccinated; well, good luck.

I am somewhat dubious of how effective an argument this will be in the eyes of those considering taking the not-vaxx. I mean, “don’t get the shot because you’ll end up as dinner on an alien plate” does sound more than a little far-fetched, if not entirely crazy. 

Fake democracy in decline

The Swiss and the Norwegians were the first to reject the grasping claws of the European Union. Now, in the aftermath of Brexit, the Swiss have confirmed that the European superstate is in decline:

Switzerland shocked Brussels by walking away from a closer relationship and into an uncertain future, but MP Thomas Aeschi says the Swiss will not be a cash cow eternally milked to keep the EU alive, preferring Swissexit instead.

Switzerland today is celebrating its breakaway status from the European Union, having finally tired of the bullying and rhetoric from Brussels and walked away from a proposed framework arrangement after seven years of negotiations, preferring to go it alone in Swissexit. 

Never a full member of the EU, that decision leaves its relationship with Brussels facing an uncertain future. The two are bound together by a collection of 120 bilateral agreements that, one-by-one, will lapse over time. However, choosing to walk away from deadlocked negotiations was, it seems, not so hard after all. 

With clear echoes of Britain’s divorce from the bloc, an imperious Brussels once again massively overplayed its hand and the Swiss eventually tired of the bullying, the rhetoric and the threats. They laid their cards on the table, stood up and walked away. That’s seven years of talks that amounted to nothing. Nichts. Rien. Niente. 

Aeschi said that following the abandonment of discussions, “People will see the EU’s real face. They will understand that the European Union may not be as democratic as it says it is and that it is not truly interested in what the people want.” 

The European Union uses the word “democracy” in much the same way that Stalin’s Soviet Union or Biden’s ersatz USA does, which is not even remotely synonymous with the customary usage as defined in the dictionary. What it really means to them is “in submission to the Promethean world order” and refers to something that the Arabs might describe as the Dar al’ Tanwir.

Keep that in mind every time you hear Israel being described as “the only democracy in the Middle East”.

Where Creepy Joe got his fake votes

This is one theory, anyhow. But it does explain why everyone who seems to know what the actual facts are is so convinced that things will have to change:

Someone created a database of up to 900,000 fictional persons. Some of those fictional persons are listed as living at the same real or sometimes fictional addresses. And starting in 2016 someone got the bright idea to use this list of fictional persons to commit vote fraud. I believe this fraud recurred in 2020.

. . .

I am not an investigator but I also suspect that an inquiry into vote fraud and into fraud relating to payments from government agencies will inevitably demonstrate a concurrence of fictional individuals and multiple fictional individuals listed at the same real or fictional addresses.

I have no reason to believe that this criminal enterprise has ceased their activities. I also would not be the least bit surprised to see a concurrence between payment fraud and voter fraud in other states.

It’s becoming ever more clear that we aren’t the minority, that it’s not even a 50/50 society as the voting always seems to have it. It’s just one gigantic lie that has been successfully sold by the People of the Lie. 

Saturday AM Arktoons

SEASONS Episode 5: Burning

CHUCK DIXON PRESENTS: COMEDY Episode 5: Bumped Heads & Plot Twists

Holy cats, but speaking of “plot twists”, Seasons took a major one that I was not expecting. I mean, it’s such a twist that we may have put it in the wrong category altogether.

In other news, thanks to the staunch support of the subscribers – over 1,600 of whom renewed after the first month, which I take as a very strong endorsement of the new site from them – combined with our incorporation of short episodes to mix in amongst the longer ones, we are actively in the process of adding SEVEN new original series to Arktoons. 

Not all of them will be ready to launch in June, but at least three and probably four of them will be. We’re also going to provide some options and permit the subscribers to vote on what series they want to see, including what the next Alt★Hero spinoff should be. Do you want more Hammer, more Rebel, or more Dynamique? Or would you prefer to see us explore one of the minor characters, or even create a brand new one? Or perhaps you’d like to see more of the USMC’s secret superhero team in operation. Regardless of what the subscribers collectively decide, we’ve already got the illustrators and the colorists lined up and ready to be assigned to each of the new series.

Please note that these seven “new” series do NOT include the three series coming to Arktoons from Mike Baron, Steve Keen, and from the Dixon/Fosco team. The reason for the scare quotes around “new” is that one of seven will actually be a continuation of Chicago Typewriter, as the supernatural comic about 1920s occult Chicago by Brandon Fiadino has been well received and a number of us on the production team wanted more of what is a rather unique story.

We also hope to start permitting independent creators to post content directly on Arktoons in June, once a few of the necessary features and editorial safeguards have been put into place. It’s only going to improve and get better from here.

Creepy Joe strikes again

Yes, Virginia, Q was right and the world is run by wicked pedophiles:

Joe Biden has been slammed for ‘creepy’ remarks he made about a young girl during a speech at a Virginia military base on Friday. 
The Commander-in-chief, 78, went off-script to point out the ‘elementary school- aged’ girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley-Eustis ahead of Memorial Day. 
‘I love those barrettes in your hair, man,’ the President said to the girl, who was sitting at the side of the stage. ‘I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed,’ Biden bizarrely continued. 

That’s what Creepy Joe does in public. One hesitates to even try to imagine what is going on behind closed doors.

Fortunately, it doesn’t look like Creepy Joe is actually in charge of anything these days.

Covid-19 was manufactured

 And the US government helped fund its development:

While analyzing COVID-19 samples last year in an attempt to create a vaccine, Dalgleish and Sørensen discovered ‘unique fingerprints’ in the virus that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory. They said they tried to publish their findings but were rejected by major scientific journals which were at the time resolute that the virus jumped naturally from bats or other animals to humans.

Even when former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove spoke out publicly saying the scientists’ theory should be investigated, the idea was dismissed as ‘fake news.’

Over a year later, leading academics, politicians and the media finally flipped, and have begun to contemplate the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China – a lab where experiments included manipulating viruses to increase their infectiousness in order to study their potential effects on humans. 

This week, President Joe Biden ordered the intelligence community to re-examine how the virus originated, including the lab accident theory. The announcement followed the revelation that a previously undisclosed intelligence report had been made to the White House, claiming that several researchers at the Wuhan institute were hospitalized with illness in November 2019. The document was uncovered this week by the Wall Street Journal.  

US health officials have also come under fire for allegedly funding researchers’ controversial and risky experiments at the Wuhan lab.

Now, Dalgleish and Sørensen have authored a new study, which concludes that ‘SARS-Coronavirus-2 has no credible natural ancestor’ and that it is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ that the virus was created through ‘laboratory manipulation’. 

In the 22-page paper which is set to be published in the scientific journal Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery, the scientists describe their months-long ‘forensic analysis’, looking back at experiments done at the Wuhan lab between 2002 and 2019. 

Digging through archives of journals and databases, Dalgleish and Sørensen pieced together how Chinese scientists, some working in concert with American universities, allegedly built the tools to create the coronavirus. Much of the work was centered around controversial ‘Gain of Function’ research – temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration.

Gain of Function involves tweaking naturally occurring viruses to make them more infectious, so that they can replicate in human cells in a lab, allowing the virus’s potential effect on humans to be studied and better understood. 

Dalgleish and Sørensen claim that scientists working on Gain of Function projects took a natural coronavirus ‘backbone’ found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new ‘spike’, turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2.

One tell-tale sign of alleged manipulation the two men highlighted was a row of four amino acids they found on the SARS-Cov-2 spike.

In an exclusive interview with, Sørensen said the amino acids all have a positive charge, which cause the virus to tightly cling to the negatively charged parts of human cells like a magnet, and so become more infectious.  But because, like magnets, the positively charged amino acids repel each other, it is rare to find even three in a row in naturally occurring organisms, while four in a row  is ‘extremely unlikely,’ the scientist said.

‘The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row. The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it,’ Dalgleish told

Their new paper says these features of SARS-Cov-2 are ‘unique fingerprints’ which are ‘indicative of purposive manipulation’, and that ‘the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small.’ 

Thereby demonstrating, once more, that the so-called “conspiracy theorists” are more reliable than the mainstream media narrative. It will be interesting to learn why this paper is now being permitted to see the light of day, in that we’d heard about these unnatural “fingerprints” last year. Perhaps there is simply too much evidence for it to be credibly denied, or perhaps the failure of the mass mRNA-modification program needs a new narrative. 

UPDATE: Karl Denninger has more than a few questions about this belated mainstream acknowledgement of what has long been obvious too:

Don’t get me wrong — China’s involvement should certainly be investigated as proposed.  But we cannot exclude US actors; Anthony Fauci, for example, who early on slammed Trump for suggesting that the virus had originated in the Wuhan lab, stating in public that was impossible when he, personally, knew damn well that the NIH had provided grant money to Peter Dazak’s EcoHealth and they published results of laboratory work at Wuhan that, by any reasonable definition, was in fact gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses including enhancing their infectivity in humanized mice.

Peter gave a video interview where he described grafting spike protein enhancements onto bat coronaviruses for research purposes, and the work was being done at the Wuhan lab.

Not just Fauci either — there are many people who were almost-certainly involved in this at the NIH including Fauci’s wife who presumably had to sign off on the Bioethics aspects as she runs that department.

I look forward to Twitter and Facebook restoring all of those accounts they banned for prematurely mentioning the truth about Corona-chan… that seems likely, right? And they’re totally going to ban all those mainstream accounts that perpetrated the Fake News, right?

The Great Reset is a great deception

Whether it is a prelude to the Great Deception or not, I cannot say, but I tend to doubt it. Regardless, the Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s warnings about the Prometheans’ ambitions are certainly appropriate for Catholics and other Christians alike:

The elite which promotes the Great Reset is composed of the main world organizations, from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to the O.N.U., from the Trilateral Commission to the Bilderberg Group, with the support of their servants in governments, high finance, multinational corporations, and the media. This process has gone on for centuries, led by the great dynasties of capital such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who heavily interfere in the politics of nations thanks to their immeasurable wealth.

The matrix is essentially Masonic, both in the principles they express as well as the hatred they display towards religion, and even more towards Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we consider the requests promoted by the supporters of the Great Reset, we can trace them back to the triad of the French Revolution and Freemasonry: liberty, equality, and fraternity….

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is among the principal sponsors of the virus, and at the same time, as I mentioned earlier, Microsoft is the first shareholder of the Blackrock investment fund, which finances Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca. Furthermore, the Foundation is among the primary sponsors of the WHO and has ramifications in many national and international health organizations. We know that in many speeches Bill Gates has theorized about using the pandemic to reduce the world population, and that he holds the patent on population health tracking systems, as well as a payment system that interfaces with the tracking chip. To say that Gates is a philanthropist is like saying that Jack the Ripper was a fan of anatomy.

I would like to recall, confirming the conflict of interest of international institutions with regard to their sponsors, that Bill Gates and George Soros gave about 1.4 million euros to the Council of Europe between 2004 and 2013 and about 690,000 euros between 2006 and 2014, effecting “a real privatization of international organizations and, what is worse, of human rights” (here), as denounced by the French lawyer Grégor Puppinck, the Director of the European Center for Law and Justice.

The purpose of Gates, Soros and other “tycoons” committed to the globalist agenda is the decimation of the world population, the enslavement of the masses, and the concentration of power and finance in the hands of a few criminals who aim at world domination and the preparation of the coming of the Antichrist. In the face of this infernal plan, the tool of the Covid-19 virus to impose vaccines that make billions of people chronically ill is perfectly coherent with their claims and with the unfortunate complicity of religious and political leaders from all over the world.

The man certainly has a way with similes, does he not? Anyhow, the rapid implosion of Bill Gates and the collapse of the Covid narrative tends to indicate that the Great Reset was a failure. The nations are rising and casting off the yoke of the Anglo-American empire, and both China and Russia appear to have successfully resisted the Promethean bait they were offered to become the next capital of the Empire That Never Ended.

That’s one area where I disagree with the archbishop. The matrix to which he refers began a long time before the French Revolution or the Freemasons.