Anticipating the unthinkable

Technology can be created on demand, as Stefan Possony and I showed in The Strategy of Technology. This does not mean that all technologies should be created, merely that once something is possible, it is only a matter of time before it becomes real. There will be war; there will also be technologies that can only be deterred, not defended against.

Jerry Pournelle, Editor’s Introduction to: SEVEN KILL TIGER by Charles W. Shao

Six years ago, I worked with the great SF writer Jerry Pournelle in reviving the There Will Be War series by publishing There Will Be War Vol. X. Below follows an excerpt from the short story “Seven Kill Tiger”, which serves to demonstrate that the concept of a country creating a two-part genetic weapon that utilizes a purported vaccine as part of its delivery system was neither unthinkable nor unanticipated prior to COVID-19 and the not-vaccines.

“They tell me your most recent test of Huáng Hu was successful.”

“Yes, Director. The terminal rate is now in excess of 80 percent. Based on the most conservative spread models, the pseudo-epidemic will cross the Angolan border within two weeks. Within nine months, the continent is expected to be clear of all undesirable populations. The task of disposal will obviously be enormous, and will create considerable additional health hazards, but I would expect that it would be safe to begin the settlement programs within 18 months of zero day.”

“Zero day?”

“The date upon which any opposing forces will be unable to stop the virus from going terminal in the target population. The estimates vary, but the average indicates zero day is D-day plus 28.”

“Is there any way to reduce the time to zero day?”

“Increase the number of transmission vectors, preferably in a manner scattered widely across the continent.”

Zhang nodded. “I will think on that.”

“If I may offer a suggestion, Director?”

“Please do.”

“There is an American foundation that has malaria vaccination campaigns running in every country in Africa. If a way could be found to substitute the substances injected, zero day could be reduced to a matter of two weeks or less.”

“Wouldn’t that increase the risk of detection?”

“Certainly.” The young scientist’s dark eyes were unperturbed. “But in light of how the vaccination campaigns are already regarded with a significant amount of local suspicion, detection would likely sow sufficient confusion to inhibit any effective response. Especially because the NGOs tasked with the response would be widely regarded as the guilty parties.”

“And combined with cutting the potential response time in half, it’s almost surely worth the risk as long as the substitutions can be made undetected.”

“I cannot speak to that, Director. It is outside my competence.”

Zhang thought a moment. “It’s too risky to interfere with the Americans. We don’t know their protocols. But Sinovac has a polio vaccine that’s already been prequalified by the World Health Organization and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has endorsed it as a substitute for their primary oral vaccine. It would be much easier to substitute that. We can even arrange to have the vaccines shipped in through Dar es Salaam.”

“As you say, Director.”

Zhang couldn’t help but smile. The young scientist could not have made his indifference to anything but the technical aspects related to his specialty any more clear. “The potential consequences do not trouble you, Dr. Gao?”

“Not in the slightest, Director Zhang. To the contrary, you have my deepest admiration. What you propose to accomplish will make the Great Leap Forward appear little more than a precursor to the true advancement. What began as a Cultural Revolution has become a Scientific Revolution. Soon China will stand astride the globe as the master of two continents, and the nations of the world will bow before her!”

Zhang found himself mildly appalled by the young man’s fanaticism. Did Mao ever feel similarly alarmed by the enthusiasm of his own Red Guards? But the sentiments Gao expressed were sound enough. Africa was wasted on the Africans. China had spent 50 million Chinese lives to become a 20th-century power, how could she hesitate to spend twenty times that many more African lives to assume her rightful place as the one true 21st-century superpower?

“Thank you, Dr. Gao.”

“Director.” The young man bowed and left his office.

Zhang reflected on Gao’s words. A Scientific Revolution. A Greater Leap Forward! The young scientist’s confidence in the project quelled any remaining doubts that it was time to move forward and let the Central Military Commission know about his plans for the Dark Continent. But one question still remained: to release Huáng Hu before or after General Xu’s scheduled visit?

It would be a shame, after all, if he were to be executed before releasing the spirits to seek their revenge.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the prequalification of a Chinese-made vaccine for polio. The new WHO pre-qualified vaccine is produced by Sinovac Biotech Ltd, and is an inactive-virus vaccine that is considered to be safer than the live-virus vaccines now widely used across Asia and Africa.

“WHO prequalification of the Sinovac vaccine is another feather in the cap of China’s growing vaccine manufacturing industry,” said Dr. Bernhard Schwartländer, WHO Representative in China.

“This is also very good news for the millions of children in low- and middle-income countries which cannot afford to manufacture or purchase their inactive-virus vaccines. WHO prequalification of Sinovac’s vaccine will add to the worldwide arsenal of anti-polio vaccines, assisting the global campaign to eradicate the disease. In doing so, it will help to save lives,” Dr Schwartländer said.

Sinovac’s polio vaccine is the second vaccine made in China to achieve WHO prequalification, following prequalification of a Japanese-made encephalitis vaccine in 2013 and Hualan Biological’s influenza vaccine in 2015.

Philip Thompson shook his head as he returned the printout to Scott Berens. “You don’t seriously imagine that the Chinese would use a weaponized vaccine as a vehicle for genetic warfare, do you? They could maybe get one hot lot into the distribution system, two at most, and I can’t imagine that could possibly be worth permanently trashing their ability to access the export markets!”

“No, of course not.” His subordinate shrugged. “You told me to dig up anything that might be related to possible launch vectors. This is the only one I found that could conceivably be connected to Chinese corporate activity in the last two years.”

“I’d use bird flu myself,” Thompson mused.

“What’s that?”

“If you’re going to weaponize something, an aerosol vector is the most effective. And the world is accustomed to bird flu coming out of China every few years. That’s what that vaccine from Hualan was, it was an H1N1 vaccine. You could even combine the two, put the bomb in the flu virus itself, then trigger it with the vaccine.”

“Now who is imagining things, Doctor?”

How COVID-19 was created

From: Adam Gaertner

Date: March 11, 2020 at 6:16 AM EDT

To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID)

Subject: Coronavirus bioweapon production method

Hello Anthony,

This is how the virus was created.

Intervirion Fusion. HIV-luc(ACE2)(500 ng of p24) was mixed with 1,000 ng of p24 of HIV-gfp particles incorporating ASLV-A envelope, SARS-CoV S protein, or both envelopes in PBS at 4°C for 30 min to allow binding. Virions were adjusted to the desired pH with 0.1 M citric acid. PBS, TPCK-trypsin (final concentration 10 ng/ml), CTSL, cathespin B (CTSB) (final concentrations 2 ng/ml) or CTSL buffer alone was then added. Recombinant CTSL (R&D Systems) was preactivated by incubation for 15 min at 10 ng/ml in 50 mM Mes, pH 6.0, on ice. Recombinant CTSB (R&D Systems) was preactivated in 25 mM Mes, 5mM DTT, pH 5.0, for 30 min at 25°C. After a 10-min incubation at 25°C, proteolysis was halted by the addition of 300 nl of DMEM10 containing leupeptin (25 ng/ml) and STI (75ng/ml). Virions were then incubated at 37°C for 30 min to allow membrane fusion. 100 nl of the virion mixture was added in quadruplicate to HeLa-Tva cells pretrated for 1 h with leupeptin (20 ng/ml). The cells were spin-infected and incubated at 37°C for 5 h.

There is more at Karl Denninger’s.

UPDATE: The acceptance of the not-vaxx appears to be much lower than the media is reporting. It may be as low as 30 percent. This would explain the increasing desperation of the pushers and the ridiculous “incentives” being offered to take the death-marker.

Boomers are medical experts now

In which a Boomer educates his doctor. From SG:

Talking to patient today, boomer, he says since I saw you last I’ve been in hospital with a blood clot in my heart. I ask if he’s had the not-vax. He says yes 2 weeks prior, but it wasn’t to do with the not-vax! But then says my 38 Y. O. Son-in-law had a 3cm blood clot in his leg. I ask if he’s had the not-vax. Boomer says yes 2 weeks before but it wasn’t to do with the vax! Then he proceeds to complain about those who haven’t got the not-vax! 

Please catalogue this boomer stupidity near the top of list, historians.

I don’t know about you, but it’s comforting to know that we’ve got so many medical experts among us.

The anti-semitism is out of control

And here it seemed like such a wonderful idea to weaponize the oppressed people of color against those hated white Europeans:

Suffering and oppression typically give rise to sympathy and compassion among the oppressed … I would conclude that my Jewish faith and the history of my people render me closer to human compassion; closer to the instinct to offer healing to hurt, patience to anxiety and understanding to confusion.

I don’t know how I would reconcile that identity with the behavior of fundamentalist Jewish extremists or of Israel as a nation. I wouldn’t understand those who suggest that bombing Lebanon, slaughtering Lebanese people and largely destroying Beirut in retaliation for the capture of a few soldiers is justified.

I wouldn’t understand the notion of collective punishment, cutting off gas, electricity and water from residents in Gaza because they are attacking Israel who is fighting against them.

It would be unconscionable to me to watch Israeli tanks donning the Star of David rumbling through Ramallah destroying buildings and breaking the glass.’ 

If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself….

– Kamau Bob, Head of Diversity, Google

It tends to remind one of the brilliant US military plan to arm the Taliban against the Soviets. I mean, how could that possibly go wrong?

At this point, it should be obvious that everyone whose opinion hasn’t been purchased is over Holocaustianity and all the “plucky little Israel, our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East” rhetoric. And I say that as someone who firmly believes that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish nation-state, so one can only imagine what those who are actively opposed to the existence of Israel must think.

Everyone has to live somewhere. This is the core principle from which all discussions of who controls what territory should begin. Anything else is empty posturing.

Wednesday AM Arktoons

DEUS VULT Episode 06: A Sign from Heaven

THE HAMMER OF FREEDOM Episode 07: The Urban Myth
DEUS VULT is particularly good today. 
This episode of HoF is on the short side as we’re making sure we don’t run out of panels before the next batch of pages is translated into English and formatted for Arktoons. On the plus side, however, our adoption of short episodes for some series has led us into a fortuitous new development that I am entirely confident is going to be extremely popular and which none of the other digital comics sites are utilizing.
The first new series will be launched on Friday. I’ve also completed the initial script for a new short episode series called ROGUE DEMON HUNTER that can be best be described as Supernatural meets Midnight’s War, and features a certain someone the oldtimers here will recall. We’ve already got the illustrator lined up for it, so I’m confident we’ll be able to introduce it before the end of July.

A clear and present danger

The fringes of the SJW media would like nothing better than to generate another Ruby Ridge out of Owen Benjamin’s Beartaria:

A group of nine of Benjamin’s neighbors have grown concerned about the prospect of Benjamin’s fans trekking out to the property, which they say is zoned for agricultural or forest uses.

In an email to county officials, one neighbor pointed out that the property isn’t serviced by utilities, raising the threat that inexperienced campers could start forest fires in their attempts to have campfires. The property is connected to a narrow, crude road, according to the neighbors, whose meager maintenance amounts to residents adding rocks to it every year.

Benjamin’s neighbors have also become alarmed over the possibility of organized military training at the property.

“This poses a clear and present danger,” a Vietnam War veteran who lives near Benjamin told the Kootenai Valley Times. “This is a commercial enterprise offering training in weapons and tactics and not a use allowed in this zone. There is no conceivable reason to allow this use. If we wait too long, it will be too late.”

Benjamin told The Daily Beast no guns have been fired on the property since he purchased it. But his attempts to downplay the possibility of guns at Ursa Rio have been undermined by his habit of describing grandiose plans for the land in hours-long livestreams several times a week, with the most incendiary statements archived and analyzed by his online detractors.

For example, Benjamin has often referenced having a paramilitary force at his property, saying he is “friends with, basically, a paramilitary group” in Idaho.

“If you try to squat on my land when I offer you campgrounds, I have my own paramilitary squad,” Benjamin said in one video, warning off “Bears” who might try to live on the land permanently.

“I’d have my own private paramilitary force, which is always a good thing,” Benjamin said in another video.

Benjamin insists he was just joking about the paramilitary.

“I do not have a paramilitary squad,” Benjamin told The Daily Beast in an email. “I was making a joke as a comedian. Unless you consider my goats and chickens a military.”

In his videos, Benjamin has also discussed the prospect of guns at “Beartaria.”

“Shooting range?” Benjamin said in one video, describing his plans for a bear-themed community in Idaho. “Yes! Will there be a gun range? Yes!”

By his own accounts, Benjamin does not come off as an ideal neighbor. In several videos, he relates stories where he berates store employees or fellow customers who asked him to wear a face mask. In one incident, according to Benjamin, he called an elderly man in a post office who asked him to wear a mask a “crusty old hunchback” and accused him of being a pervert, saying that masks are only used by criminals or perverts.

After a reporter in the area covered the controversy over Benjamin’s property, the comedian baselessly accused the reporter during a livestream of being a pedophile and mocked him for using a wheelchair.

The entire article is nothing but a series of baseless accusations. Notice that not a single one of these “concerned neighbors” is named. But it’s a good idea to keep this article in mind if you think you’re ever going to escape the conflict simply by moving and minding your own business. Once the media decides you are dangerous to it – and the defeat of Patreon in court by Owen’s Bears combined with the retreat from arbitration on the part of every Big Tech company from Amazon on down is probably what alarmed the media – they will always look to find a way to sic some sort of authority on you.

And unfortunately, unlike in Europe where defamation laws are still enforced to the point that a well-known television celebrity is now facing bankruptcy for a single tweet falsely accusing a woman of having had an affair, the US media can still expect to get away with nonsense like this. So remember, everything you say and write will be used against you in the court of public opinion.

Knowing Owen, he’ll befriend those frightened neighbors before the end of the summer, at which point the Daily Beast will be forced to invent some other fake controversy. But Owen really needs to up his media game. He really should have known the correct way to address the reporter’s alleged idiosyncracies was to say that “a group of the reporter’s neighbors have grown concerned about the prospect of the reporter being a pedophile and fear that he might run over their children’s toes with his wheelchair.”

Back in August

I’d heard some of the rumors talking about an August timeframe for a Trump return to the White House, so it’s interesting to see that they have now entered the mainstream narrative:

Maggie Haberman, a CNN analyst and Washington correspondent for the New York Times, sparked controversy on social media after she claimed former President Donald Trump has been telling people he will soon return to the presidency.
“Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August,” claimed Haberman on Twitter Tuesday, adding that she was “simply sharing the information.”
After another user questioned whether Haberman was referring to “the presidency,” she confirmed.

Curiouser and curiouser…. 

The accursed sect

Archbishop Vignano calls out the latest iteration of the Prometheans:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., unmasked once again, at the Venice Summit, the plan of a group of billionaires to impose a world tyranny, in his speech “Great Reset: the last great lie.”

Viganò relates the Great Reset to the so-called New World Order and explains its action: “to spread the infernal chaos, in which everything that civilization has laboriously built over the millennia, under the inspiration of Grace, will be overturned and perverted, corrupted and erased,” he said on May 30. 

He further explains that this is the continuation of ancient combat led by “a few tyrants,” and the Great Reset is the last stage. 

He adds, “And to achieve this end, the last step is the establishment of a synarchy in which a few faceless tyrants, thirsty for power, dedicated to the cult of death and sin, to the hatred of life, of virtue and of beauty, rule.”

He also specifies the names of some powerful family members who for centuries have secretly hatched the destructive plan, now also availing themselves of the controversial worldwide vaccination plan.  

“The members of this cursed sect are not only Bill Gates, George Soros or Klaus Schwab, but those who have been plotting in the shadows for centuries to overthrow the Kingdom of Christ: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and those who have come to ally today with the leaders of the Church, using the moral authority of the Pope and the Bishops to convince the faithful to get vaccinated.”

It’s interesting, is it not, that a Protestant game designer and a Catholic archbishop who have never spoken and have never read the other’s work should reach such similar conclusions about the existence and the aims of this ancient collection of the wicked? Of course, it doesn’t require any particular set of beliefs to simply observe the patterns of history and see how they are playing out right before our eyes.

It is interesting, too, how the more one is inclined toward the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, the more one is able to clearly see the wicked for what they are. Miles Mathis is not a Christian, but he is a devotee of both truth and beauty, which may account for his ability to notice what so many others don’t.