Gen X’s music

Since we openly mock the Boomer obsession with their music, particularly the whole The Beatles are the greatest band in human history nonsense, it occurred to me to think about what music is most representational of, and influential for, my generation. Keep in mind that a generation’s music is not necessarily produced by its own members; John Lennon was not a Boomer, but The Beatles were most certainly not the Silent generation’s music. This is not a science of any kind, much less precise analytical engineering, but it’s surprisingly informative, as I think you’ll find if you contemplate the subject yourself.

Everyone knows that Gen X is generally considered to be prone to apathy and despair. But it also has a strain of resilience, and even irrational optimism, albeit an optimism in which it has no confidence. I think this is the result of the great disappointment of 1989-90, in which unexpected hope was rapidly transformed into disappointment and heightened cynicism after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union did not prove to be harbingers of a better and more peaceful world.

I suspect one reason Generation X and the Zoomers will relate well is that both are heavily traumatized generations; Gen X by childhood divorce and the AIDS crisis, and Zoomers by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been much harder on them than most people realize. But both generations are survivors at heart, which is a theme that persists through even Generation X’s happiest, poppiest melodies.

Anyhow, here’s my list of ten songs, in no particular order. I would include Prince’s 1999, but that might be more of a Minnesota thing.

  • I Ran, A Flock of Seagulls. The first big musical departure plus a familiar lyrical theme.
  • In a Big Country, Big Country. Too early and not popular enough to be THE Gen X song.
  • With Or Without You, U2. Like them or not, U2 is the Gen X Beatles. I prefer Streets myself.
  • Right Here, Right Now, Jesus Jones. It’s almost painful to recall that short-lived optimism now.
  • Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana. Musical and lyrical sarcasm plus the definitive Gen X lyric.
  • Blurry, Puddle of Mudd. Exemplifies the Gen X perspective on divorce and children.
  • You Get What You Give, New Radicals. The writer could be the generational poster boy.
  • Living on a Prayer, Jon Bon Jovi. Sad, but true. I prefer Metallica, but we have to be honest.
  • Killing in the Name Of, Rage Against the Machine. A succinct response to Boomer advice.
  • Loser, Beck. Says it all in just six notes.
Anyhow, your mileage may vary, but I think these 10 songs give about as good an idea of understanding the Gen X mentality as you’re going to get. This is not a list of my favorite music – there is no David Sylvian, Duran Duran, or Disturbed on it – but it’s music with which nearly everyone my age can more or less identify. There are some big names missing, but mostly for a reason. For example, there is no Madonna or Michael Jackson, but Jackson was a literal continuation of Boomer music while the closest Madonna ever got was actually down to William Orbit.
However, if I had to pick just one song, it wouldn’t be any of these. The one song that seems to combine all the emotional strains, including the contradictions, is Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind. Correction: it would HAVE to be Epic by Faith No More. No idea how I forgot that one.
On a tangential note, why did no one ever tell me that Razorfist used to play keyboards for Faith No More?
If New Radicals are more properly considered a Millennial band, I’d substitute Alive and Kicking by Simple Minds. It’s a good example of a borderline song, as the general theme is very GenX, but the music and the concept of “dreamer’s disease” lean Millennial.

Stop the shots

Karl Denninger responds to the CDC’s recent admission about the not-vaxxes causing myocarditis at very high rates among those under 30.

The CDC documents about 35 total Covid-related deaths in people under the age of 18 years all the way back to March of 2020. This table is utterly gob-smacking damnable and is what we get for “Warp Speed” — a litany of serious harms, many of which will wind up as deaths — more deaths in those under 18 than Covid caused.

The experience .vs. expected rate is anywhere from ten to one hundred times higher than “random chance” in those under 24 years old, and from 3-30 times higher in those under 30.

If we presume that one in ten of these cases will eventually kill the person involved, which is likely conservative (the usual expectation is that half of these cases in the population generally that result in hospitalization eventually progress to heart failure and either a transplant or death within five years) these “side effects” will kill more people in the under-25 group than Covid has all the way back to the start of the pandemic.  The others, who are not killed, will wind up with monstrous medical bills they will have to pay and some amount of permanent damage to their cardiac health.

This is from one side effect alone.

Only those over 50 have an incidence of this result that is inline with expectations; everyone younger is either at or beyond the upper boundary.

In addition this data is almost-certainly incomplete as VAERS is a non-mandatory system and thus does not capture all events.  The degree of under-reporting is not able to be accurately bracketed but that it occurs is an absolute fact.  Therefore these reports are floors, not ceilings, and as such must be taken as a lower boundary only, yet even in that context they demonstrate utterly unacceptable risk that, in any ordinary civil proceeding would lead to strict liability.

THESE SHOTS MUST BE IMMEDIATELY STOPPED FOR ALL HEALTHY PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 30 and strongly recommended against up to the age of 50 years unless the person receiving them has a serious morbid condition and has been tested negative for prior exposure to the virus itself.

It appears to be hitting the 18-24 crowd the hardest. Nearly 500 cases under the age of 30 have been observed; keep in mind that the Swine Flu vaccine was shut down after 50 observed cases of severe adverse effects.

The irony is that the now more-common Delta variant is already 6x more dangerous to those who have been vaccinated than to those who haven’t. So there is no reason for anyone to get the shots in the first place.

The media narrative is already shifting toward the inevitable “mistakes were made” phase. So don’t be a mistake, no matter how many genetically modified idiots happen to surround you.

Meanwhile, more rumors are coming out about the airline industry’s issues with the vaxx:

BREAKING:  Inside source telling me tonight that 60- 80 @AmericaAir commercial pilots are down & disabled due to Covid injection injuries. 

Thursday AM Arktoons

 ALT★HERO: Q Episode 9: Low Altitude Drop

FLYING SPARKS Episode 9: Lies and Double Lives

The results for the first round of ARK MADNESS are complete. The winner of each matchup is shown in bold:

  • ALT★HERO vs Avalon
  •  AltHero:Q vs A THRONE OF BONES
  • MIDNIGHT’S WAR vs Quantum Mortis
  • SHADE vs Silenziosa
  • Bovodar & the Bears vs SWAN KNIGHT’S SAGA
  • HYPERGAMOUSE vs Right Ho, Jeeves
  • Go Monster Go vs GUN GHOUL
Now you can vote in the second-round matchups:
  • Gun Ghoul vs Hypergamouse
  • Chicago Typewriter vs. Swan Knight Saga
  • Alt★Hero vs. A Throne of Bones
  • Shade vs. Midnight’s War
The winner of ARK MADNESS will get a sequel or spin-off series, whichever makes more sense, on Arktoons.

Like Jeffrey Epstein

John McAfee didn’t kill himself in prison:

Antivirus software tycoon John McAfee died by an apparent suicide in a Spanish jail cell Wednesday evening — hours after reports surfaced that he would be extradited to face federal charges in the US, according to local media.

The eccentric tech entrepreneur was arrested in October and was awaiting extradition when he was found dead, police sources told the newspaper El Pais.

The newspaper reported McAfee was pulled from his cell in Barcelona and police are investigating the circumstances around his death. 

“Everything points to suicide,” the newspaper reported, citing justice department officials in the country. A second Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, also reported McAfee had died by an apparent suicide in the jail. 

It’s fascinating to see how they just can’t keep these famous people alive in prison.

Mailvox: the endless greed of the Grasshoppers

 Anyone who simply can’t understand why the younger generations despise the Boomers need only read this email I received recently. Can you honestly read it and say you’re even a little bit surprised to learn how things went south? It sounds as if the grandparents knew how awful their Boomer children were, but failed to sufficiently account for the full extent of their wickedness and greed that is all too typical of the Boomer generation.

 I just wanted to thank you for the unique insight into “Boomer” mentality, as I never quite understood where the false sense of grandiosity or entitlement came from, but have been acutely aware of how this sense of entitlement has even found its way into the behaviour of Boomers who profess even the most “conservative” and “traditional” values. Your recent posts have allowed me to understand the behaviour of my Father, Mother, Aunts, and Uncles.

When my Grandparents passed away unexpectedly two years ago, we discovered that they put their entire estate into a trust for their grandchildren (“The Grandchildren”). In the simplest explanation, the terms of the trusts required that the income generated by the trust assets be distributed initially to my mother and her siblings (“The Children”) for five (5) years, at which point, the income and the assets, would be transferred to The Grandchildren so that we might, in the words of the trust, “settle our debts, raise our children, and carry on the legacy of the family.” This inheritance was unexpected. 

Since the death of my grandparents, life for The Grandchildren has been a living nightmare; The Children have taken the Estate to court and have, it appears, successfully invalidated the trust. To justify their actions to The Grandchildren, The Children have essentially argued that they planned their retirement on what they would be inheriting from their parents, despite the fact that they are all either very comfortable financially or objectively wealthy. My uncle actually asked me, “what is more important, my ability to pay off my house before I am 65 or your able to pay off your house when you have just started your career and have 40+ years of work ahead of you.”

I believe that The Children’s decades of materialism, multiple divorces, frivolous spending, and general arrogance have left them thinking that they are owed this, simply by virtue of their belief that what their parents owned is theirs. My parents, while promoting traditional morals and ethics, Christianity, conservative values, a “family-first” mentality, and demanding that we all go to college, refused to pay for our education, assist us with our home purchase, or any other expense after we were 18 years-old. None of my cousins’ educations were financed by my Aunts and Uncles because “we’d all appreciate it more if we paid for it ourselves.” I don’t doubt that this is correct, but we’re now all saddled with debt for an education that they always told us we needed, most of us cannot afford to buy our own homes, and all of us are shocked and confused by the actions of our parents.

This greed, and the associated anger, was turned upon The Grandchildren. Even though we are not permitted to agree to invalidate the terms of the Trust, we are now seen as the enemy. I have lost my parents to this greed, this arrogance, and this evil that they cultivated; now I have to fight the bitterness that I feel towards all of The Children for what they are putting us through, for the fact that I cannot expose my own children to the vitriol that they espouse, or the anger that is now percolating; it has been 18 months since I saw, or spoke, to my parents, because I choose not to be vilified, demeaned, or verbally abused.

The Children have always been greedy, self-important, and materialistic; now I know that we are not alone carrying this cross. I am only saddened by the fact that my children lost their grandparents the same day I lost mine. 

A slew of vaccidents

 It appears the airlines are well aware of the elevated risk that high-altitude flights pose to vaxxed flight crew and passengers:

Just a few weeks ago, I was talking with a friend on the phone and she told me something that had us both scratching our heads.

When she went to make a flight reservation for her husband, the woman asked her if her husband had been vaccinated. My friend responded saying no he had not and asked if that would be an issue with his ticket.

The woman on the line making the reservation said that it would not be an issue but if he had been vaccinated that she would have cautioned him not to fly. My friend asked why she was asking this since this was something she had not heard or read anywhere at all. The airline reservations then proceeded to tell her that several people who had been vaccinated are developing blood clots at a certain altitude and they believe it is from the vaccine.

Hundreds of American Airlines flights have been canceled this weekend and Monday because of significant staffing and maintenance issues.

As of Sunday afternoon, 123 flights were canceled Saturday, 178 on Sunday and 97 were canceled for Monday – largely the result of a high number of sick calls, combined with maintenance and other staffing issues.

American told ABC News that most of the cancelations are on A320 and 737 aircraft, but that it may continue to cancel at least 50 to 60 flights per day for the rest of June and 50 to 80 flights per day through July.

“We made targeted changes with the goal of impacting the fewest number of customers by adjusting flights in markets where we have multiple options for re-accommodation,” according to an American Airlines statement.

It may prove informative to review the auto accident statistics in about six months too. Regardless, it’s increasingly looking as if things are going to get very, very ugly once the idiots who submitted to the vaxx begin to grasp what was done to them and their children. I understand that people want to feel compassion for them, and that they were pressured and repeatedly lied to, but perhaps if everyone had been less compassionate and more inclined to say “don’t be insanely stupid”, we would be facing fewer unnecessary tragedies like the one documented below.

Give them their new flag

They aren’t Americans, so they have no claim to the Red, White, and Blue anyhow. And they hate it, so by all means, let them replace it.

The truth is far simpler, as truth usually is. The American flag is the symbol of a political and cultural order that no longer exists. White America is a thing of the past. The new regime, what Darren Beattie calls the “Globalist American Empire,” is anti-white and seeks to impose this cultural order on the entire world. The GAE is defined by the rejection of the historic American nation’s achievements and it celebrates the destruction of traditional Western civilization. The West’s greatest foe is not Beijing or Moscow, but the government on the Potomac that disgraces the name of George Washington.

White conservatives are misled by their supposed leaders when they are told that they should defend this. Giving the new regime a new flag will help whites understand the truth. The country white conservatives love is gone. They will need to build a new one if they want their people, culture, or identity to survive in any form. If they don’t, they’ll be surrendering to eternal subjugation and humiliation. “Juneteenth” is the beginning and reparations will be just another step.

Therefore, I endorse Miss Gray’s proposal. Let the GAE have its new flag. Let patriotic Americans finally see the political reality.

The mewling appeals to a nonexistent unity demonstrates the reprehensible idiocy of conservatives and civic nationalists. No one is “trying to divide America”. America is now a conquered and occupied nation, whose people cringe in fear of being punished by its ruling foreign elite. This is so obvious, despite the blithering denials of the conquered, that the invaders don’t even want to bother with the skinsuit anymore.

So let them have their new flag. Perhaps that will wake a few Americans up to the reality of the situation.

As the writer notes, Sam Francis saw it coming back in 2000, for which he was vilified by all good and proper Republicans and conservatives.

In this new order, whites — whether Southern or not — would be denied any public affirmation of their cultural and historical identity, and the denial of their identity would more easily allow their cultural and political subjugation to the non-white majority that has been projected to emerge in the United States in the next half century. The end result of the attack on Confederate symbolism, in other words, is not merely the disappearance of the Confederate flag, “Dixie,” and other symbols and customs of interest mainly to Southerners and Civil War buffs but, in time, the eradication of all symbols from pre-1960s America that suggest a white-based or “Eurocentric” public identity. With their disappearance and the cultural and racial dispossession it represents would come the racial domination of white Americans by the non-white majority of the next century.

Remember, every time you proudly proclaimed your non-racism, every time you boasted about how you didn’t care about color, every time you said the problem wasn’t immigration but ILLEGAL immigration, every time you proclaimed Not ALL X Are Like That, every time you talked about Judeo-Christian values, every time you proclaimed equality as a virtue, you helped make this happen

And here we are. Appealing to civic nationalism cannot fix the problem, because civic nationalism is how the problem was permitted to develop in the first place.