
Given that Israel is attempting to seek restitution from Poland for German crimes against Jewish property committed 80 years ago, it is perfectly reasonable for the 700,000 indigenous Arabs whose property was seized by Jews even more recently to seek similar restitution from Israel.

Israel claims to represent Jewish demands for restitution in Poland. I wonder, shouldn’t the same rule be applied to the Palestinians? Shouldn’t Israel put the same moral law into play and acknowledge the Palestinians’ right to their land, villages, cities, fields, and orchards?
While in Poland, it was Nazi Germany that brought a disaster on the county’s Jewry. In Palestine, young IDF and Jewish paramilitary groups committed colossal crimes against the indigenous population. While Nazi Germany ceased to exist in 1945, the IDF is still with us. The Labour party is still active and is even a member of the current governing coalition. The Likud Party, being the offspring of the Irgun and the Stern Gang, is, by far, the biggest party in the Israeli Knesset. The Israeli and Zionist institutions that were responsible for the 1948 crime have never ceased to exist. They have never owned their crimes, let alone repented.
Holocaust survivors have been compensated by different means for the crime that was committed against them by Europeans. Israel benefited from a large reparations deal with the German government. The Palestinians, however, are still living in open-air prisons and refugee camps, subject to blockades and constant abuse.
The time is ripe for Israel to own up to its horrendous past. By now, Israel should accept that the Palestinian cause is not fading away or evaporating into thin air. If Israel seeks to reconcile with the region, it must first apply to itself that moral code that it demands Poland to follow.

Those who refuse to accept the principle that the law which applies to others also applies to them apparently fail to understand that this refusal renders them completely unfit to dwell in the same society as those to whom the law applies.

The law-abiding cannot countenance the lawless.

The conservative defense of pedophilia

Rod Dreher thinks it’s all just a joke. They’re not evil, they’re just stupid, you see:

What these smart-asses in San Francisco did was make a satirical song and video that would win them plaudits in their own circles by making fun of normies. They posted this online on July 1. My guess is that they began hearing back today from LGBT people outside of safe blue districts telling them that they are out of their damn minds. This is confirming the worst possible stereotype: the gays are targeting our kids. I say fantastic: the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus said the quiet part out loud. Sure, they say in the video that they’re talking about converting them into being “tolerant and fair,” but that is not at all how it will be received. And that, I’m sure, is why the fools took it down.
I’m still flabbergasted by how idiotic this was. These childless men apparently have no idea at all how most people feel about their children.

Do you see the way in which the good conservative can’t bring himself to condemn proud and overt evil even when it openly declares that it is coming for his children?

They are smart-asses. They are fools. They are idiots. Dreher is willing to call them anything except that which they are: the wicked.

The reason you know Dreher and all other conservatives of his kind are defenders of evil is because you will never, ever, see them accepting satire as an excuse when it comes to actual jokes about blacks, Jews, or homosexuals. To the contrary, they will be the first to denounce even an actual joke told by a comedian at a professional comedy event as incontrovertible evidence of racism, anti-semitism, or homophobia.

But outright pedophilia professed in a non-comedic setting by a group containing multiple convicted pedophiles? Well, that can’t possibly be a collection of the wicked publicly celebrating their evil lusts, it’s just obvious satire making fun of normies that went a little too far because they’re insufficiently intelligent to understand the very difficult concept of parental love.

This is exactly what is meant by pedophistry. Rod Dreher isn’t a pedophile, and yet he publicly defends them and excuses their evil. And those who attempt to pass off evil as stupidity are both defending and enabling it.

Yes, I’m real

 Apparently some Miles Mathis skeptics – whose skepticism is well-documented and justified – are similarly dubious about me:

The only MM I’ve read, his Wittgenstein piece, was basically “look at anything odd in W’s life and then say it’s obviously a lie”, coupled with “I don’t understand/like W’s philosophy so I’ll claim it’s gibberish”. You could write a similar hit piece on Vox Day, pointing out all the improbable coincidences, powerful friends/contacts, and conclude: “So this millionaire’s son who poses with a flaming sword, and apparently partied with Prince, just so happens to write a song for Mortal Kombat, oh and his dad went to prison for 10 years, and I’m supposed to believe he started his own software company as well as a band, and his grandfather was “the Marine’s Marine”, oh and he was a nationally-syndicated journalist at age 18, and a national athlete??? – and then he suddenly decides, whoops I’m going to Italy and there he just happens to start his own publishing company, oh and he’s friends with a leading Israeli military historian, and he somehow finds time to make 1 hour Darkstreams every night, AND to set up his own social media, AND to write 1000-page Fantasy novels. Right. Has anyone even SEEN him, in real life? Does he even exist?” – etc.

Interesting. Usually it’s Spacebunny’s existence that is doubted. But I assure you, we’re both real and pretty much as advertised. Sure, I’ve lived all around the world, tried a lot of different things, and had at least a modicum of success at most of them. But what can I say? I bore easily.

Just to set the record straight:

  1. I never wrote a song for Mortal Kombat. Two Psykosonik songs were used for the first two movies and I didn’t have anything to do with writing either one of them. Dan wrote them both after Mike and I left the band. It’s really not hard to tell what I wrote and what I didn’t write, regardless of what the credits say, if you simply pay attention to the lyrics or the lack of them.
  2. My father went to prison for 12 years, if I recall correctly.
  3. I was nationally syndicated three times, the first time by Chronicle Features at the age of 25.
  4. I would not describe the lowest level of NCAA D1 as being a national-class athlete. Conference champion state-class competitor would be more accurate.
  5. I’m not a programmer. Dozens of people work on the products with which I’m involved in one capacity or another. I’m not even the producer or project leader on most of the projects. I’m just a designer and writer; what tends to distinguish me in the former capacity is that my designs always fundamentally work even if they sound far-fetched or are not especially brilliant in conception or application.
So from the development perspective, I am a “collective” of the sort that some people believe Miles Mathis to be. The funny thing is that there are a number of far less credible encounters and events in my life than most of the known ones that people find suspicious or unusual. But I’ve never worked for any government in any capacity, I’ve never sought mainstream approval or prizes, and I’ve never had any interest in telling other people what to do or how to live their lives. 
However, I think it’s unwise and mostly incorrect to dismiss the Mathis Committee’s conclusions about the essential fakery of so much art and science. Wittgenstein’s philosophy and Joyce’s writing and Darwin’s theory are not described as gibberish because no one understands them or likes them, but because they are genuinely gibberish. Even if one is incapable of recognizing those things for oneself, one need only inquire of an individual who claims to understand them to see that they are gibberish, or at the very least fundamentally incorrect.
Also, the fact that one knows what one is doing, or that one intends what one is doing, does not not make that which one is doing art, let alone great art. It’s just the inept execution of a bad idea. And one need only compare the results to the genuine article to see that the vast majority of the supposedly great works of the 20th century fall catastrophically short of the standard set by previous centuries. For all its flaws, The Tale of Genji is a far more worthwhile, far more original, and far more insightful novel than Ulysses, which offers little more than can be found in reading a thesaurus while listening to an Alphaville album.

Always watch your tongue

This is precisely why I don’t permit negative “jokes” or “warnings” or “fears” or “worries” to be posted here in the comments. Words not only describe reality, they shape reality by influencing thoughts.


In essence, a psychological curse is another word for a negative post-hypnotic suggestion.  This type of a curse can occur, for example, when someone tells you that you will have an accident, or die, or develop a disease, or something else negative will happen to you.  Sometimes the curse is placed accidentally, while at other times it is done to a person quite deliberately to harm him or her.

For example, doctors often place curses on people when they say in an authoritative tone, for example:  “You have cancer, and you may die of it.”  Several reasons for this are possible:

  1. The doctor is just trying to scare the patient into following the doctor’s orders.
  2. The doctor is just sloppy with words, and does not intend to do harm.  However, such words can instill needless fear and horror in a person – and this is quite common.
  3. The doctor is projecting his or her own fear of death or of disease.

Teachers or parents sometimes inflict this kind of curse on students.  They make statements, at times in a loud voice, such as “You will become a bum”, or “You will waste your life”, or similar negative statements.  Once again, sometimes they say this to help a child to work harder in school, for example.  However, this is not the way to do it, in my view.  Often, parents and teachers are just projecting their own fears onto vulnerable children, or worse, they are trying to upset the children and vampirize or steal energy from them.  


When negative suggestions are spoken to you, the person making the negative suggestion may consciously or unconsciously use hypnotic methods to “implant” the suggestion of misfortune deeply in your subconscious mind.  This is an important part of black magic or voodoo.  It is also used in satanic rituals and cults, during rapes and beatings, and during brainwashing, which is related to curses.


In many cases, if the post-hypnotic suggestion or psychological curse is accepted by the subject, then a proportion of the people to whom it is spoken will actually go on to develop the problem that was spoken of.  One hears about this often in psychological therapy sessions, for example.

A teacher may have told a student that she is stupid when it comes to mathematics, for example.  If the student accepts this, she mysteriously finds that cannot excel in this area. An angry mother may have told her teenage boy that he will end up just like his drunken father.  If the boy accepts the curse or post-hypnotic suggestion, then he mysteriously finds himself drawn to alcohol.

This type of conditioning is extremely common, in fact.  Most people, I would say, must deal with these types of curses or post-hypnotic suggestions that parents, teachers, doctors, attorneys, and anyone else in authority hand out, often without thinking much about it.

When combined with a rape or torture of some other kind, these suggestions become even more powerful and this is used to control people, often for the duration of their lives.

This is also why the Prosperity Gospel, also known as “name it, claim it” theology, is fundamentally wicked. It’s literally practicing psychological magic in order to obtain material wealth. Scott Adams, for example, is a very successful practitioner of this sort of psychological magic.

But this is why relentless positivity of mind, the determined avoidance of negativity, and the refusal to live in fear are vital for the Christian. It’s also important to pay attention to the lyrics of the music one listens to; classical music is much better for your mental and spiritual health than imprinting your mind with emo goths droning about how unhappy they are or metal gammas screaming about how they hate the world because everyone hates them.

Skeptical? Test it. The next time it’s late at night and you’re feeling down, or feeling afraid, or wallowing in self-pity, listen to the following three songs. Crank them up. Sing along. Then measure how you feel versus how you were feeling previously.

Then keep in mind that the effect works both ways. Over time, you’ll begin to observe that luck, like confidence, builds on its own success. I don’t merely hope to be fortunate and I don’t just know I’m fortunate, I fully expect to be fortunate. Remember, the ancients’ idea that Fortuna personally favored some individuals and disfavored others wasn’t an invention ex nihilo, it was an observation.

This is why God tells us to bless others, and not curse them. At the very least, stop cursing yourself do not permit others to do so.

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

James 3:3-12

Note: never, ever, assume that because I highlight something someone else wrote somewhere that I agree with, or endorse, or encourage you to read, that site, the author, or anything but that which I have highlighted here. If it does not say “read the whole thing” then there is no need to read the whole thing. Many people have glimmerings of the truth. No one grasps the whole.

See how they squeal

It’s going to be interesting to see the media attempting to simultaneously argue that a) businesses can discriminate against the unvaccinated and b) businesses cannot discriminate against the vaccinated. Because you know they’re going to screech like crazy about second-class status for the unvaccinated:

An anti-vax beauty therapist has said she will refuse to treat anyone who has been vaccinated against coronavirus. 

Sarah McCutcheon, based in Glasgow, wrote in a post on her business’ Instagram page: ‘We will not treat anyone who has had a Covid-19 jab.’  

The owner of Wellness and Wellbeing With Sarah made the comment alongside a post from an Australian hair salon which read: ‘We are not your hairdresser if you have had the Covid vax.’  She added: ‘We agree and will not conduct massages or treatments on any vaccinated people…sorry not sorry.’

The National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF) told the Daily Record such a policy would go against Government guidance, which should be followed to keep customers safe.      

I don’t know about you, but I definitely know more people that are concerned about contact with the vaccinated than they are about contact with the unvaccinated. 

Water and Gummi Bears

The central vaccination center in Vienna sees dozens of young people collapsing every day:

The Austria Center Vienna (Donaustadt) is of crucial importance for the city’s vaccination strategy. Around 5000 Viennese are vaccinated against the Corona here every day. But unfortunately there are always side effects. An Impfstrasse employee told Austrian daily Heute that around 50 people per day collapsed last weekend. Almost all of them had previously received a dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Younger people were particularly affected; Johnson & Johnson is used from the age of 18. The city confirmed this, but spoke of “30 to 40” people affected for the whole weekend. Unfortunately, it happens again and again that “a few” collapse after the vaccination. That is why the rest period after vaccination is said to be important. The paramedics of the Samaritan Association were then instructed to pay particular attention to “young and slim” people.

The reason is that these people in particular drink and eat too little before the vaccination. The city is now distributing water and gummy bears.

They’re just dehydrated. And when people start collapsing permanently over the next few weeks and months, no doubt their deaths will be blamed on gluten allergies or desucrosation. 

Seriously, they’re trying to push “food allergies” as a substitute explanation for why otherwise healthy vaccinated people are dropping dead:

Ayesha K. Faines: 35-year-old journalist and “Grapevine Show” panelist dead 14 weeks after experimental Pfizer mRNA shot. Family tells Faines’ former employer, News4Jax, that she died from “food allergies”

This may sound credible at first glance, but it isn’t in light of the fact that between 5 and 15 people die from severe reactions to food allergies on an annual basis. It’s still early days, but it won’t surprise me to subsequently learn that we have been witnessing the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. 


This is what success looks like

Last night UATV successfully took a big step forward, as both Big Bear and I streamed live on UATV without any problems or interruptions. Big Bear had 615 peak simultaneous viewers and I had 154; these UATV-specific numbers were in addition to the viewers on Odyssey and D-Live, as we were both streaming on multiple platforms.

The good news is that the bandwidth logs indicate that UATV is now able to support up to 5,000 simultaneous viewers, and the server infrastructure is already in place to support up to 20,000 simultaneous viewers.

The next major step will be adding chat functionality, at which point there will be no need to stream on any other platforms unless one wishes to make the stream available to non-subscribers. Superchats will eventually follow, and devs are already working on the apps. We also plan to permit creators to control how open they want any given stream to be, although chat will always be limited to subscribers.

Anyhow, if you haven’t gotten on board with UATV yet, you might want to consider subscribing soon.We’ll also be releasing a new documentary there very soon.