Burn Hollywood Burn

Chuck D truly is a Prophet of Rage. As he predicted, the Hellmouth is in flames.

A massive wildfire whipped up by extreme winds has swept through a Los Angeles hillside dotted with celebrity homes – with a state of emergency declared. The enormous blaze in the Pacific Palisades forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, some of whom abandoned their cars and fled on foot to safety with roads blocked.

Firefighters battling the blaze, which is burning through about five football fields a minute, warned they were running out of water and supplies, as evacuation warnings spread to Malibu and Calabasas. Tankers full of water had been dousing the inferno from the skies all afternoon, but all aircraft were later grounded amid deteriorating wind conditions and visibility. Residents were warned the worst is still yet to come as the raging wildfire burns through more than 2,900 acres of Los Angeles land at an extraordinary rate.

At least 30,000 residents are now under mandatory evacuation orders with more still warned they should be prepared to leave, after a fire that broke out in the foothills near Eaton Canyon has grown to 1,000 acres in just six hours since it began. A third brush fire has broken out in Sylmar in the San Fernando Valley which recent estimates is around 100 acres big.

Perhaps now people will start looking into who is starting these massive fires and why the government is involved in spreading them. We still have virtually no information about what happened on Maui.

UPDATE: Things are looking decidedly suspicious if what actor James Woods is saying happens to be true.

Actually one of the major insurance companies canceled all the policies in our neighborhood about four months ago.


The Only Skull

As you may or may not be aware, George Gordon Byron is one of my favorite poets. And his “Lines Inscribed Upon a Cup Formed From a Skull” is my favorite poem that wasn’t written by a particular friend of mine, Dante, or A.A. Milne. And while it’s not well known, but I am actually a published poet, as I wrote a poem that was published in Bucknell University’s poetry journal when I was studying there.

Of course, as always seems to be the case, the combination of my talents with my iconoclasm not only caused the poem to be accepted for publication, but also caused half the staff to quit in protest after it was published. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…

In any event, I put the Byronic poem to restrained nu-metal, took the liberty of changing the two instances of “quaff” to drank/drink since it just didn’t work, put together a chorus that fit the context, used the final verse as a pseudo-chorus, and threw on a lyrical outro. The poem is well worth reading, and if you want to hear the musical version, you can hear The Only Skull on UATV. When I put the album out in the spring, this will definitely be on it.

Start not—nor deem my spirit fled:
In me behold the only skull
From which unlike a living head,
Whatever flows is never dull.

I lived, I loved, I drank like thee;
I died, let earth my bones resign:
Fill up thou canst not injure me;
The worm hath fouler lips than thine.

Why not? Life is rapid sped.
Why not? Nothing’s left unsaid.
Why not? Will you rest instead?
Why not come and revel with the dead!

Better to hold the sparkling grape
Than nurse the earthworm’s slimy brood,
And circle in the goblet’s shape
The drink of gods than reptile’s food.

Where once my wit, perchance, hath shown,
In aid of others’ let me shine;
And when, alas! our brains are gone,
What nobler substitute than wine?

Why not? Life is rapid sped.
Why not? Nothing’s left unsaid.
Why not? Will you rest instead?
Why not come and revel with the dead!

Drink while thou canst; another race,
When thou and thine like me are sped,
May rescue thee from earth’s embrace,
And rhyme and revel with the dead.

Why not—since through life’s little day
Our heads such sad effects produce?
Redeemed from worms and wasting clay,
This chance is theirs to be of use.

Drink while thou canst; another race,
When thou and thine like me are sped,
May rescue thee from earth’s embrace,
And rhyme and revel with the dead.

Now rhyme and revel,
Rhyme and revel,
Why—not rhyme and revel?
Rhyme and revel with the dead!


The Crisis of Clown World

It simply cannot be swept under the rug or sugar-coated any longer: the Western order is in literal crisis. The people have had enough, and the avalanche is picking up inertia because the process is a self-reinforcing feedback loop: the more wanton elites fall, the more that citizens are energized to rise up against them. And when that happens, the elites are forced to clamp and double down on their lies, hypocrisy, and repressions in a futile attempt to stem the flow; this leads to even more ill-will, resentment, and revolt against their destructive policies.

Simplicius observes this. Peter Turchin predicted this. I predicted this. It’s becoming really freaking obvious to everyone now, everyone except the lunatics still trying to cling to power.


The End of an Era

Life is not a 1980s fantasy novel. Sometimes, the Dark Lord triumphs. After giving up writing science fiction in favor of cat porn, my onetime blog traffic rival, John Scalzi, has laid down his blog pen and passed on the Whatever torch.

In 2012, John Scalzi’s blog was the place to be for anyone interested in science fiction. His blog popularity and traffic as an influencer led to him getting massive multi-million dollar contracts at Tor Books and industry insiders giving him multiple Hugo Awards. In 2016, Scalzi revealed a small chink in the armor of his online presence, as he reported his blog traffic as falling, coinciding with the first election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. With his push toward extreme liberalism and social justice, Scalzi turned off a portion of his originally military sci-fi reading audience as he pivoted toward what he perceived to be mainstream clout.

His blog saw an 11% traffic drop from a 2015 self-reported number of 5.8 million site visits (close to 500,000 a month) in that year, but it seems to have gotten far worse in recent years as his online persona has made sure that half the country or more is not interested in what he has to offer with his extreme political takes. It’s gotten so bad that he doesn’t report his blog stats at the end of the year anymore, instead giving updates about his life in general. He vows in 2025 he will “spend more time on friendships and community,” which is usually a self-reflection that things are not going very well.

Despite his not posting his stats, using online statistical sources, Fandom Pulse estimates his monthly traffic to be anywhere from 150,000-200,000 on an average month, less than half of what it was only eight years ago. Fandom Pulse, by contrast, is doing well over 300,000 per month in our first month full time, making this Substack the most trafficked blog in science fiction.

Another sign John Scalzi doesn’t view his blog traffic as doing well is that he’s now conscripted his daughter to take over Whatever. She posted, “Hello, everyone! If you saw my father’s post yesterday, then you know that some changes that have been in the works for a while now are finally here. Mainly, I have been passed the torch that is Whatever, and I plan to carry it proudly.”

I wish both The Artist Formerly Known as… well, in the spirit of leaving history in the past, let’s just call him Neil Gaiman’s good friend, and the new Whatever blogger well. No, don’t laugh. I have absolutely nothing against Athena, and it was always Scalzi’s fans who used to infest the blog comments here that were more in my sights than the man himself. He mostly served as a useful metric, given Whatever’s onetime status as The Most Popular Blog in Science Fiction.

It’s a little sad, actually. Beating up on Brandon Sanderson is redundant; the man self-flagellates more than one can possibly kick him, and I couldn’t even name most of the SJW pets and never-weres that have replaced Scalzi as Tor’s Award-Winning authors. The transformation of Whatever truly represents the end of an era, a stupid and mediocre era, to be sure, but an era nonetheless. David Weber is gone, Neil Gaiman is done, George RR Martin is done, John Scalzi is petering out, Brandon Sanderson has gone rogue and is nuking his fan base; the genre publishers simply never developed my generation of fantasy and science fiction writers and there is very little coming up behind them in the mainstream.

And yet, we not only survive, we thrive. Whatever is gone. Tor Books is next. But you can be absolutely certain that the dark empire of Castalia will continue to grow and expand.

The silence was the most terrifying thing. Not the absence of sound, but the absence of life. Birds no longer sang, their vibrant melodies replaced by an eerie stillness. Laughter, once a common thread weaving through the tapestry of human existence, had vanished, leaving behind a chilling emptiness. The whispers of the wind through the trees, once a comforting lullaby, now sounded like mournful dirges. Even the gentle hum of the world, the subtle symphony of existence, had been extinguished, leaving behind a suffocating vacuum where hope and joy once thrived.

And somewhere beneath his black velvet hood, in the shadows where no one could see, the dark lord smiled.


Achieving Faster Fixation

A few SGers were confused by the way in which the 2009 paper for the e. coli experiment didn’t provide clear numbers regarding what was, and what was not, a fixation event. And, as it turns out, considerably more work has been done in this space since 2009, and it’s evident that at least a few scientists are growing concerned about the obvious implications of the time, in generations, that is required for mutational fixation, presumably due to its obvious implications for the impossibility of evolution by natural selection. In fact, some are even attempting to prove that fixation is not required for adaptation, in a quixotic illustration of the way in which they still don’t truly understand the extant nature of the problem MITTENS poses for TENS.

Any understanding of an evolutionary process requires the understanding of the particular components that make up that evolutionary process. Darwin wrote about these evolutionary processes in his book, “On the Origin of Species”[1]. From this text, we get a particular quote that describes these processes: “For it should be remembered that the competition will generally be most severe between those forms which are most nearly related to each other in habits, constitution and structure. Hence all the intermediate forms between the earlier and later states, that is between the less and more improved state of a species, as well as the original parent-species itself, will generally tend to become extinct. So it probably will be with many whole collateral lines of descent, which will be conquered by later and improved lines of descent. If, however, the modified offspring of a species get into some distinct country, or become quickly adapted to some quite new station, in which child and parent do not come into competition, both may continue to exist.” Darwin recognized that two processes can occur during evolution, competition (what Darwin also calls the struggle for existence) and adaptation. Many papers have been written about the mathematics of competition. Some of the many examples were written by Haldane et al. [2-5]. Here, we will address both the mathematics of competition and the mathematics of adaptation. In this paper, we consider a particular experimental evolutionary model, the Lenski E. coli long term evolution experiment (LTEE) [6] and the particular evolutionary components which cause the experiment to act in its manner. And to address why it takes so many generations for each fixation and adaptation step. A model for fixation was presented in the following paper BH Good, et al. and edited by Richard Lenski where they discuss these issues [7]…

In this study, we make the simplifying assumption that the distribution of variants in the entire 10ml test tube is identical to the distribution of variants in the 0.1ml sample. The other selection process is the natural selection process that occurs as the different variants replicate where the more fit variant ultimately substitutes for the less fit variants over generations. This is due to the differences in the relative fitness of the different variants in the population. These two selection processes must be combined to correctly describe the fixation process in the LTEE. But the fixation process does not describe the adaptation process. Adaptation (an improvement in fitness) occurs when another beneficial mutation occurs on the more fit variant. The improvement in fitness of a particular variant is dependent on the absolute fitness of that variant to replicate because the random trial for improvement in fitness is the replication and the frequency at which the beneficial mutation occurs is given by the mutation rate. This is a binomial probability problem, that is, does the beneficial mutation occur or does it not occur with that replication. The mathematical model to describe this part of the evolutionary process is given by the mathematics of random mutation and natural selection [10]. The probability of that beneficial mutation occurring on the more fit variant is dependent on the number of replications of that variant. This value will be tabulated in the mathematical model of fixation. The key point to understand in the evolutionary process is that fixation is not a requirement for adaptation. If the carrying capacity of the environment is sufficient to allow for the number of replications required to give a reasonable probability of a beneficial mutation occurring on some variant, then fixation is not needed for adaptation.

Have you spotted the problem yet? Anyhow, the experiment provided a way to test how long it took a mutation to fixate, and the results were considerably faster than the 1,600 generations previously indicated. In fact, they managed to reduce the number of generations to fixation to a range between 119 and 497!

However, the table raises an obvious question. What is this k that appears to be directly related to the number of generations required? And aye, there’s the rub.

 If that weight factor is 2, that means that variant is doubling in number every generation.

So, k=2 is a very strong replication weight factor. And yet, even with it cranked up to an unnaturally high rate, it’s still insufficient to reduce the number of generations to fixation to a sufficient level. And a more realistic replication weight factor that is more reflective of the genetic changes we can observe in real-time from one generation to the next is obviously going to be much lower, and in line with those previously reported.

But all of this frantic activity to prove that fixation is not necessary for adaptation is misplaced anyhow, because the problem is not adaptation, but the observable genetic distance that consists of historical fixation events separating one species from another. One can certainly prove that it’s not necessary to travel from point A to point B in a boat in order to cross a river, but that proof will never change the previously measured width of the river.


Sen. Graham Demands Mass Deportations

It’s fascinating to see how the Clown World puppets simply change their tune in order to maintain their political viability as well as Clown World’s monopoly on positions of power and influence:

The US needs to fortify its border with Mexico and start mass deportations as soon as possible, in the name of national security, Senator Lindsey Graham has warned. The South Carolina Republican, who chairs the Senate Budget Committee, spoke to Fox News on Sunday about the pending budget reconciliation bill.

“I’m very worried that if we don’t put border first and get it done, it’s going to be a nightmare for our national security,” Graham told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo.

“We’ve got millions of illegal immigrants that President Trump has promised to deport, and he should. Why are we doing mass deportation? Because we had mass illegal immigration,” he added.

My best guess is that Clown World will embrace mass repatriations of illegal immigrants in what will probably be a futile attempt to prevent the mass repatriations of legal immigrants and dual-citizens. Graham has been a U.S. Senator since 2003, and to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time he has ever publicly called for mass deportations.

Notice how all the “nationalists” who receive coverage are civic nationalists who never even mentioned the word except to disavow it until 2020 or so, while all of the overt and outright nationalists are ignored, when they’re not still being denounced as “extremists” and worse. Now the fake “nationalists” are talking up a storm trying to defend their “idea nation” and denouncing “illegal immigrants” despite the fact that the core problem isn’t, and has never been, either the ideas or the legality of the invaders, but rather, the fact that they are not part of the American nation, they are not part of the American posterity, and they never will be.

But the pendulum is definitely swinging back, and it’s going to go a lot further than Clown World or its fake nationalists would prefer.


Babylon Babbles

Forget Western civilization. When did the Jews ever have anything to do with any civilization? They’re still a literally nomadic tribe! Did they invent civilization when they were enslaved for four centuries in Egypt? When ten of the 12 tribes were carried off by the Assyrians? Or perhaps they invented Western civilization in Babylon while they were enslaved there? I don’t suppose they could have invented civilization when they were being ruled by the Medo-Persians or by Rome.

If we are to take their historic claims to the land of Israel by right of conquering the Canaanites seriously, then they’ve never been part of Western civilization at all, let alone responsible for any part of its invention. The fact that this historic land is in the Middle EAST would be the first clue there.

But Joel Berry does provide us with the useful service of conclusively disproving the ludicrous 115 average IQ fiction. The amusing thing is that these historical illiterates who take the Straussian Athens + Jerusalem metaphor literally don’t realize that it’s simply a metaphor that refers to Western philosophy and religion, not the actual cities or their historic residents.


Georgian Inspirations

According to Spotify, Charles Darwin is dead.

Got my mind on those genes baby, fixation’s slow.
Hundreds of generations don’t you know?
Natural selection’s got its groove, but it’s a crawl
Evolution’s math… it’s a mighty tall wall.

Mutations happen but they take their sweet time
Fixation in the genes, it’s a mountain to climb
Survival of the fittest, you’ve heard it before
But it’s the math that’s tricky. There’s so much more.

Get your groove on
Cuz Darwin’s dead y’all
Math don’t lie. And that’s a fact
Generations passing,
one by one
Fixation’s slow but the funk’s begun!

DNA is twisted. A double helix spin (spiral!)
But changes in the code, man, they take years to win
Thousands of years just to make a minor shift
Mathematical reality disproves genetic drift.

TENS has been disproven, the numbers don’t compute.
Mutational fixation means the question is moot.
Populations change but it’s super slow,
It’s a long-winding journey through genetic flow.

So we DNA dance, shake it to the groove
Gotta feel that rhythm, there’s nothing to prove.
Natural Selection’s not a night at the club
But we’re caught in this math, yeah, there’s the rub

Get your groove on
Cuz Darwin’s dead y’all
Math don’t lie. And that’s a fact!
Generations passing you comprehend
Fixation’s slow but the funk don’t end!

It’s also on UATV, of course. If, however, you’re an Unauthorized subscriber and you’re not sufficiently evolved to handle a beat and a bassline that funky, why not rhyme and revel with something a little more Byronic.


Trudeau Doesn’t Actually Resign

He has announced that he intends to resign. In March. Once a new party leader is determined. Maybe. Assuming that nothing changes in the next three months.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced he intends to resign as Liberal Party leader and prime minister once a new party leader is determined. “I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust, nationwide, competitive process,” he said Monday from Rideau Cottage in Ottawa. Trudeau will serve as prime minister until March 24. He will then be replaced by a new Liberal Party leader.

There sure are a lot of lame duck leaders across the West of late…


Swastikas in London

If Keir Starmer is going to “fight the poison of the far-right” as hard as he fought the Pakistani rape gangs, there will be swastikas flying over Parliament and Prince William will be acclaimed as Fuhrer by June.

Keir Starmer hit back at Elon Musk today in the increasingly bitter spat over his record on grooming gang cases. The PM mounted a robust defence as he took questions after laying out NHS waiting list plans this morning. Sir Keir said ‘child sexual exploitation is utterly sickening’ and victims had been ‘let down’ – but he insisted he had tackled the issues ‘head on’ as director of public prosecutions.

The premier accused opposition politicians of ‘amplifying what the far-right is saying’ on child sexual abuse after falling to act ‘for 14 long years’. He insisted he would fight the ‘poison of the far right’, arguing that those who are ‘spreading lies and misinformation.. are not interested in victims, they are interested in themselves’.

The fact that Clown World has to rely on the likes of Starmer, Trudeau, and the Six Bidens just to keep its narrative going is one of the most obvious indications that it is in its terminal stage.