Kamala Still Isn’t Black

I don’t know why anyone ever pretended that Kamala Harris was black. I suppose it’s because people assume that everyone from Jamaica is, but as it happens, her father isn’t black. And neither is her mother. As Janet Jackson clearly knows:

Pop star Janet Jackson was blasted by left-wing critics last week for saying that Kamala Harris isn’t black. Then it was reported that she apologized saying she was “misinformed.” Now, Jackson is saying that apology was issued without authorization…

Once Jackson’s words got into print, Mo Elmasri apologized for her comments in a statement on Sunday in a report at Buzzfeed. Elmasri told Buzzfeed he was Jackson’s manager.

“Janet apologizes for any confusion caused and acknowledges the importance of accurate representation in public discourse” Elmasri said. “We appreciate the opportunity to address this and will remain committed to promoting unity … She deeply respects Vice President Kamala Harris and her accomplishments as a Black and Indian woman.”

But now Jackson’s team is disavowing Mo Elmasri’s statement.

Indeed, there seems to be confusion over Elmasri’s actual role with Jackson. According to sources, her brother, Randy Jackson, is actually Janet’s manager. And now the Jackson team is insisting that Elmasri had no right or authorization to issue any apologies, according to USA Today.

Perhaps Neal Gaiman’s team should take a page from Mr. Elmasri’s book and have some random individual who has no actual connection to Team Gaiman apologize for Mr. Gaiman’s alleged actions. They could even have Mr. Elmasri do it. Apparently the press will accept that these days.