Karl Denninger explains to the Republican governors how the first one to adopt an comprehensive Ivermectin + Zinc + Vitamin C protocol and conclusively defeat the coronavirus, the vaccines, and the lockdowns can also defeat Donald Trump for the 2024 Presidential nomination.
For anyone suspected you dispense to them five doses of Ivermectin to be taken every day if they are obese or otherwise morbid, and every second day if not along with one dose per every two days for everyone in the household, calibrated by their weight. Everyone in the household also gets ten days of a 1,000mg Vitamin C tablet and ten days of 30mg of Zinc, both dietary supplements. The exception is anyone on a blood thinner; you simply ask and, if they are, they don’t get the drug (but do get the supplements.)
The State buys the drug in bulk, from India if you have to (fly a charter over there to pick it up; **** the Feds) and dispenses it.
Read the linked article. This is is not just about treatment; it is also about cutting off forward transmission of the virus. It will not work every time but it doesn’t have to work every time — just often enough to suppress Rt below 1.0 and the virus dies out.
The risk of someone having a serious adverse event from this is 1 in 600,000. If Florida has ten percent of their population that gets infected (or suspected to be) or is in a household with someone who is over the next three months (improbably high, but let’s go with it) that would be a cost of about $5 million. For Alabama it would cost about a million. That’s it.
Who’s got the stones to do this?
Whoever does it first and collapses their Covid-19 case, hospitalization and death rate is President in 2024.
It’s not even remotely difficult and massively less expensive than even a single week of lockdown. So why isn’t every single Republican governor implementing this plan? After all, it’s been around since December 2020.