Episode 3 of Hypergamouse is now live on Webtoons. Don’t forget to subscribe to it, as that is the primary metric there and it will alert you when a new episode is uploaded. As you can see from the screencap taken this morning on the left, the more subscribers, the more the algorithm favors the comic, and the virtuous cycle continues. What is remarkable about that #4 ranking is that the number of episodes for the other top 5 comics range from 95 to 220. AH is on Episode 5.
Also, if you are a UATV Basic subscriber, please check your email. You have been cordially invited to check out the brand new site! We had a minor issue earlier this morning which prevented video playback, but it’s been resolved, so please login, change your password, and watch/listen to a video or two. Then let me know how the performance worked for you. Please note this is not an invitation to sperg about nonexist features or demonstrate your awesome technical knowledge; the site is still in Alpha and we’re bringing in people gradually to see how well it handles the increasing bandwidth load.
Once we’ve got all the subscribers invited and using it successfully, we’ll move the URL pointers and start transitioning the apps. Iterative design, iterative development.
UPDATE: No Darkstream tonight as I spent the time fixing my streaming software and getting rid of the delay that cropped up recently. Turned out the Nvidea driver needed an update.