The media and the Deep State have been freaking out non-stop since the US-Russia summit in Helsinki began:
Arriving in the U.S. on Monday night, the president ignored questions from reporters. He let a Fox News interview he did with Sean Hannity just before his Helsinki departure be the final word that day on the controversial summit.
The president launched a late defense of his meeting with Putin as Democrats and the media panned as ‘treasonous,’ ‘disgusting,’ and ‘disgraceful.’ Not only was it great, he said on Twitter, it was ‘even better’ than one he had a few days prior with America’s security alliance.
As he weathered heavy criticism for fawning over the strongman who the U.S. intelligence community says was behind 2016 hacking, Trump declared victory in his Helsinki and NATO summits.
He settled on a regular target for characterizing his Putin presser as anything less than a success — the media.
‘While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way – the Fake News is going Crazy!’ he said.
But why? There has been literally nothing to justify any of this over-the-top behavior.
The unhinged rhetoric of American liberals and neocons over Donald Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki is deeply repugnant and strangely disorienting. This is especially the case for someone my age, born less than a decade after the United States Air Force vaporized hundreds of thousands of civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a year after the US had killed almost a quarter of North Koreans, who watched as a teenager the US scald and incinerate millions of people in Indochina.
“The darkest hour in the history of the American presidency,” Garry Kasparov crystalizes the madness of US politics at this hour as the liberal classes collectively lose their minds. Darker therefore than Pearl Harbor, darker than 9/11?
Let it be imagined that Kasparov’s moves are but those of an embittered exile, let’s compare his words with those of Anderson Cooper of CNN who tweeted the words of Sen John McCain: “No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”
From the crazed neo-cons embedded in America’s deep state, all the way to the pussy-hat liberals of the left, a hysterical peal of rage has emerged in the wake of Helsinki with the hashtag #TreasonSummit trending all day in the Twitter-sphere.
So, what was the proximate cause of this collective shriek over Helsinki which emanated from the US, but had its echo in the halls of liberalism everywhere?
That Trump said that it is better that the US and Russia, the two predominant keepers of the world’s nuclear weapons, “should try to get along”? Or was it that he said that maintenance of such nuclear stockpiles “was a bad thing not a good thing”?
What sane human being could possibly disagree with these two statements, never mind a liberal, a progressive, a leftist?
Was it his evident disbelief in the righteousness of the CIA and the FBI? Again what kind of leftist elevates the deep-state agencies in America to sainthood? In decades gone by (as late as the George W Bush era, with his Patriot Act et al) it was an article of faith on the left side of politics that these very agencies were the enemies of democracy in America.
Well, this report, if true, would certainly explain it:
At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news.
Some of those intercepts reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotel, vehicle rentals and secure communications gear for Terrorist groups, inside Syria, Iraq, and terror attacks in Europe and the US.
Among the intercepted communications are mostly international phone calls, faxes, emails by members of the US Congress, US Senate, federal Judges, state-level elected officials from California, Oregon, Washington, New York (City & State), New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia. Once those communications left the United States, they became fair game for any country to spy on.
A great number of these communications were encrypted, but Russia has found a way to BREAK much of the encryption! And as part of their effort to improve relations with Trump, they provided the original encrypted versions of the intercepts AND the key which decrypts them so the US can use US-obtained intercepts (which may still be encrypted) along with the Russian-provided decryption key to prove the info is accurate and unedited!!!
Numerous high-ranking officials and well known wealthy people have been caught red-handed scheming together and with foreign governments along with radical leftist billionaires both inside and outside the US, to foment — and finance — extraordinary acts of political, social, and cultural chaos including riots, violent attacks, political unrest and more.
Some high-level MANAGERS at gigantic social media companies have received literally millions of dollars in pay-offs to establish or use under-the-radar company policies to impose severe censorship on certain views and to silence certain people; often times without the knowledge or consent of the Highest Executives or Boards of Directors of those companies! These pay-offs USURP actual executive power in some giant social media outlets.
High level mass-media Producers, Editors, and some Writers in the US, UK, and elsewhere in Europe, have been paid-off with VAST sums of money to launch phony media smears. Push scandals. Create and report FAKE news stories.
On the one hand, this sounds a little too good to be true. Q has been entirely silent of late. On the other, we know this sort of thing is exactly what the globalists and their servants have been doing for decades, and we also know that Putin is a capable man who surrounds himself with capable men. It would be a surprise if he didn’t have a considerable amount of data concerning the activities of the globalists who also oppose him. It’s worth noting too that the entire media narrative has been focused on pushing the idea that Putin is somehow fooling Trump, which tends to indicate that they feared something like this happening.
Anyhow, whether this is truth or just wishful thinking, we should find out fairly soon.