Right-of-Center bloggers asked 171 bloggers which contemporary right-wing figure they’d like to have to dinner. To my chagrin, not only did none of the 46 respondents see fit to invite me out for a bite and a chat, but just to add insult to injury, I didn’t even get asked to vote. But I choose to regard this as an indication that my rapid rise to intellectual Internet stardom lies before me. I am 100 percent upside. Oh, who am I kidding. I don’t actually care. Anyhow, the list is below. I think I’d probably have to go with Ann, but if Space Bunny put up a fuss, I think it would be Thomas Sowell, followed by John Derbyshire and Victor Davis Hanson. But best of all would be to go drinking with Rumsfeld, PJ and the White Buffalo.
Honorable Mentions: Clarence Thomas (4), Arnold Schwarzenegger (4), Colin Powell (4), PJ O’Rourke (4), James Lileks (4), Charles Krauthammer (4), Sean Hannity (4), Rudolph Giuliani (4), Larry Elder (4), Steven Den Beste (4), George Bush Sr. (4), Neal Boortz (4)
18) Karl Rove (5)
18) Glenn Reynolds (5)
18) David Horowitz (5)
18) Christopher Hitchens (5)
18) Newt Gingrich (5)
18) Dick Cheney (5)
16) Walter Williams (6)
16) William Buckley (6)
12) Margaret Thatcher (7)
12) Dennis Miller (7)
12) Laura Ingraham (7)
12) Milton Friedman (7)
10) Victor Davis Hanson (8)
10) Mel Gibson (8)
8) Jonah Goldberg (10)
8) Ann Coulter (10)
7) Mark Steyn (11)
5) Rush Limbaugh (12)
5) Tony Blair (12)
4) Thomas Sowell (13)
3) Donald Rumsfeld (18.5)
2) George W. Bush (21.5)
1) Condi Rice (25)