The Southern Baptist Convention decided not to go full cuck, and instead passed a watered-down version of their attack on nationalism, limiting it to a condemnation of “racism” and “alt-right white supremacy”. Of course, the virtue-signalers are too ignorant and too dishonest to even address the Alt-Right directly, but contented themselves with the usual anti-racist posturing.
Joe Carter, who knows better because he specifically references me, tries to limit the Alt-Right to “white identity“, which is obviously false because the Alt-Right harbors significant appeal to every race and nation that wishes to survive the onslaught of multiculturalism and globalism.
What is the alt-right?
The alt-right—short for “alternative right”—is an umbrella term for a host of disparate nationalist and populist groups associated with the white identity cause/movement. The term brings together white supremacists (e.g., neo-Nazis), religious racialists (e.g., Kinists), neo-pagans (e.g., Heathenry), internet trolls (e.g., 4chan’s /pol/), and others enamored with white identity and racialism.
Given that he openly refers to me as “an alt-right leader”, it’s a little strange to claim that a Red Indian who argues that there is no such thing as a “white nation” should lead a “movement” that is “white identity”. Granted, the term “associated” provides broad leeway in a dialectical regard, but the rhetorical thrust is clear: “the alt-right is bad white racists”.
And, of course, they can’t even understand why we harbor such disdain for them, even as they spew falsehoods about us:
Why does the alt-right hate conservative Christians?
As many conservative Christians on social media can attest, the alt-right seems to have a particular disdain for gospel-centered Christianity. (For examples see here, here, here, and here.) Some on the alt-right (such as Vox Day) claim that Christianity is a “foundational pillar” of the movement. But what they mean by Christianity is often a heretical form (Day rejects the Trinity) a racialized version of the faith (e.g., the Kinist movement), or “religion as culture” (Spencer says he is both an atheist and a “culture Christian.”). The true religion of the alt-right is white identitarianism, which is why the SBC accurately considers it an “anti-gospel” movement.
We don’t hate conservative Christians, we simply reject them as potential allies because they are useless failures inclined to do more harm than good to the nations. Their Christianity is cucked, and therefore dying; it won’t be long before they embrace female pastors and honoring loving relationships between consenting adults of any of the 57 genders. Their conservatism hasn’t even conserved the tradition of using the toilet. And their globalism makes them anti-American, anti-Western, and therefore our enemy.
We’re not choosing America, the West, and the white race over Jesus Christ, we’re choosing them over the churchians and their dubious claim to speak for Jesus Christ.
The Southern Baptist Convention and conservative Christians are making the same fundamental error that the progressives do: they believe that Jesus Christ’s kingdom is of this world and must be established by them. But at least the progressives are sufficiently self-aware to recognize that they are anti-American and anti-white. It’s going to be hilarious to see the SBC cucks tripping over themselves to denounce their own anti-semitism once they realize that their anti-white, anti-American denunciation applies equally well to Zionism and the Jewish self-concept of being a Chosen People.
The SBC is about to learn what Hillary Clinton did last year. The Alt-Right is inevitable and the Alt-Right is true. And I’m glad to be able to say that I am no longer associated in any way with the Southern Baptist Convention.
Damien Michael has written a more substantive rebuttal here:
This is why it’s impossible to follow Christ and be a white nationalist: How can we claim to be sons and daughters of Jesus while separating ourselves from our brothers and sisters?
Because, again, God did so at the Tower of Babel. Additionally, the New Testament assumes the existence of different tribes and nations. Furthermore, all of Christianity for the past two thousand years thought it perfectly sensible to separate themselves into different ethnic, cultural, and racial groups, and the Christians of yesteryear were no less Christian than we are. Perhaps we should learn from their example, instead of thinking ourselves to be superior. Finally, this above point also fails analogically. After all, when I go to my house after Church, I separate myself from my fellow Christians, and yet I am no less Christian for it. By the same token, ethnic groups can have their own figurative homes in their own countries, and yet be unified in the greater idea of Christendom. And there is nothing anti-Christian about such an idea.