Jonah Goldberg is getting annoyed:
Guys, I’m only now wading through yesterday’s G-File email. It wasn’t the most popular column. So be it. But one line of argument I find tiresome and entirely unthoughtful: When I say something conservatives or still-ebullient Republicans don’t like it means I’m becoming liberal. More than a dozen readers have made this argument in wildly divergent forms. But the common theme to all of them seems to be if I’m wrong it must be because I’m liberal. I could offer a long response. Instead let me just say wrong and liberal are not synonymous terms. “Two plus two is five” isn’t liberal.
Nor, I assert, is staunch opposition to the George Bush administration liberal, at least not in the American sense of the word. There used to be a word for politicians who spent money like a trophy wife with a new credit card, paid no attention to national sovereignty, expanded the Nanny State and were true believers in the United Nations. Now, THAT is an American-style liberal.