A lover’s quarrel took a bizarre twist last night. The Anchorage Police Department said late last night, after a fight over a pending breakup, a woman severed her 44-year-old boyfriend’s penis.Kim Tran, 35, was arraigned today on charges of domestic violence, assault, and tampering with evidence….
Police say Tran flushed the penis down the toilet and then drove the man to Providence Alaska Medical Center shortly after midnight. Hospital staff called the Anchorage Police Department and police called officials with Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility to recover the penis…. Police say surgery to reattach the man’s penis was successful.
I won’t be surprised if this evil whackjob becomes the latest cause celebre with feminists, given their past cheerleading for her amputation-prone predecessor and the infamous post-natal water abortionist. And yet I’ve yet to meet a man, no matter how bitter about women he might be, who celebrates the genital mutilation of women.
But it’s NOT about penis envy. It’s not. It’s NOT!!!!