Mailvox: undeleted

Datadave harbors suspicions:

Note, count of responses in this blog goes down and not up at times.. are “posts” being deleted or what?

While I can and will delete any post that I choose, I seldom do so and have not done deleted anything for weeks. Haloscan only counts the last X – around 200, I think – number of posts, so while all the posts on a recent thread are still there, the number at the bottom is totally unreliable after a certain point.

And DD, I must point out that while I admire your willingness to dive right in, you are completely incorrect about the European economies and social services. Se non ha abitato li per piu di cinque anni e non e’ un esperto, raccomando che tiene il suo silenzio alle queste cose in favore di imparando da chi che sanno la realita’. Vielleicht ich kann nicht uber alles sprechen, aber ich habe fur viele Jahre auf Italien und der Schweiz gelebt, und es ist einfach nicht wie Sie glauben.
