A senior NHS doctor in the UK had his license to practice medicine removed for “scaremongering”, or to put it more accurately, telling people the truth about the fake Covid-19 “vaccine” and the evil pharmaceutical corporations:
A senior NHS doctor who raised concerns about the safety of Covid vaccines has been struck off the medical register for misconduct after a tribunal described his comments as ‘scaremongering’. A hearing in Manchester concluded that Daniel Armstrong, a 35-year-old consultant psychiatrist, had undermined public health information and confidence in the medical profession after branding pharmaceutical companies ‘evil’.
The decision comes after concerns were raised about a film Armstrong, who was based at based at Northumbria specialist emergency care hospital in Cramlington, published on BitChute. In the footage the consultant identified himself as a doctor before questioning the safety and effectiveness of Covid vaccines, which he claimed were at the heart of a grand deception.
“I am using my doctor title, my registration under the GMC in the UK, to bring you this message about what the truth is, but also highlight the deception,’ Armstrong said in a near two-hour video entitled Navigating the Truth-Deception Reality. ‘We are being lied to on a cosmic scale, a global scale, and there is a huge agenda why they are lying to us. In essence, you know that you were lied to. Whether you took the jab or not, they lied to us all. They said it was safe and effective, and they couldn’t have known whether it was safe or effective. They couldn’t have known after three months. My message is clear to everyone: don’t take any more. You’ve a doctor here, he’s got his licence on the line – given it up. Don’t take any more of the injections. These guys are evil.”
It’s more than a bit late for this sort of thing, considering that others who were disemployed due to their opposition to the vaxx are already being compensated with millions in damages. I would bet that within five years, and quite possibly within two, this doctor is not only going to be reinstated, but is going to be handsomely compensated for his dedication to the truth, unlike the overwhelming majority of his less-courageous colleagues who had to know better, but kept their mouths shut to the detriment of their patients.