Weekly Meme Review 19

After a long hiatus, there were some excellent memes. I think this was the highest average ratings I’ve ever given out in a meme review. Not only are people beginning to demonstrate a grasp of the art of visual rhetoric, but they’re starting to utilize the AI systems to produce more attractive and more specific art. That being said, the clear-cut winner was about as artistically simple as a meme can be. It’s a meme that is brutally powerful, and capable of cutting cleanly through decades of relentless propaganda. 10/10

There were two other tens, which you can see if you watch the meme review on UATV. But this one has to be shown here given its timely and amusing relevance, in which Dragonball Z encounters an unbelievably high creepiness level. In fact, this meme has the honor of being the first post in the brand new Homage to the Master subreddit, r/neilgaimanmemes. We’ll probably need three moderators in the Europe, US, and Asian time zones since it’s open to the public and I won’t have time for riding herd on the inevitable SJW infestation, so if you’re interested, let me know on SG as well as which time zone you’re in. An ability to produce memes of your own is a plus, but not a necessity. You will, however, have to create a Reddit account. VFM, this one’s optional, but encouraged, particularly for those who are skilled in the dark arts of visual rhetoric.