Mailvox: Alpha Marriage

A man, presumably Delta or less, asked what he thought was a rhetorical question while erroneously assuming that he knew the answer.

Should the delta guy marry a woman who ran through alphas in college?

Yes. Of course. How clueless, how astonishingly ignorant, does a man have to be to not realize that all the alphas themselves uniformly marry women “who ran through alphas in college”. That has never, ever, been a dealbreaker for any Alpha who isn’t concerned about the unquestionable legitimacy of the heir to his throne.

Do these cretins really believe that Mick Jagger or Tom Brady or [fill-in-the-alpha-here] are marrying pure and virtuous virgin girls? Has anyone even heard of the Alpha CEO who prefers trad girls in long homespun dresses to femme fatales like Melania Trump? Do the rock stars marry sweet milkmaids and shepherds or models and video vamps?

The difference is that the alphas aren’t afraid to marry women with a statistically average amount of experience. To them, that experience is a rounding error by comparison, so it doesn’t even enter into their mind to be concerned about it. Meanwhile, the Deltas and Gammas are all terrified and insecure at the thought of a woman who will make a perfectly reasonable marriage risk.

The statistics are clear. There are three categories of divorce risk based on female sexual history.

  • Low: 0-1
  • Average: 2-14
  • High: 15+

Now, I’m not saying that Average risk is better than Low risk, I’m simply pointing out that Average is not High and most Average-risk first marriages will not end in divorce.