French Government Isn’t Vaccinated

Isn’t that just a tremendous surprise…

« Je me suis fait vacciner car je ne voulais laisser le sentiment que je n’accomplissais mon travail en tant que député. Je ne savais pas qu’Emmanuel Macron n’était pas vacciné ainsi que la plupart des membres du gouvernement. Et je ne savais pas qu’un nombre important de mes collègues ne l’était pas non plus. Et lorsque j’ai dis que j’étais malade après la vaccination lors de la campagne électorale, personne ne m’a écouté et on a voulu me faire taire. »

La bombe de Jean Lassalle, 10 October 2022


“I got vaccinated because I didn’t want to leave the feeling that I was not doing my job as a deputy. I didn’t know that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated and neither were most members of the government. And I did not know that a significant number of my colleagues were not vaccinated either. And when I said that I was sick after the vaccination during the election campaign, nobody listened to me and they wanted to silence me.”

Somehow, I doubt it’s only the French government officials who weren’t vaccinated.

UPDATE: In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. “Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie.