Three Million Views

On April 28, 2021, Arkhaven Comics announced Arktoons, an independent comics site. Arktoons launched with four episodes of the initial 17 series scheduled for the first week. Less than six months later, 881 episodes of 50 series have been published, with between four and seven new episodes appearing every day, and the site has recorded its three-millionth view.


Arktoons still has a long way to go to become the #1 comics site. It presently has 79 percent of the DC Infinite Universe traffic, 10.5 percent of the Tapas traffic and 1.1 percent of the Webtoons readership. But that is infinitely more than it had six months ago, and it already has 78.5 percent MORE traffic than Marvel HQ. And new series are coming regularly from various independent creators, in addition to upcoming Arkhaven series such as: WITCHSTALKER, RED HORNET, MIDNIGHT’S WAR: NIGHT STREETS, and HOW TO SUCCEED LIKE A DARK LORD.

Thanks very much to the dev team, the production team, the writers, the illustrators, the colorists, and the letterers, whose hard and persistent work has been the solid foundation upon which Arktoons has been built. Special thanks to our partners including Superprumo, Rislandia, and all the other independent creators. And much appreciation for the Arktoons subscribers, Arkhaven backers, and Patreon patrons whose support has made the entire project not only possible, but viable.