Portrait of a ticket-taker

Not that you were ever in any doubt about Tony Fauci. It probably would have looked a little too suspicious if he had simply won the lottery after buying a ticket “as a joke”.

As they say, work hard and you may win an award.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s top celebrity disease official, was just awarded a $1 million prize called the Dan David Prize. Fauci won this award — one no one ever heard of but is now deemed prestigious — for not only “defending science” but also for “speaking truth to power.”

“Fauci is the consummate model of leadership and impact in public health,” the awards committee said while giving Fauci $1 million. Well, there you have it, you too can be a Dan David winner if you master, to use Fauci’s word, guesstimating.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic unraveled, Fauci leveraged his considerable communication skills to address people gripped by fear and anxiety and worked relentlessly to inform individuals in the United States and elsewhere about the public health measures essential for containing the pandemic’s spread,” the committee goes on. “In addition, he has been widely praised for his courage in speaking truth to power in a highly charged political environment.”

Translation: Good doggy. Here’s a bone. Don’t worry, we only mentioned the videos to make sure you stayed on script.