A charade of success

AC highlights the fake success of the ticket-taking gatekeeper, Ben Shapiro:

At 17, Shapiro was the youngest syndicated columnist in the country, and was writing his first book. Nobody was going to listen to you at 17, let alone pay you to write stuff about politics. Any editor would have ignored you if you sought this out, even if you were a genius. His Infogalactic page shows nine books he has written, but not a one of you, autistic political fans, can even name one. Nobody bought them, but I will bet he took home millions, supposedly from the paltry slice a publisher offers an author. He founded the Daily Wire, which has 102 employees, and has $20 million revenue per year. I can’t even pay Lembro and Farce in popcorn. 

Understand, this is all illusion. Everything he has was laid on him from above, Epstein-style. I can recommend a product here in my main text, and my honest slice of the profit from the few, if any units sold from that, shunted to me for the endorsement, would not pay my hosting, even if multiplied up by the fake traffic numbers they give him with bots hitting his site. Almost everything you buy is habit. You know what you like, and you buy what you have always bought. Very, very rarely does somebody catch your attention,  on a little picture on the sidebar of a website of all things, show you something new, and convince you to go out and buy it. Advertising is a meme, but it is the best reason they could come up with for why people writing shit for free, who you only know because they are spammed everywhere by paid shills, would end up multimillionaires. It is a nice gig, I’m sure, so long as you don’t mind abandoning your kind, maybe getting killed at some point because it suits the narrative, and probably not getting to see your dogs in the afterlife.

He’s right. It takes a manufactured name brand and over 100 paid employees to produce 4x more traffic than this site, which has zero employees and zero advertising revenue. Internet advertising is, like political book sales, simply another means of funnelling money to those who do what their evil promethean masters tell them to do.

Note that neither AC nor I are even remotely bitter about Shapiro’s fake success. To the contrary, we are both contemptuous of it. If the whole world isn’t worth the price of your soul, then selling it for a little money, a little fame, a radio show, and your name on a few forgettable books is a dreadful bargain.