Evil in plain sight

Netherflix promises to do a better job of hiding the pedo in the future:

Netflix apologized on Thursday for a movie poster it released depicting several pre-teen girls in sexually suggestive poses, claiming the promotion was not “representative” of the film.

The movie streaming movie platform received significant backlash on social mediaTuesday and Wednesday – after copies of the poster circulated. In it, four young girls are shown in crop tops and boy shorts. One girl is bending over, while another is squatting with her legs spread.

In a statement, Netflix said it was “deeply sorry” for the “inappropriate artwork” it used to promote the movie, a French film that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. “It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film,” Netflix said. “We’ve now updated the pictures and description.”

The company, on its streaming service, originally described the film as one in which the protagonist, 11-year-old Amy, “becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew.”

Twerking is a form of highly sexualized dancing originally popularized in the 1980s.

In the revised description, Netflix states that Amy in the film “starts to rebel against her conservative family’s traditions when she becomes fascinated with a free-spirited dance crew.”

Oh, great, so the pictures and the description have been updated. That changes everything! Carry on, gentlemen….

Meanwhile, over at the Hellmouth, Devil Mouse executives expressed their fiendish amusement at the clumsiness of the new guys. “You don’t rub all that overt pedo-propaganda right in their faces,” said Maury Baalstein, Executive Vice-President of Surreptitious Sexuality. “The whole point is to slide it all right past the parents, so they don’t even realize what you’re doing or how you’re warping their children’s minds.”

“Look at Monsters Inc,” added David Belphegorian, Senior Assistant Executive Vice-President of Rituals and Programming. “Pixar put out a whole freaking movie series about abusing children and everyone thinks it’s just a cute, furry inversion of the monster-under-the-bed theme. That’s not going to fly if you show the little kids being felt up by creepy adults or chained upside-down in a pentagram being sacrificed to Our Infernal Master right on the movie poster!”

“For example, parents all think “prom” in Prom Queen means the high school prom, right? Wrong! See, it’s actually an anagram for Perennial Ritual Offering Maiden,” Belphegorian explained, before beginning to twitch, drool, and express his excitement in a wildly inappropriate manner at the idea of an annual virgin sacrifice at the local public school. “I can tell you we’ve never been faster to approve a pitch!”

If you’re subscribed to Netherflix or the Devil Mouse, you really need to stop and think about what side you’re actually on.