If you don’t want to catch Covid-19, stay out of the hospitals and doctor’s offices:
This virus is not being spread the way we’re told.
Social distancing is close to worthless.
NY’s data makes this quite clear. So does Florida’s.
Both slammed the door; SE Florida and NYC.
The bend should be evident in one viral generation time. The new case rate should collapse in two viral generation times. If Community Transmission via bars, restaurants and “social interaction” was more than 2/3rds of the total the effective R0 would go under 1.0 and community transmission would collapse. If it was half then R0 would be 1.5 and we’d have transmission approximately equal to a bad seasonal flu.
IF you actually bent the curve.
These measures did not bend it to any material degree. Enough time has passed to know this is true; at most they have lengthened a “turn time” by one day (in other words, R3.0 to R2.5.) That’s effectively nothing!
Why not?
It’s being spread in the medical environment — specifically, in the hospitals — not, in the main, on the beach or in the bar.
When Singapore and South Korea figured out that if as a medical provider you wash your damn hands before and after, without exception, every potential contact with an infected person or surface even if you didn’t have a mask on for 30 minutes during casual conversations with others (e.g. neither of you is hacking) transmission to and between their medical providers stopped.
Note — even if you didn’t have a mask on and were not social distancing in the work environment, which of course is impossible if you’re working with others in a hospital, you didn’t get infected.
And guess what immediately happened after that? Their national case rate stabilized and fell.
The hypothesis that fits the facts is that a material part of transmission is actually happening in the hospital with the medical providers spreading it through the community both directly and indirectly.
Keep in mind that this was posted by Denninger back in March. And now, the death rate in Singapore is one in 1,896 cases, compared to one in 29 cases in the USA and one in 25 worldwide.