More sickness from the Hellmouth

I always wondered why a musical mediocrity like John Legend and a talentless 6 with implants like “supermodel” Chrissy Teigen would be relentlessly pushed as the height of pop cultural stardom. The news that Teigen was a frequent flyer on the Epstein Express pretty much suffices to explain the conundrum:

Supermodel and outspoken liberal activist Chrissy Teigen is under a big cloud of suspicion after deleting 60,000 tweets. Why would John Legend’s wife abruptly scrub her Twitter account? Because online conspiracy theorists claim Teigen is listed on Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. But her sudden mass deletion of tweets is now causing her even more problems.

The tweets are bad. Very bad, to the point that they would almost certainly end the career of any male celebrity. Whether it will be sufficient to cancel a female celebrity is not yet known.