Is Spielberg next?

Now that Weinstein has been convicted, it appears the #MeToo movement has another major Hollywood figure in its sights. CDAN offers a possible explanation for why Spielberg suddenly and unexpectedly bailed on the latest Indiana Jones movie:

This permanent A+ list mostly movie director is bailing on a project because of news he is trying to keep under wraps. Apparently there are recordings of him interviewing young child actors and asking them wholly inappropriate questions. The recordings are from about two decades ago and are from either one or two movies filmed at around the same time. He was only the director on one of them but helped cast both. 

Yet God hath placed by the side of each a man’s own Guardian Spirit, who is charged to watch over him—a Guardian who sleeps not nor is deceived…. So when you have shut the doors and made a darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone; for you are not alone, but God is within, and your Guardian Spirit, and what light do they need to behold what you do?