A military genius warns of what will happen if the Deep State gets its way:
As I have said many times, Fourth Generation war is at root a contest for legitimacy. On one side is the state. On the other is a vast array of alternate primary loyalties: religion, race, tribe, gang, and locality, among others. Around the world, the contest is going poorly for the state as a growing number of people shift their primary loyalty to one of the many alternatives, for which they are willing to fight.
Washington does not perceive it, absorbed as it is in its own struggles for power and money, but the same contest is going on in this country. So far, to our great benefit, it has remained on the peripheries. Urban police know they are confronting it in the form of ethnically-based gangs, which are illegal business enterprises that fight. But the mass of the American people appear still loyal to the state.
The appearance is, I think, deceptive. On both the Left and the Right, doubts about the legitimacy of the federal government are growing. Mostly, the doubts are about the legitimacy of the current President, although polls show public perception of Congress is also strongly negative. There is no question many on the Left regard President Trump as illegitimate. Should a hard-Left figure such as Warren win in 2020, the Right will doubt her legitimacy. But considering the current President illegitimate is different from thinking the state itself has lost its legitimacy.
Impeachment could change that. President Trump’s supporters regard his election as proof their voices can be heard, that their interests will be considered in Washington. They know that to virtually all Democrats and some Republicans, they are “unpersons”. Why? Because they are White, male, or non-feminist female, straight, and mostly Christian. They are also struggling economically, which means they are not contributors to politicians’ campaigns. The coastal elites dismiss them as rubes and hicks inhabiting “flyover land”. The Democratic Party, which has embraced the ideology of cultural Marxism, considers them all inherently evil “oppressors” fit only to kiss the feet of blacks, immigrants, gays, feminists, etc., PC’s sainted “victims” groups.
Again, should a Warren win in 2020, President Trump’s supporters will not consider her (or him) a legitimate President. But if the unholy alliance between Democrats and the Deep State succeeds in driving President Trump from office through impeachment or some other means, that will be a very different story. At that point, the message to President Trump’s supporters will be, “Your votes don’t matter, because even if you elect a President, we will drive him from office and reduce you to a silent serfdom. You and your views are entitled to no representation. You are and will remain ‘unpersons.’”
At that point, in the vast electoral sea that is red America, the legitimacy of the system itself, i.e., the state, will be brought into serious question. And when that happens, the chance of Fourth Generation war here on a large scale will rise dramatically. When you tell people they cannot achieve representation through ballots, they start to think about doing it with bullets.
The Deep State is playing an incredibly dangerous game here and has been for some time. The thing is, no matter how it turns out, they are not going to win. Messrs. Van Creveld and Lind seldom see eye to eye politically, so when they are both seeing the same danger on the horizon, it behooves one to pay very close attention.