Who broke Jordan Peterson?

He’s actually breaking down and crying in interviews because he’s out of meth someone tweeted mean things at him.

I’ve enjoyed his work, but Jordan Peterson is lost. He had a horrific mental break during his recent interview with Rex Murphy where he literally cries about getting mean tweets. 

Here is the transcript:

You were asking about courage earlier, you know, um, one of the things that I have watched quite frequently is the way people respond to being mobbed on Twitter.


You know, I’ve almost stopped looking at Twitter. It’s been about three months that I’ve taken a Twitter hiatus, let’s say. I still post… I don’t even have my password anymore. I send what I want to post to a third party and they post it because it keeps me out of

An antiseptic distance.

That’s right. Exactly. And that’s exactly the right way of thinking about it. You know, people, civilized people, and I mean that civilized, social people cannot tolerate being mobbed. Because there’s a reason for that, you see. You said, with regards to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, if there’s 16 people on one side and one on the other, you might be thinking that the 16 people are right.

More or less.

Right, right! But you think of the situation where you said something on Twitter and a thousand people mob you. Publicly! Your first response, if you’re… your first response is going to be to examine your own conscience and see how you transgressed. It’s not really much different psychologically… I mean it’s lesser… it’s not that much different than waking up one morning, coming to your door, and finding a mob of your neighbors angrily aggregated on your lawn! It’s a terrible shock for people. It really hurts them! They’re often, often, by all accounts, damaged for lengthy periods of time by this.  And their first impulse is to apologize, which is truly the wrong thing to do!

It is.

Well, the right thing to do is to understand that if you haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t apologize. Now that’s very difficult. Very difficult. And to wait. If you wait two weeks, people will come to your defense.

Yeah, they will.

But it takes two weeks for them to get their act together, whereas it takes the activists, who are unbelievably organized, fifteen seconds to mob.

This guy is such a drugged-out emotional train wreck, it’s almost not even funny anymore. Almost. Not that he doesn’t deserve every single bit of criticism and mockery he receives, because he merits it on the basis of being a complete charlatan who should never have posed as any sort of lifestyle philosopher for young men. He’s now quite obviously the frail and weepy shadow of the towering intellectual figure he pretended to be.

And remember, this is the very same man who claimed community doesn’t matter, family doesn’t matter, and every man should stand on his own, by himself, and without any allegiance to a group identity, because group identities are “pathological”. Now he’s literally crying in public because others don’t come to his defense soon enough when he’s legitimately attacked for his charlatanry.

What a pathological liar. What an utter freaking fraud. And, of course, he gets it absolutely wrong, as Captain America explains the correct way to address a howling, wrongheaded mob.