He reflects back to the insufficiently aware precisely what they want to see:
You can pretty safely judge someone’s politics from his attitude toward Jordan Peterson. We on the right listen to see if he makes sense. That’s because our attitudes are shaped by reality. Leftists, unimpressed by reality and anticipating something they don’t like, shout him down. Media interviewers stumble over their own assumptions, struggle with their biases, and leap to conclusions rather than grasp that the world is complex and simplistic answers just don’t cut it. As a result, they regularly end up looking shallow, uninformed and foolish.
Clearly this gentleman of the Right has not listened closely enough to Jordan Peterson or he would realize that Mr. 12 Rules for Meth does not make anything that even remotely approximates sense. Not that his Christian fans have noticed that he’s not on their side.
In a joyful ceremony, Christian leaders gathered to grant Jordan Peterson the status of honorary Christian. Though the Canadian professor has never identified as a Christian and does not attend any church, a vote was taken and the decision was made unanimously that Peterson had earned his salvation and could be drafted into heaven by popular vote.