Gamma strategery

Micah Sample
22 hours ago
@Darkstream by Vox Day , you’re welcome to come on and debate us— unless you’re too much of a coward.


Darkstream by Vox Day
Darkstream by Vox Day
8 hours ago
I’ll be pleased to debate you after Jordan Peterson debates me. And, come to think of it, I’m still waiting for Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh to follow through on their debate challenges that I accepted.

Micah Sample
Micah Sample
8 hours ago
Darkstream by Vox Day , Dr. Peterson probably doesn’t want to waste his time arguing against someone who doesn’t have any properly logical arguments to begin with. You resort to ad hominem too much. But I hope he does— and I hope he leaves you at least partially intact, so I can have my fun.

Darkstream by Vox Day
Darkstream by Vox Day
1 second ago
@Micah Sample Jordan Peterson wastes a lot more time trying to surreptitiously respond to the arguments in the book in this tweets, on Dave Rubin’s show, and on Joe Rogan’s show. He will never debate me because he knows I will expose his charlatanry and relative ignorance on a wide range of subjects, as you would know if you simply read the book you tried to critique without reading. The idea that Peterson’s incoherent arguments are logical and mine are not is not merely wrong, it’s ludicrous. Nor do I resort to ad hominem at all. First, I point out the relevant facts and logic. I separately point out that the person who made the false argument was dishonest, crazy, stupid, whatever. Jordan Peterson’s assertions and arguments are not wrong because he is a deceitful, mentally ill charlatan; that would be the genetic fallacy. His various assertions and arguments are wrong for many different reasons, including ignorance, incorrect citations, improper logic, statistical ineptitude, and simple incoherence. The observable fact that Jordan Peterson is a habitually deceitful, mentally ill charlatan may happen to explain why he so frequently produces incorrect arguments, but it is not argumentum ad hominem to make the observation.