Mailvox: the fearless and the feckless

On the courage of Jordan Peterson:

In the spring of 2017, Jordan Peterson made some videos talking about how impressed he was with Milo. How Milo is the “unstoppable court jester.” How “bold” and “fearless” Milo is. He said this with passion, and I thought it was actually pretty interesting. But then fast forward a year and Jordan Peterson is sitting in Aspen Colorado with some phony journalist from the New York Times. She asserts out of the blue that Milo is a “racist.” What does Jordan Peterson do? He sits there and nods and acts like he agrees. Then he insists that he is not a “fan” of Milo’s and tries to pretend like he doesn’t know who Milo is. The whole thing was a lie. Meanwhile, his whole talk involved the importance of not telling little lies.

It’s really rather impressive how relentlessly hypocritical Jordan Peterson is. As I’ve observed previously, if you don’t like something he says, just wait five minutes and he’ll say something that completely contradicts it.

I have a new favorite quote from the wisdom of Jordan Peterson:

Falsehoods have consequences. That’s what makes them false.