Alpha Game lives

Longtime reader Lee Jackson has agreed to keep Alpha Game running. He’ll be focusing more on Game as it relates to society and he put up his first post there today. It’s a good one, and highly relevant this Christmas season.

Birthday parties and cake-smeared faces. Bath time. Halloween candy pig-outs.

On social media you’ll see any number of posts featuring friends showing off their cute (and often not-so-cute) children. We’ve seen YouTubers with massive vlogs where their children’s daily lives are exposed for the entirety of the world to see.

Vox has of course warned against doing this, though many still fall prey to the temptation to show off our families. It’s natural to take pride in our kids, but frankly, it’s stupid to put their lives on the internet.

And not just because of predators and perverts.

I could not agree more. Keep your kids, pictures of your kids, and stories of your kids OFF THE INTERNET. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children in today’s world is a clean slate as an adult.

Allow them to publicly define themselves as something other than an adjunctory decoration to your life.