Andrew Klavan points out the irony of Democrats complaining that Republicans are now utilizing their tactics:
As Roy Moore’s troubles were just getting underway, leftist CNN commentator Van Jones made what has to be one of the least self-aware and yet most revealing comments of the Trumpian Age. Targeting Breitbart firebrand Steve Bannon, who had promoted Moore, Van Jones said, “Bannon is trying to create this sense of an aggrieved identity, frankly, of a white aggrieved identity group that’s under siege by everybody. And this is that in its worse form. So, you’re not supposed to vote as a father, you’re not supposed to vote as a woman. You’re supposed to vote as a member of this identity group against the world. And if that works, that is very, very bad for the Republican Party and it’s very, very bad for our country.”
This comes from the man — from the political party — from the philosophy — that has sold absolutely nothing but aggrieved identities for the last sixty years, ever since it became clear that actual leftist policies don’t work. Blacks, women, people who think they’re women, people who pretend to be black — whatever category you find yourself in, the left has preached that you should ignore the disaster of leftism and focus only on your sweet victimhood, voting your grievances even when it’s against your best interests.
In other words, Van Jones’ only real complaint against Bannon is that Bannon has sunk to the level of Van Jones!
Ignore the whining. And don’t punch back twice as hard. Punch first, and hit them where they’re not looking when they’re not expecting it.
Identity politics are now the rules of the game. Learn to play by them or lose.
Don’t worry about setting examples or troubling precedents. The examples and the precedents are set, whether you like them or not, and whether you approve of them or not. Who cares about accusations of hypocrisy? These days, the only difference between the hypocrite and the non-hypocrite is that the hypocrite has standards, even if they are chiefly acknowledged in the breach. That is vastly preferable to having no standards at all.
However, Klavan and other conservative commentators have got to get over their irrepressible desire to fix the Left and understand that they don’t get a vote. The point is not to prove to the Left that they are wrong and that they should stop what they are doing and behave more like we do. The point is to defeat them utterly, then eradicate their ideas from Western civilization before they manage to destroy it once and for all.