I’m still amazed by the naivete of those who supported Ted Cruz in the primary. How they could not see him for the wretched little creature that he is was astonishing. His cucking for the GOPe’s Fake News campaign against Roy Moore, on the other hand, doesn’t surprise me at all:
Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday withdrew his support from Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore, saying allegations of sexual misconduct should be looked at by prosecutors.
“As it stands, I can’t urge the people of Alabama to support a campaign in the face of these charges without serious, persuasive demonstration that the charges are not true,” the Texas Republican told reporters, according to a Texas Tribune reporter.
“Both last week and this week, there are serious charges of criminal conduct that if true, not only make him unfit to serve in the Senate but merit criminal prosecution,” he added.
Cruz joined a number of Republican senators distancing themselves from Moore. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday led several senators in calling for Moore to drop out of the race, and Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), the chairman of the Senate’s GOP campaign arm, said the chamber should expel Moore if he wins election in December.
I hope Texas voters remember what a treacherous little Fake American weasel Ted Cruz is when he is next up for re-election. I still remember one of the best quotes from the entire presidential campaign season: “I saw a video of a Buddhist monk self-immolate, and Ted Cruz still did it better.”