Hollywood values at NPR

Another one bites the dust. This time, it’s the Senior VP of News at National Public Radio:

NPR’s senior vice president for news, Michael Oreskes, has resigned following allegations of sexual harassment from several women.

The accounts of two women, first published by The Washington Post, describe Oreskes unexpectedly kissing them during meetings in the late 1990s, while he was Washington bureau chief for The New York Times. An NPR employee has also come forward publicly about harassment that allegedly occurred during a business meeting-turned-dinner in 2015.

“This morning I asked Mike Oreskes for his resignation because of inappropriate behavior,” NPR CEO Jarl Mohn wrote in an email to NPR staff on Wednesday. “I have received his resignation, effective immediately.”

One guess as to Mr. Oreskes ethno-religious identity. That’s right, another Eskimo. What an utterly astonishing coincidence!

Here is my explanation: the combination of low socio-sexual status and power over women is simply more than most gamma males can stand. Throw in the absence of Christian values putting the brakes on the temptations they face, and you’ve got the perfect storm for creating a serial sexual harassser, if not a full-blown sexual predator.

And I also suspect that what we’re seeing here is a defensive burn. They’re cutting loose the lesser villains in what we can hope is a futile attempt to protect the more serious ones.

UPDATE: Crazy Days and Nights discusses the possibility of an actor who may be Kevin Spacey cracking Epstein Island and the Lolita Express wide open:

Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn’t speak English. He didn’t want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn’t want any record. No record means the feds didn’t even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don’t know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.