For all their complaints about the cultural war, the conservative movement has repeatedly proven to be useless, totally useless, when it comes to fighting back against Hollywood, against the publishing industry, and against the entertainment media:
If conservative investors had any courage, this would be the time to make a hostile takeover of the movie business. Unfortunately, they don’t. I know this from bitter personal experience. Wealthy conservatives are delighted to support the Philharmonic, but when it comes to popular culture they turn away, as if afraid to get their hands dirty.
That this is a huge mistake should be obvious. They have abandoned the culture — and our children — to the creepiest people imaginable.
Consider this. In just twelve days, Alt★Hero managed to reach the top one percent of all kickstarted campaigns ever, and it did so on a platform so new that it doesn’t even have some of the most basic user interface features yet. Other than Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and Stefan Molyneux, how many of the conservative media figures who regularly lament the dire straits of culture and entertainment in America have bothered to even recognize its existence, much less recommend it to anyone?
Do you want to know why the Right is losing the culture wars? Because conservatives simply refuse to fight them. For all that they decry the French as cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the WWII-era French Army offered considerably more resistance after the Maginot Line was bypassed than the conservative movement does in the culture wars.