Alt★Hero: the novel

Thank you all so much for your remarkable support for the Alt★Hero campaign. I will announce the name of the co-author in an update to this post later today. I’m a little busy right now putting the final touches on a certain book that is going to be published on October 9th.

If you have ideas about new stretch goals or rewards, please feel free to suggest them in this thread. A number of people have already asked about the possibility of requesting a reward for the novel, either in ebook, print, or both.

As I mentioned in tonight’s Darkstream, we’re very pleased to announce that JON DEL ARROZ will be co-writing the first Alt★Hero novel with me, which will be published by Castalia House in ebook, audio, and paperback. He’s got a brand new science fiction novella out called Gravity of the Game, so if you want to see if he has what it takes in the literary sense, do go and see for yourself.