Sarah Hoyt points out how it is important to not give the police, or any authority, blanket approval for their actions, no matter what they are:
To imagine that when a sheep dog goes crazy and goes after a lamb, though, it was the lamb’s fault for looking particularly vulpine, is to give permission to tyranny.
In every tyranny in the world, the victims are blamed. Under communism you were often called crazy and sent to a madhouse instead of to prison, but it comes to the same. There was always a justification. “He caused panic by speaking against the government.”or “He was spreading despondency” or “He was really evil and one dayy when he chewed gum, he just threw the wrapper on the sidewalk.
Even in petty tyrannies like the SJWs, where you don’t lose your life, only your livelihood, people can be attacked for writing a respectful article about sf/f female writers and editors. But it’s okay, they had it coming. They used the word “ladies.”
Stay alert. Remember this. Do not let yourselves be manipulated into piling in on the side of tyrants because victims aren’t perfect.
No one is perfect. This is no justification for using disproportionate force against them.
It’s a good metaphor. The fact that sheep dogs are necessary doesn’t mean some of them aren’t crazy and need to be kept away from the sheep. And the fact that some sheep dogs are unfit for their occupation does not mean that wolves don’t exist, or that sheep dogs are unnecessary.